‘Drunk & Driving?’ – Sistah Joyce among Passengers hurt in VG crash

Still shaken from the incident Ms Searles told this news site that all she can say is that she is thankful for life and happy that all the children involved in the accident are ok. One of the children in the vehicle is hers, she said.
She explained that she had hitched a ride to get home the night in question when at just a short distance pass the Catholic Community Centre a speeding vehicle crashed into them.
In the vehicle with Ms Searles were five persons and eyewitnesses said that from all observations the driver of the errant vehicle seemed to be in a drunken state. There were four people in the other vehicle, according to Searles. “People need to stop drinking because it could have been nine dead people, so I really thankful for life, but they need to stop drinking and driving,” she said.
“We had to swerve and he still hit us head on,” she explained. She said that they were very happy that no one was seriously injured but she had to head to Peebles Hospital this morning August 25, 2014 for examination and evaluation as she has been experiencing serious pains about her body.
She was loud in praise for the officers attached to the Fire Department in Virgin Gorda who she said arrived quickly on the scene to their rescue.

37 Responses to “‘Drunk & Driving?’ – Sistah Joyce among Passengers hurt in VG crash”
And people above don't read at all Green Rental 4 passengers. Ford Escape (sistah joyce's ride home) 5 passengers. That could have been 9 persons killed 6 of those being kids/teen.
God is good. All the time.