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'Don’t live in fear out of fiction & conspiracy!'- Skelton-Cline on COVID-19 vaccines

- said talk about 'mark of the beast' is nonsense
November 27th, 2020 | Tags:
Pastor and host of the 'Honestly Speaking' radio programme, Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called on residents to stop being fearful of vaccines for the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Photo: VINO/Internet Source
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has said any COVID-19 vaccine will not be forced upon persons wishing not to take it for religious or other reasons. Photo: Facebook/File
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has said any COVID-19 vaccine will not be forced upon persons wishing not to take it for religious or other reasons. Photo: Facebook/File
Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) His Excellency Augustus J. U Jaspert, according to a Government Information Service (GIS) press release on November 2, 2020, had said the Virgin Islands and other Overseas Territories (OTs) are expected to receive any COVID-19 vaccine procured by the United Kingdom (UK). Photo: Facebook/File
Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) His Excellency Augustus J. U Jaspert, according to a Government Information Service (GIS) press release on November 2, 2020, had said the Virgin Islands and other Overseas Territories (OTs) are expected to receive any COVID-19 vaccine procured by the United Kingdom (UK). Photo: Facebook/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Pastor and host of the 'Honestly Speaking' radio programme, Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called on residents to stop being fearful of vaccines for the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) His Excellency Augustus J. U Jaspert, according to a Government Information Service (GIS) press release on November 2, 2020, had said the Virgin Islands and other Overseas Territories (OTs) are expected to receive any COVID-19 vaccine procured by the United Kingdom (UK).

'Don't live in fear'

Since then some persons have publicly expressed fears about taking the vaccine.

Addressing the issue during his programme last night, November 26, 2020, Skelton-Cline said the theories that have been circulating in that regard is not factual or science-based.

“They have been trying to find a cure for cancer for how many years now. How many billions of dollars has been spent? Sometimes God touch you, and you are healed instantly, and other times healing comes by way of medicine and medication. They are not in contradiction to each other; they are complimentary to each other. So I am saying all this to say I don’t want you to live in fear out of fiction and conspiracy,” he remarked.

He said some persons have said, they don’t know if they will take the COVID-19 vaccine, but “what you going to do?” he asked.

He continued: “I mean come on, we trust so many other things every day, I mean just to wake up is an effort in trust. We get in trains; we drive in cars, all those matters. We go down to the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital; we go up to Bougainvillea, we go to the pharmacy we get a prescription, we don’t know a thing what is in that tablet but we take them and hope to God they work and more often than not they do!”

'Talk about mark of the beast is nonsense'

Speaking at a public event at Festival Grounds on Saturday, November 7, 2020, prominent farmer and cultural icon Moviene F. Fahie called the vaccine the mark of the beast.

She stated that persons should be wary about becoming guinea pigs and said she hopes any vaccine that is made available to the VI would have been properly tested.

“You see that injection that you all sending in here from England, they need to test it on England people first, because Moviene Fahie or Smith, I am a Smith, from blood I am a Smith, I am not taking no injection, I am natural, let me die and go home to my Jehovah, I am not taking no injection. That’s the mark of the beast.”

According to Skelton-Cline, religious persons who state that it is the Mark of the Beast is also wrong. 

There have been many debates as to what the mark of the beast refers to in Bible prophecy.

This mark, according to some Christians, acts as a seal for the followers of Antichrist and the false prophet (the spokesperson for the Antichrist).

Some Christians believe the mark is literally placed in the hand or forehead, such as a microchip or a tattoo, while some believe the mark refers to choice of worship and obedience and is not a literal mark.

“Nothing can be crazier than some toxic religion that is really the stuff that becomes fanatical, talking about there is a chip in the vaccine. As a matter of fact, all the talk about the Mark of the Beast is nonsense, yes that’s what I just said as a trained theologer, as a pastor/teacher. You have not read the book of Revelation, and you can come up with this stuff. It is nonsense! We have chips now: you and I are monitored now by the devices that we use! I can’t wait for the vaccine to come!” Skelton-Cline stated.

