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Drunk drivers 'mostly violent & don't cooperate'- Sgt Leslie

- said laws being updated to include breathalysers
September 30th, 2021 | Tags: breathalysers alcohol Kishon Leslie Police Act violent laws
RVIPF Sergeant in the Road Policing Unit Kishon Leslie said when the use of breathalysers come into effect it will be a welcome relief. Photo: Facebook
Lawmakers will soon update legislation to include the use of breathalysers by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in the execution of their duties. Photo: Internet Source/File
Lawmakers will soon update legislation to include the use of breathalysers by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in the execution of their duties. Photo: Internet Source/File
Social Worker Mr Kenrico Wheatley, right, and Public Health Nutritionist Ms Patrice Maduro, second from left, were also on the Health Bytes Programme on September 29, 2021. Photo: Facebook
Social Worker Mr Kenrico Wheatley, right, and Public Health Nutritionist Ms Patrice Maduro, second from left, were also on the Health Bytes Programme on September 29, 2021. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Lawmakers will soon update legislation to include the use of breathalysers by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in the execution of their duties.

RVIPF Sergeant in the Road Policing Unit Kishon Leslie said when it comes into effect, it will be a welcome relief.

“We are in the process of doing some amendments to the laws under the Police Act and the Road Traffic Act, and one of the topics that we want to introduce is the breathalysers,” he remarked during the Health Bytes Programme on September 29, 2021.

He explained that presently, with the absence of this amendment to the law, officers would have to physically transport drivers suspected of being intoxicated to the hospital to be tested via their urine analysis or blood sample.

He said the use of breathalysers “is a good way forward because …this particular legislation now will be more effective, will be done right there on the street where we could check your alcohol content right there.”

Drunk drivers are mostly violent & don't cooperate- Sgt Leslie

Sergeant Leslie said that over the years, he has noticed that many motorists consume a lot of alcohol and get into serious collisions, which is problematic.

“Most times, these persons are violent, and they don’t cooperate. It is definitely a problem in our society and one that we take seriously.”

Also making up the panel was Social Worker Mr Kenrico Wheatley and Public Health Nutritionist Ms Patrice Maduro.

Miss Maduro said, on the topic of the observance of World Anti-Alcohol Day on October 2, 2021, there will be a launch of the dietary guidelines for alcohol in the VI, an alcohol survey will be carried out as well as a Dry October initiative that will be a challenge to abstain from alcohol for the month.

Persons are also encouraged to note the effects of the absence of alcohol on their body during that time.

Culture 'deeply rooted in alcohol'

“So that is something, a challenge for the first time that we would want to do here in the VI. We have a culture that is deeply rooted in alcohol. We do have alcoholics at a young age due to the early exposure,” Maduro said.

According to Maduro, it is something that is not talked about, "and I am speaking about the drunk driving, but when you are in the health care system, you can actually see the effects of alcohol in terms of the different amount of cancers that we are seeing, oral cancer, soft gel cancer, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, the rising dementia, all of these can be attributed to the abuse of alcohol. We also have digestive problems.”

UK guidelines being adopted

She said these health problems cause economic burdens, and for this reason, they will also be introducing guidelines for the consumption of alcohol that has been adopted from the UK.

“It is 14 units a week of alcohol; that is the safest level that we are recommending. A unit is the amount of pure alcohol that your liver can process in an hour and that is 8 grams, 10 mls or 2 tsps. So the calculation is the amount of alcohol volume multiplied by the volume which is in millilitres, divided by a 1,000; and that’s how you would know the amount of units of alcohol is in that particular product,” she said.

21 Responses to “Drunk drivers 'mostly violent & don't cooperate'- Sgt Leslie”

  • Uncle (30/09/2021, 08:39) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    All that is well and good. What is the Road Policing Unit intending to do about the present laws on "THE BOOKS" that clearly addresses the parking on the road offence???
  • the rock (30/09/2021, 08:52) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    Yout head is swell you got to.much attitude Sir
  • Lord (30/09/2021, 08:55) Like (9) Dislike (10) Reply

    This dude... He be moving like Callwood.

