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DPP files appeal against court's decision to acquit Hon Myron V. Walwyn

- Decision in favour of Ms Lorna Stevens also appealed
Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mrs Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit, right, has appealed the Senior Magistrate’s decision of ‘No Case To Answer’ for both Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), left, and Assistant Secretary Lorna Stevens in the Elmore Stoutt High School Wall case. Photo: GIS/Facebook/File
The 'No Case to Answer' decision in favour of Lorna Stevens has also been appealed. Photo: VINO/File
The 'No Case to Answer' decision in favour of Lorna Stevens has also been appealed. Photo: VINO/File
Hon Myron V. Walwyn's Attorney, Terrence F. Williams of Chase Law had told our newsroom earlier this week that the case should have never been brought in the first place as the evidence was weak. Photo: Team of Reporters
Hon Myron V. Walwyn's Attorney, Terrence F. Williams of Chase Law had told our newsroom earlier this week that the case should have never been brought in the first place as the evidence was weak. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- While many residents and legal observers had thought the Commissioner of Inquiry (CoI) witch-hunt and target list of persons had ended for at least two persons, the abuse of the legal system continues.

It was yesterday January 23, 2025, that the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mrs Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit appealed the Senior Magistrate’s decision of ‘No Case To Answer’ for both Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) and Assistant Secretary Lorna Stevens in the Elmore Stoutt High School Wall case.

It was on January 21, 2025, that senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards ruled that both Walwyn and Stevens had ‘No Case To Answer’ over the Breach of Trust Case in the high school Wall drama brought against them in 2022.

Appeal based on three main items

According to the information obtained, the DPP appealed the decision based on: 1. The learned Magistrate exceeded her Jurisdiction in the case 2. The legal evidence substantially affecting the merits of the case was rejected by the court and 3. The decision of the magistrate is unreasonable.

When contacted by our news centre, Chase Law confirmed the appeal took place yesterday but declined to comment further. Chase Law is representing Hon Walwyn.

It was the lead Attorney, Terrence F. Williams of Chase Law, who told our newsroom earlier this week that the case should have never been brought in the first place as the evidence was weak.

The DPP office is paying a UK Attorney top taxpayers' dollars to lead the prosecution on the CoI Cases.

Many residents have concluded that the CoI was a witch-hurt as they found no corruption in their report. It is alleged that former Commissioner of Police Mark Collins had a target list of residents and police officers to be arrested and charged despite the weak evidence, simply to justify the debunked narrative that all Virgin Islanders are corrupt and only the UK police officers and Governors can save the Territory.

27 Responses to “DPP files appeal against court's decision to acquit Hon Myron V. Walwyn”

  • hmm (24/01/2025, 11:27) Like (57) Dislike (0) Reply
    If she got a point then lets see where this goes. but if she loses again resulting in just wasting more time and money; I think we need a new DPP.
  • HMMM (24/01/2025, 11:38) Like (32) Dislike (12) Reply
    the DPP will do anything VIP tells her to do.
  • Wonderful DPP (24/01/2025, 11:39) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    Should the situation warrant it, this case should be taken to the UK Supreme Court. The VI does not possess the luxury of millions in taxpayer money to utilize at will.
  • A so it go (24/01/2025, 11:45) Like (36) Dislike (0) Reply
    The decision to appeal the 'No Case To Answer' ruling in the Wall case seems to be yet another misstep by the DPP, one that risks further eroding public trust in the justice system. It is time for the DPP to reassess her priorities, focusing on WINNING CASES, building a credible legal framework rather than pursuing cases that appear politically motivated or destined to fail. The people of the Virgin Islands deserve better—better leadership, better resource management, and better justice.

    Ultimately, the continued losses of these cases only serves to deepen divisions and waste taxpayer money, all while doing little to enhance the credibility of the DPP or the legal system as a whole. It is high time for the DPP's office to step their game up or step aside.
  • Frac (24/01/2025, 11:48) Like (4) Dislike (29) Reply
    What a dark day for the bvi community that why we need a Donald trump in the bvi we need to riot for justice
  • Good News! (24/01/2025, 11:54) Like (22) Dislike (17) Reply
    Once again, I ask...How many contractors are required to construct a wall surrounding a school? It is imperative that politicians are held to the same standards of justice as every other member of the community. However, one must consider the longstanding relationships within the legal community and question whether any biases exist within the justice system in this instance.

