Dr Karl Dawson blasts Govt for poor financing of HLSCC

This formed part of a recent exclusive interview Dr Dawson afforded this news site at our request. Several tutors have continued to express their fears about what the outcome will be of the accreditation report that is due for completion by January 2015. They and Dr Dawson have made it known in advance that one of the glaring findings will be the manner of financing for the college.
Dr Dawson explained that the accreditation process seeks to answer that issue against the backdrop of the characteristics of excellence that are set by the Middle State Commission on Higher Education. “What we do then is compare ourselves according to those standards which are set against the expectations for excellence in schools,” said Dr Dawson.
“In that sense the report will produce a frank observation or assessment of the status of the college. It will find that we are doing many things well. It will find that there are a number of things though that if we would like to improve off the top one of the key things would be the whole issue of the financing of the institution, one of the major issues that we would want to see addressed,” he said.
According to Dr Dawson it would take continuous talks with the government about their approach in funding tertiary education. “It wouldn’t be a monologue; it certainly would have to be a dialogue as they consider the needs of the college, as they consider how higher education is financed.”
Dr Dawson feels that shifting some of the costs on the shoulders of the direct beneficiaries would be the most lucrative way in dealing with the financing of the institution. He noted however this would be a policy issue that does not falls under his purview but it is rather one that is dealt with at the government level.
“The government will have to determine how they may wish to review that entire policy but if it is that they were to shift some of the cost responsibility to the actual direct beneficiaries, if it is shifted to them we will still have to look and see what provision would we make for persons who do not have financial means but needs to further their education,” said Dr Dawson.

47 Responses to “Dr Karl Dawson blasts Govt for poor financing of HLSCC”
Well saw M..on has killed everything in site
What the president saying is so true. Although M..on promoting differently, he is killing the college in many ways. Now that the president of HLSCC is speakimg out then you know he will be eliminated by the bald headed minister.
It is clear that from behind the scenes M..on has set up the college to fail so he can say it is because of Dr. Dawson. This method he feels will work & get the public on his side so it will be easier to fire the now president. What a wicked man.
Unless, of course it is the policy that the College is to be funded solely by Gov.
Is he afraid to say that the VIP who left the treasury empty including the millions in reservr did not pay for 8years and that there is pilleup and arrears ..He needs to step down do that we can find out and know what time it is..
Based on your own words,you are a failure and should submit your resignation.
No matter how good an Administrator a College President is worth his salt based on his ability to fill the treasury of the college...investments,fund raising and whatever it takes.
I am not understanding what you are about...your job description must be one like no other college head, but I would have to see it to believe. You are the weakest link. GOOD BYE!
We always want Government to do for us, when are we to do for ourselves and other after getting it for free.
Now I wish he could head the medical admin at the hospital,
Good to see and hear we have have some HEADS OF M..ON DEPTS willing to take a stance.
My opinion for real is that based on what Mr Dawson has said and hearing about the kinks at the College and interacting with some of the graduates who need to return to Grammar school, the College has failed in many areas. Mr Dawson's defense is blaming the Gov. when it is common knowledge that the College is not a welfare program. The college President has not even hinted at the possibility that he has made efforts to gain funds from private sources for the College. Education from entry to college in the VI needs a boost if it is to serve the future successfully. What it takes will require courage and may not be always be popular but the future of the VI takes priority.