'Doug' Wheatley calls for prudent spending by gov’t
On his show, Speak Out BVI, aired last evening May 7, 2013 on a local radio station, Wheatley said sometimes government is not prudent or careful with the public purse.
The host recommended that long term sustainability was the key, as opposed to short term fixes, band aids or applications.
"If we’re going to spend money, let us make sure that we’re going to spend money wisely and prudently; and that we get value for money. When we are dealing with tax payers’ money, somehow or the other, we apply a different standard to tax payer dollars, than to our own dollars."
According to the host, “When you are the steward of somebody else’s money, you should be even better at it than your own money, be more careful and more prudent. Sometimes we don’t do that with the public purse.”
One caller mentioned the numerous projects that government has engaged in by, including the airport expansion project, and said too much money is being wasted by governments.
“I want to know when we will get our cut,” the caller queried while saying that government was doing the people’s business.
Wheatley also suggested that Virgin Islanders have to remain engaged with their Territorial Representatives from the very beginning to bring about change to their livelihood.
“They can’t see how the leaders [are] digging out their eye,” the caller asserted. He added that the population should not be in that position as they represented “the people” and ultimately the power.
“We could change and do things, if we want the NDP out tomorrow, tomorrow they’re out,” he added.
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