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‘Early elections call has left a bad taste in many mouths’- Elford W. Parsons

- slams NDP for trying to discredit Hon J. Alvin Christopher & other Opposition district representatives
The People's Empowerment Party (PEP) officially launched the campaign of their Second District candidate Mr Elford W. Parsons at the Cane Garden Bay Park last evening, May 17, 2015. From left: PEP Chaplain Mr Glanville Penn, PEP Chairman Hon J. Alvin Christopher, PEP President Natalio D. Wheatley and Mr Parsons. Photo: VINO
Addressing the some 150 persons that turned up at his campaign launch at the Cane Garden Bay Park on Sunday May 17, 2015, Second District candidate on the People’s Empowerment Party (PEP) slate, Elford W. Parsons laid out several ideas he has for the Second District, including to boost tourism in areas like Brewer’s Bay and to empower youth through information technology, however, he said he wanted to be a representative that does what the people wants and said a ‘shared vision’ is what he intends to achieve for the Second District. Photo: VINO
Addressing the some 150 persons that turned up at his campaign launch at the Cane Garden Bay Park on Sunday May 17, 2015, Second District candidate on the People’s Empowerment Party (PEP) slate, Elford W. Parsons laid out several ideas he has for the Second District, including to boost tourism in areas like Brewer’s Bay and to empower youth through information technology, however, he said he wanted to be a representative that does what the people wants and said a ‘shared vision’ is what he intends to achieve for the Second District. Photo: VINO
Persons listening attentively to the plans of Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
Persons listening attentively to the plans of Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
A section of the audience at the Cane Garden Bay Park at the campaign launch of Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
A section of the audience at the Cane Garden Bay Park at the campaign launch of Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
Persons showing their gratitude for the some 20 years of service to the Second District and the territory by Hon J. Alvin Christopher who will now be contesting the June 8, 2015 General Election as a Territorial At Large candidate. Photo: VINO
Persons showing their gratitude for the some 20 years of service to the Second District and the territory by Hon J. Alvin Christopher who will now be contesting the June 8, 2015 General Election as a Territorial At Large candidate. Photo: VINO
Several persons also travelled from Jost Van Dyke to hear of the plans of Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
Several persons also travelled from Jost Van Dyke to hear of the plans of Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
'We pushing Parsons!' Hon J. Alvin Christopher and Mr Natalio D. Wheatley shaking to the catchy campaign jingle for Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
'We pushing Parsons!' Hon J. Alvin Christopher and Mr Natalio D. Wheatley shaking to the catchy campaign jingle for Mr Elford W. Parsons. Photo: VINO
CANE GARDEN BAY, Tortola, VI- Addressing some 150 persons that turned up at his campaign launch at the Cane Garden Bay Park on Sunday May 17, 2015, Second District candidate on the People’s Empowerment Party (PEP) slate, Elford W. Parsons laid out several ideas he has for the Second District, including to boost tourism in areas like Brewer’s Bay and to empower youth through information technology, however, he said he wanted a 'shared vision' for the district as he wants to do what the people wants.

Mr Parsons, who was more intent on sharing some of his ideas to the public rather than taking up much time hammering the already embattled National Democratic Party (NDP) government, however, expressed his disappointment with the snap elections called and what he said was the ruling party’s seemingly ‘well-orchestrated plan’ to tie the hands of the Opposition District Representatives and then try to discredit them in election season so they could control all of the seats in the House of Assembly.

Mr Parsons said the abrupt and early dissolution of the House of Assembly has left a bad taste in many mouths, and while nothing is legally wrong with the way it was dissolved many have indicated that they feel cheated because the time given to get to know the team of persons who will lead them over the next four years and hopefully beyond is woefully inadequate.

“This being the case, I am glad for the opportunities I have had to have been able to meet with many of you in small groups and individually and very importantly, this gathering here tonight. Over the next couple of weeks I know that those of you who do not currently know me, will get an opportunity to do so well enough to give you the confidence to elect me to serve you for the next four years.”

The Second District candidate added, however, that the time has come for the territory to fix the date on which elections are held every 4 years. “This gives the ability to properly plan our lives around this extremely important national milestone. I am of the view that the suspense and drama associated with setting a date for elections, is really not necessary in this 21st Century. The electorate must be given the opportunity to hear what the candidates have in mind as they present themselves for leadership roles within the territory.”

The plan to discredit Hon J. Alvin Christopher

Mr Parsons said he was humbled and honoured to have been identified by Hon J. Alvin Christopher, who he described as a great man who has accomplished much not just for the Second District but for the Virgin Islands as a whole, to contest the seat for the next House of Assembly as a Second Electoral District Candidate.