Meanwhile, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has said any COVID-19 vaccine will not be forced upon persons wishing not to take it for religious or other reasons.

US drugmaker Pfizer said on Monday, November 9, 2020, that human trials suggest its coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective at preventing COVID-19 infections in people not known to have had the virus already.

32 Responses to “'Don’t live in fear out of fiction & conspiracy!'- Skelton-Cline on COVID-19 vaccines”

  • Well (27/11/2020, 08:33) Like (35) Dislike (3) Reply
    I want to see u in the front of the line ....claude......aka shepherd
  • Hope (27/11/2020, 08:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    He claude and jasper who always at it can both put there trust in unite in it glory together...
  • vex (27/11/2020, 08:47) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    Speak brother speak
  • Sexy G (27/11/2020, 08:50) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    Boss is you we want take that vaccine 1st. May god give you what you deserve.
  • Economic Power (27/11/2020, 08:59) Like (8) Dislike (15) Reply
    This Covid thing is an Economic retaliation against the USA by China for what that Idiot Trump was doing to China because it has come to Economic prominence and the idiot wanted to be the dominant economic power, but he get stop in his track by covid and he lose the election. China never expect the covid to impact the world like this. There are places in China that didnt have 1 case of covid. That idiot caused it he only hurt his country by been an ass towards China and the rest of the World.
  • Servant of the Most High God in Christ Jesus (27/11/2020, 09:08) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
    I have in the past disagreed on issues that Mr. Claude Skelton Cline has brought fore to the public many times, but on this one, I agree with that him that, in my own words, proofless fear stems from ignorance of knowledge and baseless, quick-to-accept heresies. Fear monger sometimes behave like pigs, that eats almost any foods without careful examinations. What do Covid-19 treatments vaccines have to do with the "Mark of the Beast"? Absolutely nothing. Many that claim they are christians, are very gullible, and are proned to believe and spread lies eithout biblical proof. Ignorance can be as deadly as death. Let us let go of it, please.
    • @Servant (27/11/2020, 13:06) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      How do you know the vaccine has nothing to do with the Mark? The bible says watch and pray. If you are a true servant of TMH He will open your spiritual eyes, but I suspect you like many others love this world too much to see anything from The Almighty. You and Claude seem to be guided by the same spirit and it is not the Holy Spirit. You go take your vaccine and whatever comes with it and leave true servants to be guided by TMH.
    • Jones (27/11/2020, 16:59) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      Well there is a first, never thought I would agree with the Detroit man on anything
  • Ju ju man (27/11/2020, 09:44) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Me have plants and chants to drive off the evil spirits.
  • look (27/11/2020, 10:08) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    • Yeah Cline (27/11/2020, 14:41) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      You stand up and take the first injection, you be the test subject.
      • Word to that (27/11/2020, 22:43) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yes Cline, you volunteer to take the first Vaccine on LIVE SCREEN SET UP IN THE HOSPITAL OR A CLINIC THEN THE PEOPLE WILL MAKE THEIR DECISION.
  • tretretrete (27/11/2020, 10:17) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why do we need a vaccine for ONE form of a virus that can easily mutate into various strain and currently have a 99% survival range?
  • Illusion pastor (27/11/2020, 10:24) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why should I take a vaccine for a virus that have no symptoms different to a regular flu? Is dotish y'all dotish.
  • Saints (27/11/2020, 11:08) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
  • SHADOW AFTER DARK (27/11/2020, 11:19) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I believe 2021 is going to be a whole new set of drama.
  • Oldl (27/11/2020, 11:27) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    That vaccine need to stay out of the Bvi. When other countries.. Take it let see what happen. After..
  • Clawed (27/11/2020, 11:38) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Make sure you first in line. Have a live video of you and your family getting yours. Then check us back in 2 years lets see how you doing and what all the effects were.
  • ccc (27/11/2020, 11:56) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    if this governor is sending it do not trust it, its like he is the other trump
  • DIG DEEP (27/11/2020, 12:02) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Check out you tube video The Mark of the Beast, Pandemics and The New World Order.
  • Typical (27/11/2020, 12:39) Like (5) Dislike (19) Reply

    Backaward @#% BVI people believing stupid nonsense about vacinnes, chips, 5g, satanic cats in trees. Yall some stone-age morons that fall for the conspiracy nonsense. Hasnt anyone here ever studied science? But go ahead and dont take the vaccine and see how well your herbs and teas work when this covid thing come for yah.