  • WHILE U AT IT (30/09/2021, 09:37) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    those stunts boys on SCOOTERS needs to checked out for what's in their system you might be surprised
    • It is you who might be surprised (01/10/2021, 07:37) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ While you are at it.
      Years ago I viewed a video about cocaine making and selling. In the video, one of the makers admitted that one of the ingredient that he added to the cocaine mixture is diesel. That was ten, fifteen, or as many as twenty years ago. Nowadays, there is a possibility that rat droppings may be an ingredient, who know, but the makers, and possible a small percent of the users do.
      Support the RVIPF. Under the leadership of the New Chief, ther service are improving rapidly.
  • 3251 (30/09/2021, 09:39) Like (3) Dislike (16) Reply
    We will be watching and monitoring. Many of the UK laws target blacks and discriminate in implementation. We will see how many drunk white and other races get pulled over and charged here in the VI. Justice for all or none at all. Good luck Sergeant Leslie.
    • @3251 (30/09/2021, 12:37) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
      who vex vex but very true statement
      that is also why the police road blocks
      were dismantled because the non blacks complain and commissioner morris stop that operation

      there was a very vibrant police road operation under commissioner frazer and commissioner malone along came the uk commissioners and shut that operation down

      justice in bvi is primarily for locals and black peoples
    • Jane (30/09/2021, 12:47) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      I completely agree that people of colour are disproportionately targeted by UK cops. It is also incredible to watch so many white expats here laugh about the lack of enforcement of drink driving laws here in BVI. So many otherwise law abiding professionals get drunk and drive, something which they would never consider doing in their home country because drinking and driving is publicly scorned and also highly policed. The mentality is wrong.
      • Outsider (02/10/2021, 21:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I could hardly disagree with you. You have the moral high ground.

        But I will miss the free country that was the Virgin Islands when we can no longer meet up and consume alcohol as those amongst us who are un-saintly have traditionally done. And lots of bars will close; people will drink at home. This isn’t the UK. You can’t catch the tube back to your house after a night out.

        Luckily, I’m older now so it won’t be such a big deal as it would have been for me in the past. It was something about this place I really loved. That sense of freedom other countries have lost.
  • True (30/09/2021, 10:23) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Although true, how many drunk crash vs scooter crash .. how about we focus on the problems at hand rather first
  • NICK (30/09/2021, 10:33) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    it is about time.we are 10 years behind any civilize country in the world regarding drunk driving.
  • Yea right... (30/09/2021, 10:40) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    You can breathalyzer all you want, but if you are not going to prosecute BVI nationals, this will just be another big waste of time. The Magistrate Process in the BVI needs to be completely overhauled or eliminated. The reason we have all this unchecked crime is there are no consequences when you break the law.
    Our community standards have fallen apart and our youth are now on the wrong path. You talk about the issues with drinking? They look at drugs and theft as acceptable behaviors. We need major change (a couple of breathalyzers is not going to cut it).
    We all need to wake up and force some changes or we are going to loose our country!
  • And the crazy thing is (30/09/2021, 10:48) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    When drunk drivers get in car accidents, they walk away just fine and everyone else ends up messed up.
  • Observer (30/09/2021, 13:10) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply

    I hope you guys will be Trellis bay/Nanny Cay/ Whickams Cay/Cane Garden Bay etc.
    Let we see if yall actually lock up who causing a problem because lots of them white boys does be stone cold drunk every time them go out which is almost every night and especially on the weekends, and all of them driving. Or yall going look the other way and come harass us locals who drink during special occasions like christmas etc.
    We all know how much the goverment like to treat them better than us.
    I will keep a close eye on this because i know them island man police scared of them white people and the POWER they have. Remember when that white man kill he wife then make WE look bad on american news. Or when the white man get hold for illegal fishing in the BVI then he family bad talk we on american news and we BUCKLE. Is like them police only got strength for us locals

    • Crs (30/09/2021, 18:01) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      Your observations are way off on who does and doesn’t drink too much. It’s quite equal on this island. We do not discriminate.
  • The Reaper (30/09/2021, 15:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    He from down island. Smh.
  • hmm (30/09/2021, 15:58) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    look at this man...... he wan be top cop so badd.... boyyy go sitdung.... take care of yuh fam
  • YOU CANARIES (30/09/2021, 16:33) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Imperfect servant of the Most High God (01/10/2021, 07:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Alcoholic beverages and such like are legal, but evidence revealed that humans brain are negatively impacted by its consumption. It we truly love our neighbors as we should, they why do we continue to encourage s reduction in their brains capacity for money making purposes?
    I agree with most of what Sergeant Leslie said, but how else should we expect drunken drivers to act, when of course brain damaging legal beverages have altered their sence of balance?
    I believe that sellers of brain damaging beverages should also be held accountable for a part of this ongoing problem. But who cares as long as money is being made? God does, do you? If you don't, why then talk down the drinkers?
    In spite of I urge the RVIPF to continue to do the best that they are able to under these circumstances.
  • Observer (01/10/2021, 21:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you read tha latest news...smh...i just talking reality

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