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Dr Pickering ‘not an option for NDP @ the moment’- Hon Marlon A. Penn

- said the Party has already moved on from Dr Pickering
Opposition Leader Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), left, has said the National Democratic Party (NDP) has moved on from Dr Kedrick D. Pickering, right, and he (Dr Pickering) will not be on the NDP ticket for the 2023 General Elections. Photo: VINO/File
Dr Kedrick D. Pickering lost his Seventh District seat in the February 25, 2019 General Elections, running as an Independent Candidate. Photo: Facebook/File
Dr Kedrick D. Pickering lost his Seventh District seat in the February 25, 2019 General Elections, running as an Independent Candidate. Photo: Facebook/File
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI- With seasoned politician Dr Kedrick D. Pickering not stating who he will be running with at the 2023 General Elections of the Virgin Islands, there have been many speculations as to who he will be affiliated to.

One thing is for sure, Dr Pickering- the former Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration- will not be part of the National Democratic Party (NDP) ticket.

This was disclosed by Opposition Leader and NDP Member Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), during the Morning Braff Show on Tola VI Radio today, April 7, 2022.

Dr Pickering not in the NDP mix

Host of the show Floyd Burnett aka Heritage asked Hon Penn whether he would entertain Dr Pickering returning to the party.

Hon Penn said the NDP has a transparent process to come up with their candidates and that process will commence soon; however, Dr Pickering is not involved in that process at this time.

“At this time there are two or three persons who have indicated in our circle that they want to run for that district and when the vote comes up the party will decide on that,” Hon Penn said, suggesting also that he already has someone in mind who he will be voting for.

‘Dr Pickering is not an option’- Hon Penn

Guest host Rosemary C. Rosan then asked Hon Penn whether he would be willing to bring back Dr Pickering into the NDP fold to contest the Seventh District seat.

Noting that Dr Pickering is not a member of the NDP, Hon Penn said Dr Pickering is not an option for them at the moment. “He is not on the table…we have our option on the table moving forward. We have been moving forward for the past two-plus years as an organisation.”

During his official announcement as a candidate in the 2023 elections at The Stickett in Long Look last night, April 6, 2022, Dr Pickering said he was willing to put differences and egos aside to work with colleagues that he worked with before or other colleagues, “to act in a manner of reconciliation.”

Some had interpreted that as Dr Pickering being open to returning to the NDP, the party he helped founded.

27 Responses to “Dr Pickering ‘not an option for NDP @ the moment’- Hon Marlon A. Penn”

  • Constituent (07/04/2022, 12:52) Like (32) Dislike (12) Reply
    I have a feeling that at the end of the day Penn may be the only one in HIS party. He needs to humble himself.
    • the rock (08/04/2022, 06:05) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      People dont listen, if they really listen to Doc, they would of comprehen what Doc was saying, the NDP is back in full force, only Mark is missing, the surprise will be Frazee joining them!
  • The watchman (07/04/2022, 13:05) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Look melee
  • Denton (07/04/2022, 13:23) Like (6) Dislike (11) Reply
    NDP has Bevin S George as their front man for the the 7th. Bevin is a know lodger, son of the 7th and well versed on government affairs. Only thing is his written communication is poor.
  • …. (07/04/2022, 13:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am screaming lol lol lol lmbo!
  • annudda2cents (07/04/2022, 13:25) Like (26) Dislike (5) Reply
    Dr. Pickering, Dr Pickering. 20 years in there and nothing to show. Didn't do anything to improve Labour, didn't do anything to contribute to agriculture, and didn't do much to address the Anegada land issue. One admirable thing he did do was stayed with the party until election, or else the NDP government would've collapsed sooner. Considering that he never came off his high horse whilst he held a ministry, it would be interesting to see how he can connect with the small man he ignored. I like Dr Pickering, but I have to keep it real too.
    • Local (07/04/2022, 17:02) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well 20 years and nothing to show a waste of time and its only the blind that would vote for you.
  • SMH (07/04/2022, 13:26) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
    honestly C***y really needs to chill! It’s the people’s free will if they want to give Dr. P another chance. nothing wrong it given someone another chance. You’ll make it seem like only guys are righteous and have all the answers yet up to now in talking season you haven’t brought anything that makes sense to the people. Just maybe with the experience (the licks) he got he learned from and used it to get things done. You c***y want to run At Lager; But name 1 community project you ever once spearheaded? You mentioned the streets got you; But the streets ain’t the only people.
  • radio (07/04/2022, 13:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Will never be the same again.
    Look ayo own d$&@ news
  • 999 (07/04/2022, 13:32) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    a group of over 60 years went ahead and place NDP in office for 8 years. We figured well educated citizens will be the right fix for the place

    my goodness school wall/sewage/Cyril Park in road town and plane, non of the mentioned have be completed

    trust is a serious thing when it comes to government undertakings and the distribution of the residents money