“Like you…I hurt because we elected 13 persons to represent us in the House of Assembly and was promised that ‘no district would be left behind’. The question is therefore asked, based on that promise, how far have we gotten in the Second District? Sadly, my answer would have to be we have been the victims of a well-orchestrated plot to discredit and marginalise our representative and to ensure that he was unable to deliver nothing to the people of the Second District. Furthermore, other district representatives who were not members on the government side, reported similar problems.”

Vision for Second District

There were several persons that travelled from Jost Van Dyke to hear the plans of Mr Parsons, and among the plans revealed to them was the paving of the hillside roads above White Bay and Great Harbour, which he said would be done in collaboration with the utility companies so that the roads would not have to be dug up after paving. A separate dock for barges was also proposed

He also pledged his full support for any activity that results in maintaining the natural beauty of the island. “Please do not spoil it. I stand ready to provide support for the development of amenities such as nature trails and botanical gardens. While I am not discouraging development I am suggesting that development be carefully planned to maintain the natural beauty of the island.”

As for Cane Garden Bay, Mr Parsons said the sewage treatment system needs reviewing while several homes need to be connected to the system. “The issue of the outfall from the sewerage treatment plant also needs reviewing. The reality is my friends, if we are not careful this beach that we have loved all our lives and has become so vital to the tourism product of this territory can and will suffer irreparable damage if the sewerage outfall into the bay is not addressed. I am told that the corals are already starting to disappear.”

Turning to Brewer’s Bay, Mr Parsons proposed public restroom facilities and an adequate supply of potable water. He also said the restoration of the old sugar works on the bayside and the Mount Healthy windmill along with some of the other ruins would give visitors yet another good reason to visit Brewer’s Bay. “The potential to operate concessions at the restored sites provide yet another good opportunity to diversify our tourism product.”

The Second District candidate proposed developmental ideas for most of the communities in the district and to the communities along the hillside, such as Meyers, Soldiers Hill, Chalwell and Harrigan, Mr Parsons said there are opportunities for commercial activity along this corridor.

“Hundreds of visitors pass here daily on their way to or from the beaches, so small business can be started here. I encourage this and will support any young entrepreneur willing to make the transition from being an employee to that of an employer.”

Mitch’s ‘culture of disrespect’ switch

While Mr Parsons had little to say about his opposing National Democratic Party candidate Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, the other members of the PEP, were not shy to let their thoughts fly on how they felt about him and his recent utterances about Hon Christopher.

President of PEP, Mr Natalio D Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru said Mr Turnbull was disrespectful in saying that Hon Christopher has done nothing for the district and suggesting that he was ‘dead weight’.

Mr Wheatley also said he went to school with Mr Turnbull and they are good friends but he never knew Mr Turnbull to be a disrespectful person and suggested that the young man has already been contaminated with the NDP’s ‘culture of disrespect’.

He said Mr Turnbull never even cared to thank Hon Christopher for his 20 years of service to the district and the territory and that Hon Christopher has a record that is incomparable.

Mr Wheatley also suggested that with Mr Turnbull insulting Hon Christopher he was also insulting the electorate in suggesting that they were “stupid” to be re-electing him over the years.

32 Responses to “‘Early elections call has left a bad taste in many mouths’- Elford W. Parsons”

  • .... (18/05/2015, 08:43) Like (38) Dislike (15) Reply
    I made the switch back to elford
  • Vision (18/05/2015, 09:04) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good for you
  • JACK BE STILL (18/05/2015, 09:07) Like (32) Dislike (28) Reply
    anyone but Mitch and the wicked Corrupt NDP
  • onlooker (18/05/2015, 09:14) Like (36) Dislike (14) Reply
    sick of hearing about early elections. Sick of hearing about snap elections...I want to hear about plans for the young people of this territory and the wider BVI.. stop the gossiping, hear-say, back biting and looking at each other faults..I want to hear about strategies and a way to move this place forward.
  • Meyers (18/05/2015, 09:15) Like (26) Dislike (6) Reply
    Identify the issues then propose the solutions, whilst offering ways to improve our existing product..... I like your approach wishing you the best.