    I am gratified that this matter is currently under appeal and is under the consideration of a higher court, and it should be advanced to the highest courts of the United Kingdom if deemed appropriate.
  • Stop It (24/01/2025, 12:11) Like (25) Dislike (18) Reply
    Please stop wasting money , he did more good than harm building that wall
  • See what they did to Andrew (24/01/2025, 12:20) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    He will pay thought his noise until they get him behind bars
  • Don't Understand (24/01/2025, 14:26) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    The DPP had an opportunity to present her case. Does she hope to find new evidence? Just embarrassingly.
  • WHAT!!! (24/01/2025, 14:36) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    Another loss for the useless DDP.
  • Huh? (24/01/2025, 16:06) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    In other countries it is the Attorney General who has conduct of cases and not the DPP. It is clear that we're wasting money, resources, money and the courts time with the DPP and her office. Let the AG handle cases .
    • Huh??? (24/01/2025, 16:38) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      You really think that the current AG is any better than the current DPP??
      Anyways, the AG deals with the civil side of the law, while the DPP deals with the criminal side of the law. What is needed is an overhaul of the DPP's Office to ensure that it is fit for purpose and that the right individual is at the helm.
  • Witch Hunt like they tried to do Trump (24/01/2025, 16:08) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can someone get this loose canon to resign please?
  • Save Face (24/01/2025, 16:11) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Nothing to see here! We need the murders unsolved to be rectified!
  • FAIL (24/01/2025, 16:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    If there is a working justice system,.the appeal application should fail. Not all appeals are allowed.
  • Eldread (24/01/2025, 18:09) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    This dpp has a political narrative given to her by the ruling party, and you see sowandie is getting elected over white UK institution because he pass that police bill to weaken the BVI people and give power to the governor, but when Wheatley leave office those laws will affect him.
  • Failure (24/01/2025, 18:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another failed attempt and complete waste of taxpayers money. She needs to sit down and step down. The people of the Virgin Islands deserve much better than this.
  • Vg don (24/01/2025, 19:15) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    What it's going to take to see that this magistrate has been compromised.
  • Asking For Myself (24/01/2025, 19:29) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    How much they paying that white boy from the uk to lock up locals?
  • resident (24/01/2025, 21:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    she must love losing, give it up lady
    • Yes (25/01/2025, 10:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yes. Give it up. Why does she want to see this man and his secretary behind bars so badly?
      It has cases out there where unserved murders are waiting to be served, and killers are getting away scot-free. She needs to go pressure the lawyers them to get that done.
  • Really? (25/01/2025, 01:55) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    2 million dollars for a concrete fence and there is no corruption?! My God, are we serious? And the wall in question STILL was not completed back then. This place is lawless. Walwyn did not steal the money but it appears somebody did? Just imagine all that money on a wall, but can’t keep the school in paper and toner! This place is crazy.
    • @ Really (25/01/2025, 09:10) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Shut your lying mouth, the wall was not no 2M. If there was corruption where is it? We are a country of laws. If you are asserting something you much be able to prove it as well. The wall is still there standing after all the hurricanes and storms. What does that tell you. The damn thing was well built.
  • concerned citizen (25/01/2025, 08:50) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Imagine you DPP Cannot appeal murder cases, but this case you have strength for.
    You cannot appeal drug cases or even call outstanding murder and drug cases, but is Honourable Myron Walwyn you have strength for.

    Something smells fishy!!

    Anyways can't keep a good man down and Walwyn will get through this. Real sad how you was one of the best Education Ministers that really cared and still care and your good name getting dragged through the mud.
  • watchee (25/01/2025, 15:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    they looked like a couple
  • smh (26/01/2025, 20:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Imagine we had a whole COI, we get multiple reports from the auditor general showing how poorly public funds were managed on multiple occasions and not one person going to jail as a result of the findings of the COI or the reports. And we can’t even be sure that it’s because there is no case or the dpp just can’t win cases. Why she did t say why the court didn’t take her evidence they just rejected it just so because it’s Myron walwyn?

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