  • Real (07/04/2022, 13:46) Like (23) Dislike (12) Reply
  • ta ta (07/04/2022, 13:56) Like (22) Dislike (14) Reply
    Look thing no body wants the Cuban
  • cuban (07/04/2022, 13:59) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    "dont mind them"
  • Out the gate (07/04/2022, 14:00) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    Hon. Penn, I think you just shot yourself in the foot! Don't close your mind to anything. Leave all options open! You really think that the lil dead horses you looking at going carry NDP anywhere to victory?
  • Hmmmm (07/04/2022, 14:03) Like (17) Dislike (8) Reply
    I just hope the votes do not get split allowing Sowande to get back in, there needs to be one very strong candidate
  • Time to move on.. (07/04/2022, 15:30) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Moving on from Dr. Pickering is a good move..When a person think they are too educated to listen, learn and take advice they need to be alone...Independent is the best thing for him...
  • Madussa (07/04/2022, 16:02) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    I remember years ago when he said gambling and marijuana would get here over his dead body. Well he must be dying because they will be here soon. We also could have been flourishing with agriculture and fisheries, but he killed that, soooooooooo, tell me again why he wants to run in this election? Oh yeah...for the money and rubbing shoulders again with his rich white friends. With his nose up in the air when speaking to we. Nah, I’ll take my vote somewhere else. My district 7 needs help and I will not contribute to it’s continuing downfall by electing someone who really has not helped us at all. That would be allowing history to repeat itself, in a really bad way.
  • voter (07/04/2022, 17:45) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Maverick (07/04/2022, 18:45) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is the Picky Dude on or off medication? It will take 20 years to undo or make amend for his failure.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (07/04/2022, 19:09) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    True, Dr. Kedrick Pickering over the years of his political ministry has made some errors, as have all past, and present Representatives, if we were to continue focusing on the pass that has died, we will fail to grab hold of the opportunity to hand because of selfishness, and unforgiving hearts
    It is evidently clear that D7 Rep., Has already fail to pass the test, Why?, you may ask my answer is simply because he hadn't, nor does he now has the people of districts now 7 at heart ,
    As I remember well, his Grand Father, a former Chief Minister, Hon. Willard Wheatley, deceased, was elected to the Legislative Counsel body on two successive terms. After been elected the first term, he distanced himself from the people that I supported him.
    He repeated the same behaviors in his second term. His Grandson, the Hon. Minister, Dr. Natalio Sajande Wheatley is behaving as his Grandfather has. One cannot lead properly being distance from those that he was elected to lead.
    The leader of a people is not bigger than those that he is leading. I once again repeat. THE LEADER OF A PEOPLE IS NOT BIGGER THAN THOSE THAT HE IS LEADING.
    Dr. Kedrick Pickering, inspite of some blundered in his political service life, so far, is by far the better choice to lead the people of D7 than all the others that aspire to run as a candidate in the next general election at this point and time. District seven (D7) votes, coming next general election, vote for new and improved candidate for the 7th district, Dr. Kedrick Pickering for a better future for the citizens of District 7, and the British Virgin Islands at large.
  • time will tell (08/04/2022, 10:08) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Marlon this comment was a mistake. I don't believe you can speak for the entire party. The party should have a choice to choose which representative they want to represent them in the race for the 7th district seat. It doe snot make sense to split votes at this time. Remember the Doc lost by less than 50 votes because the votes were split. This was a grand time to show that NDP has is together and is capable of ironing out differences in the public sphere. Your words were hasty and will come back to bite you where it hurts. Mark my words. The only person to fix mistakes quickly is the person who made them.
    • @time will tell (09/04/2022, 12:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I listened to the show. Hon. Penn didn't say yes and he didn't say no to Dr. Pic as a candidate. When the question was asked by the talk show host and c**dy, he said it was not up to him to make that choice. It is a process. The committee does the electing and he is only one vote. So Hon. Penn is not at fault here. D.9 voter
  • Smh (08/04/2022, 21:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    They never ask people if they need help but wa come infrom a people when time for vote. What a thing hmm.
  • understanding (09/04/2022, 06:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really come to the conclusion that our reading comprehension is a bad. In Hon. Penn statement he stated that the party has a process for choosing candidates at this present time Dr. Pickering name has not entered the process
  • Nationhood (11/04/2022, 07:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sorry Doc...on an objecive scale Natalio did a good job for being a first timer and even with his youth and inexperience. He derserves a second chance. You had many chances...many...why should we the people give you a man who had many chances to prove yourself to us and didnt against a man who come in with far less than you and work for the people...he work with so much portfolios and he produced...why another chance for you? Just because you now come to your senses? Please real...God have the final say but God is also a Just God. You had many chances...let Natalio have another chance because he has EARNED it.

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