    We Pushing Parsons!!
  • shaw (18/05/2015, 09:18) Like (44) Dislike (9) Reply
    I am impressed that PEP is sticking to the issues, has ideas and does not engage in bad-mouthing. I hope the chambers ends up with a variety of ministers for good debate and compromise for a better BVI.
    I am disappointed that Mr. Turnbull and Mz Smith would defect to NDP when their initital arguments were in another direction. Doesn't make the trustworthy to me.
  • lmao (18/05/2015, 09:19) Like (19) Dislike (60) Reply
    Sowande is a ranting lunatic and Elford just doesn't cut it. PEP = PPA, after elections you won't hear from them again. Sowande needs to stick to being a lecturer.
    • !*!*! (18/05/2015, 09:36) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
      "Elford just doesn't cut it." That's the best you can do? Come better than that.
    • claude (19/05/2015, 13:40) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      When I was a ranting lunatic last election it wasn't so bad
  • Valley Political Analyst (18/05/2015, 09:20) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
    From my view, that's a very good crowd out listening. June 8, try hurry come!
  • Voter Too (18/05/2015, 09:24) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    I said it needs a coalition government in the BVI and thing will definitely work for the good of all. I do believe that one party not gonna get all candidates elected as slated and for the outcome I feel they should all collaborate and form a united front to take the BVI forward and it will sure help to stabilize the many indifferences, the inaccountability, nepotism, etc that tend to occur with one party state. Please candidates do consider this pathway for the good of all and to bring back stability in this country.
  • Untrue (18/05/2015, 09:26) Like (26) Dislike (29) Reply
    Sowande tried to paint Mitch as disrespectful and not giving credit, even though at several meetings and one in Jost Van Dyke, Mitch stated that he has the utmost respect for Hon. Christopher, but feel as if recent he has neglected the district. Secondly, he falsely stated that he called the voters stupid, something to which he never did. all night they tried to discredit this young man calling him a "lil boy", respect goes both ways. I sticking wid "Mitch".
    • my view (18/05/2015, 11:10) Like (27) Dislike (5) Reply
      The fact is he did refer to Hon. Christopher as "a piece of thing" that was wrong by all accounts. However it's important to note that Parsons did not discredit, degrade, or mention mitch what so ever. He stated issues, give possible solutions, listed what he want's to address, and what he whats to enhance. That I can live with.
  • calling all methodist worshippers (18/05/2015, 10:52) Like (9) Dislike (14) Reply
    Elford need your votes and to show those baptist that methodist run things in the second district.
    • ABC (18/05/2015, 11:40) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      Excuse me!! God run things around here not Elford or Mitch.
      • agreed (18/05/2015, 19:43) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        It would have been so good if the All Star Tall drink of water knew that and stop using the name in vain.
    • TRUTH PLAYER (18/05/2015, 17:39) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      @calling all Methodist Worshipers.

      Clearly, you are a religious bigot! Such shallow, narrow thinking is nothing but fundamentalism.

      Truth of the matter is that religious bigots usually use bigotry for one of two reasons: Ignorance of the religious principles they claim to uphold or as a strategy to distract people from the real issue. Are you guilt of both? Don't even go saying that I am a Baptist. I am not and no supporter of Mr Turnbull.

      People such as yourself need reminding that the constitution of the BVI is not The Methodist Constitution it is supposed to be built on democratic principles.

      And, if you are such a devout Christian, your attitude is clearly contrary to Christian ideology. Please, although you would be surprised to know that you might be called a fundamentalist bigot, I must tell you, you are. In the words of Shakespeare "GO TO YOUR CLOSET AND PRAY" before you turn out to be a hard-core closeted bigot!!

      If you really, really want to support Parsons, you need to clearly say what both candidates have to promise the people of District 2.

