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Early morning STT Crash results in death of 36-year-old man

June 21st, 2024 | Tags:
On Sunday, June 16 at approximately 5:19 a.m., authorities were notified about a fatal accident involving a motorcycle on Alton Adams Drive, the V.I. Police Department has confirmed to the Consortium. Photo: VI CONSORTIUM

CHARLOTTE AMALIE, St. Thomas, USVI - On Sunday, June 16, 2024, at approximately 5:19 a.m., authorities were notified about a fatal accident involving a motorcycle on Alton Adams Drive, the V.I. Police Department has confirmed to the Consortium.

Upon arrival at the scene, officers observed a male, covered with a white sheet, lying lifeless on the westbound sidewalk near Orchid Boutique. The motorcycle, described as white and black with no tags, was found on Alton Adams Drive outside the Racetrack gas station exit, police said.

The driver was positively identified by next of kin as 36-year-old Jamal Todman. Preliminary investigations suggest that Todman was travelling eastward on Alton Adams Drive at the time of the accident.

The incident is currently under investigation, with authorities reviewing video surveillance from several businesses in the area to determine the circumstances leading to the fatal crash. Further details will be released as the investigation progresses.



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