  • Vaccine (27/11/2020, 12:59) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    claude people are afriad to take the vaccine it may not be the mark of the beast but it have serious implections. Read your bible and you will see the answer to the vaccine read the book of revelation the book which tells the end of time. People as long as you got life srrk GOD
  • SB (27/11/2020, 13:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    All i'm saying is WHAT TIME LINE has the CLEARS ever cared about the original people of this Earth? So you shipping to us along with the U.S. as soon as you can? I need to see what this vaccine do with the CLEARS 1st.
  • OMG (27/11/2020, 14:29) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now Claude is a medical expert
  • Covid 19 (27/11/2020, 16:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr Cline I hope when that vaccine comes YOU and YOUR FAMILY are the 1st to take it!!!!
  • You know what? (27/11/2020, 17:30) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why not test out the vaccine on the most violent prisoners up the hill and see what the side effects is going to be like before the general public decide if they are going to take it or not.
  • Servant of the Most High God in Christ Jesus (27/11/2020, 19:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Covid-19 vaccines: Are they good or bad?
    Mr. Claude Skelton Cline opinion, and encouragement to accept same: Is he right or wrong?
    Covid- 19 vaccines = "Mark of the Beast". true or false... False. From since man's existance to this present time deceases has killed billions of people and counting. Thanks be to God for He has gaven mankind knowledge and wisdom to keep in check, and often through God given sciencific methods, many were helped, and are being help. Currently in the world there are probable tens of thousands of deceases, many deadly. If the vaccines developer want to kill multi millions of people, they need not resort to Covid-19 vacinations. All they would have to do is put it in our daily foods that we shop for, take home, cook and eat. The fear mongering by some us without proof. Thousands of pastors, other minister, and church member have died after been structed by Covid-19. Many because of their own pomposed ignorance. Ignorance need to be viewed from two (2) angle. Angle 1.) Lack of knowledge. Angle 2.) regection of knowledge. True, of the many vaccines been developed, and in development by many countries in the world, none is perfect. But if you stay in tune with Covid-19 news, a lower number of poeple are dieing from Covid-19. The vaccines are helpings save lives, ignorance don't. So why not, respect Mr. Claude Skelton Cline view. He certainly is not Satan. Some of the times he is correct, and some of the times you and I are wrong. Ignorance is as deadly as death. Oh, by the way, I am not seeking any human approval, only the Almighty Righteous One.
  • Eyes open (28/11/2020, 03:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the "Cultural Icon" aware that the vaccines are being tested on tens of thousands in the UK, US, Europe, Brazil and lots of other places? Why on earth does she think the BVI will be the first? Does she think her credit cards, passport and driver's license are also Marks of the Beast?
  • Demonic agent / pastor (28/11/2020, 08:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jeremiah 23:1
    [1]Woe (desth and destruction) be unto the PASTORS that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.
    Now you dumb sheep will still follow him to you graves because you hate knowledge.
    Hosea 4:6
    [6]My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
  • Sell Out Pastor (01/12/2020, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    He a Pastor, dude your a sell out, are you a doctor, no, do u know whats in this vaccine, do u know what the vaccine does, no, this vaccine has hidden agendas, I hope u in the front line for the vaccine. WOW, glad i dont live on Tola no more, all kind of Bs going on down there, he suppose to be telling people the Opposite, TOLIANS please dont be BRAIN WASHED by these so called pastors, hes just a man, and look what hes telling people to do.

  • Tito VI (01/12/2020, 22:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr Cline the vaccine is the same virus they are putting into your body if i am not sick why get sick. Nov 30 I saw on the news this gentleman did the trial test and get sick for 12 hours and that was the first injection but he did recover . I think if your Immune system is low you are going to have a hard time when taking the vaccine people have to figure it out for them selves .Vaccine ??

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