      Mr Turnbull's candidacy should not depend on his being a Baptist, or Mr Parson's on being a Methodist or whatever religion.
      Get with it.It is the 21st century, wake-up. Stop the BS!
  • NDP heckler (18/05/2015, 10:55) Like (19) Dislike (10) Reply
    District 1, 2 and 3 were purposely stifled by the NDP so punish them for doing that on june 8th.
  • Bring back the Constitution (18/05/2015, 11:01) Like (17) Dislike (8) Reply
    What a love about last night rally in the Second district was the people who came out was people who can vote in the Second district I saw people for every village in the second district. Don’t mind they say is 150 people there. We push Parsons all the way. “Do not Be Shy give Parson a Try? "
    • oh (18/05/2015, 13:51) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      Half of them were there as Family to keep the peace but won't vote Elford. When the count comes in on 8th June, don't say I didn't say.
      • tretretrete (19/05/2015, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        The same can be said about the "supporters" of Mitch or any other representative... When they go to vote nobody but them and God know who they voted for...
  • west (18/05/2015, 11:22) Like (11) Dislike (10) Reply
  • ABC (18/05/2015, 11:38) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is gong to be an interesting election. Trust me, Many will fall by the way which will cause agendas to change and new alliances formed. This will result in a reduction in arrogance, corruption and personal agendas. I can't wait for 8th June to come.
  • chad (18/05/2015, 12:26) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Elford had a serious matured crowd.
  • uh hah! (18/05/2015, 12:32) Like (17) Dislike (8) Reply
    All the heavy hitters in the 2nd district look like they are behind Elford......... Foxy, Rudy, George Turnbull, Larry Adams, Style, Skip, Sylvia Adams, Rosalie Adams and the list goes on and on....It look like Mitch switch has been turned off.
  • Vigilant (18/05/2015, 13:16) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even PEP has more people than the VIP launch in Road Town on Saturday night.
  • Well Sah (18/05/2015, 14:23) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Rajah you next lol....we wanna hear from you
  • BREAKING NEWS (18/05/2015, 15:43) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Elford Parsons wins the 2nd District.
    Cane Garden Bay-News now reaching ZIN News is that PEP representative in the 2nd Electoral District Elford Parsons has won a seat in Third House of Assembly this evening winning NDP Mitch Turnbull by 54 votes and VIP Roger Smith by 67 votes. Parsons a newcomer to the area and will sit in the HoA. The votes count was as follows Elford W. Parsons 410 votes, Mitch Turnbull 374 votes, Roger Smith 353. Congratulations Hon. Elford Parsons.

    The Votes are in
    District 1
    Andrew Fahie-VIP 592
    Shaina Smith-NDP 282
    Preston Stoutt-IND 221

    District 2
    Elford Parsons-PEP 410
    Melvin Mitch Turnbull-NDP 374
    Roger Smith-VIP 353

    District 3
    Hon. Julian Frazer-VIP 712
    Kevin OJ Smith-NDP 457

    District 4
    Joan Roxy Romney-VIP 389
    Mark Vanterpool-NDP 583

    District 5
    Deloris Christopher-NDP 490
    Zoe Walcott-Mc Millan-VIP 607
    Abdul Shabazz-IND 19

    District 6
    Elvis Juggie Harrigan-VIP 623
    Alvera Maduro-Caines-NDP 312
    Dion Jennings-IND 122

    District 7
    Kedrick Pickering-NDP 518
    Olevine Pickering-Maynard VIP 509

    District 8
    Hon. Marlon Penn-NDP 653
    Mc Lloyd Walters-VIP 342

    District 9
    Elton All Out Spravue-VIP 719
    Dr. Hubert O'Neal-NDP 494

    At Large
    1. Dr. Karl Dawson-VIP 5, 923
    2. Hon. Myron Walwyn-NDP 5, 618
    3. Dr. Olando Smith-NDP 5, 118
    4. Sharie de Castro-VIP 4,998
    5. Irene Penn-O'Neal-VIP 4, 996
    6. Charmain Rosan-Bunbury 4, 989

    • @Breaking News (18/05/2015, 22:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Admin put this one in the archives I want to compare it with the real results when June 9th comes to see how close Breaking News prediction was to the real thing.
  • TRUTH PLAYER (18/05/2015, 17:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    So, according to your predictions, the VIP has 53.8%; NDP 38.5%; PEP 7.7% of the seats. Clearly, the VIP has more than half of the seats. Although you are close to my guess (hope), I think that you are wrong with respect to District 4 and At Large candidates.

    It is my guess that Ms. Romney will beat Mr Vanterpool in District 4, with Roxie getting at least 52% of the votes. I ask, what Mr Vanterpool has done for District 4 over the past 3 1/2 years. Ms Romney should know that, if elected, and fail to do right for her constituents, she will be held accountable.

    For at Large Candidates, my guess is that the top 3 might be Smith, Dawson and Penn; fourth in line is a toss-up.

    Don't count the Honourable Christopher out as yet. He is a long-distance runner, you should know! Another At Large candidate who should not be so easily dismissed is Honourable Christian, and he could be running neck-to-neck with any one of the top three I mentioned, for good reasons. Listen to what the man has to say as you should listen to all candidates.

    A lot is going to depend on the candidates and the voters themselves. Some candidates just can't past getting personal with another party or some member or members in another party, and some so call devout followers of a party will not be voting on the issues but from emotion.

    Let us wait and see. Both of us might get a rude awakening after the ballots are counted. But I want either one prediction to stand. I prefer the one I made, though.
  • jokers (18/05/2015, 19:28) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
  • NDP heckler (18/05/2015, 23:41) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Claude called Dancia an "empty kerosene pan"..Myron called Ralph an "emperor without clothes"..Mitch called Alvin a "piece ah thing"

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