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Education Ministry officially rolls out ‘Let’s Teach VI’ initiative

-Subject Minister Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) says programme looking to re-imagine education in VI
Minister for Education, Honourable Sharie B. de Castro (AL) has officially announced the launch of the 'Let’s Teach VI' initiative, designed to support and train new, unskilled and inexperienced hires in the field of education. Photo: Facebook/File
Honourable de Castro said the initiative offers two pathways in teaching, namely a Teacher Trainee or a Teacher Recruit. Photo: GIS
Honourable de Castro said the initiative offers two pathways in teaching, namely a Teacher Trainee or a Teacher Recruit. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Minister for Education, Honourable Sharie B. de Castro (AL) has officially announced the launch of the 'Let’s Teach VI' initiative, designed to support and train new, unskilled and inexperienced hires in the field of education.

"‘The Let’s Teach VI’ initiative is a crucial step in building a pool of educators locally, as we continue to reimagine education in the Virgin Islands.  We are dedicated to attracting talented individuals who are passionate about teaching and making a positive impact on the lives of our students,” she said in a GIS release. 

Honourable de Castro said the initiative offers two pathways in teaching, namely a Teacher Trainee or a Teacher Recruit.

The Teacher Trainee Programme targets recent high school graduates by offering a direct pathway into the teaching profession through on-the-job training, mentorship and academic enrichment and the Teacher Recruit Programme is intended to attract college graduates from every academic major, occupation, and background into the teaching profession.

Trainees will be assigned with Sr teachers 

Trainee teachers will be assigned to a classroom to work alongside a senior teacher and both Teacher Trainees and Teacher Recruits will be enrolled at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College’s Institute of Education to become a qualified teacher.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Marcia E. Potter said interested persons must complete the application form to be considered for the programme.

“The Ministry of Education will review applications and inform individuals if they have progressed to the interview stage. Upon completion of the process, applicants will receive an update on the status of their application,” she said. 

Persons can regester for the programme at  or email or call 468-2757 for more information. 



14 Responses to “Education Ministry officially rolls out ‘Let’s Teach VI’ initiative”

  • action (08/07/2023, 12:19) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    This minister ah wuk
  • .. (08/07/2023, 13:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
  • HL (08/07/2023, 13:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I hope strict rules are in place to prevent students from having relationship with teachers. Happened before .
  • Concerned (08/07/2023, 13:38) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    You are recruiting people to work for this salary and under the present conditions that teachers work. Please minister, look into the salary of teachers with their masters whom you are not paying for their qualifications. Now you're going to ask them to work along teachers with no compensation. You all are just abusing teachers. More of them should leave the same way you and your sister had left. However, they are more committed. I pray for teachers in the BVI.
    • @Concerned (08/07/2023, 17:00) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      You need to SHUT UP!! No. 1 - Everyone who takes on a job knows what they are being paid! No. 2 - Isn’t their a salary revision currently going on for the Public Service? No. 3 - Where did you read that they are working along teachers without compensation? No. 4 - It is teachers like you who need to leave but unfortunately that isn’t happening. Teachers like you make it bad for the good teachers. You are a vampire to the system! You yourself are not committed. You are a complainer who wants to give 10% and get paid 100%. Do the system a favour and find another job. Thank God for the changes that Hon. De Castro is making in education in the Virgin Islands! Ah sick and tired.
      • @@concsrned (08/07/2023, 19:29) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        People like you like to get nothing for something. Teachers teach for the love of the children. So stop your nonsense. Unlike the minister and others they stay inspite of the circumstances and situations. You all people need to be real. How many teachers have not yet gotten their increments and as for the salary review, information is not forthcoming in a timely manner. Teachers need to be properly renumerated and treated better. You get out of here with your nonsense talk. Most teachers I know give more than 100% and the ministry knows that. They continue to buy their own tools for the classrooms, paint in addition to providing some of the needs for some of their students. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. And what changes exactly do you see? Start listing. Ask teachers and you'll hear the truth, not what people want you to see or a lot of talk.
        • @@@concerned (11/07/2023, 00:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Is the minister responsible for paying increments. You all work in a system that you don’t even know how it operates. Changes are happening in education so stop lying through your teeth! Ungratful set of people in this place and you all wonder why you don’t prosper!
  • Hmm (08/07/2023, 14:04) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    we also need after class lessons free of charge to help the kids who need extra help or who are slow learners, this should be in every district.
    • facts (10/07/2023, 14:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The problem is not the after-school classes, the problem is the students don't come and the parents are aware. Parents + teachers + students = success.
  • glorious (08/07/2023, 14:11) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I gave the VIP one vote and I’m glad it didn’t go to waste.
  • Hope for the Best. (08/07/2023, 15:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope they go to the primary schools with good principals, cause lawdy the problem sometimes is the deceitful conniving so called department heads and principals.. Especially in that Elmore stoutt high school big waste of regards for hardworking teachers just fun raising demanding demanding and give nothing in return to appreciate their teachers other than demote them, make them feel less of worthy, bad evaluations, and they dont stand up for their teacher just threaten them and obligate them to take on all the extra work with no reward. If you take them to the high school they wont last trust me!
  • Don’t be fooled (08/07/2023, 16:39) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Teaching in the VI offers very few opportunities for professional advancement. Salaries remain stagnant and unattractive. Madam Minister and fellow policy makers, you need to fix your business. The BVI is a very expensive place to live. No one is going to stay in this profession if it means that they will need to have two or thee jobs just to make ends meet. Nobility is not accepted as cash tender at the banks, utility companies or supermarkets. Put the money where your mouth is…….significantly increase the salaries.
    • @Dont be fooled (08/07/2023, 18:10) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      Since living in the BVI is very expensive, have you considered moving to somewhere that is less expensive? You all want to put your hats where your hand can’t reach it. You all want to be partying every weekend, buying name brand clothes, shoes bags and drive expensive cars and complaining about your salary. If you all get $250,000 a year it still ain’t going to be enough.

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