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Don’t fall for the trap

Thomas C. Famous. Photo: Provided
At the recent CARICOM meeting in Suriname, every member state of CARICOM reaffirmed their commitment to defending the right of the Virgin Islands to determine their own destiny. Photo: Provided
At the recent CARICOM meeting in Suriname, every member state of CARICOM reaffirmed their commitment to defending the right of the Virgin Islands to determine their own destiny. Photo: Provided
Thomas C. Famous

"Through political strategy they keep us hungry...and when we gotta get some food...our brother gotta be our enemy."

Ambush in the Night

- Bob Marley

History will always be our best teacher.

The British have always played the long game. They set both their pots, and plots, well in advance. Then they sit and simply wait for us to swim walk into.

We then get trapped.

Once we see or feel that there is no way out, we then turn on each other. Instead of turning on those that have set the traps.

That is how they conquered every continent on earth.

They are still doing it now.

Divide & Rule

Take a look at how persons are dividing themselves into small groups.

  • Indigenous Virgin Islanders
  • Belongers
  • Work Permit holders

Arguing amongst ourselves as to who has a right to decide our future.

Meanwhile, the British have already decided in their own minds, and legislation, what our future is going to be.

Let us be clear on one thing.

In a real-world setting, 10,000 Virgin Islanders have no numerical political clout. Protests every other week won't cause the British to suddenly respect us and change course.

Calling into radio shows or sending around Whatsapps messages won't deter the Foreign Office in London.

Regional Unity

A few folks standing outside of Government House with placards will never dissuade the British from their agenda of Global Britain.

As seen recently, it was only when regional collective bodies such as CARICOM, OECS, and UWI stood up for the Virgin Islands, that the British backed down.

Collectively, these organisations represent 20 countries, of which 14 have votes in the United Nations.

That is what is called unified bargaining power.

That is what keeps the British from doing what they really want to do.

Reality check

At the recent CARICOM meeting in Suriname, every member state of CARICOM reaffirmed their commitment to defending the right of the Virgin Islands to determine their own destiny.

The reality is the Virgin Islands' population is majority persons from other islands. Some have gone on to become Belongers.

Others will most likely be long-term residents. It is their very same countries that have stood by our side.

The days of thinking only Indigenous Virgin Islanders will be enough to keep our economy going are long gone.

So, let us ask ourselves these questions

Will we understand that we need our Caribbean family as much as they need us?

Or will we allow ourselves to fall into the traps set by the British?

"To divide and rule is their only plan"

Jah Cure

12 Responses to “Don’t fall for the trap”

  • down2earth (08/07/2022, 13:58) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Many of us are aware of the British's strategy to divide and conquer. However, it is those at the helm who fell asleep, yet with their eyes wide open doing wrong. Thus, we were handed over to Britain on a platter. We failed to learn from history.

    Who is a Virgin Islander or Belonger has already been defined as per the constitution. What CARICOM members can do is instruct their citizens to respect the laws, rules, and regulations of another country. It is my opinion, everyone wants something, even CARICOM! Don't be fooled.

    A Virgin Islander to the Nth generation

  • E.Leonard (08/07/2022, 18:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Indeed, “ History will always be our best teacher.” The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) and the Treaty of Varagoza (1529) between Spain and Portugal define the westward colonizing thrust of Spain and the eastward exploration of Portugal. Other European countries, ie, England, France, Holland, etc, were not signatories to the treaties and soon launched a furious exploration effort to conquer and colonize territories. O
  • WE ARE HUMANS (08/07/2022, 18:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • E. Leonard (08/07/2022, 19:53) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Indeed, real talk: “ History will always be our best teacher.” History tells us that the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) and the Treaty of Varagoza (1529) between European powers of Spain and Portugal define Spain westward exploration thrust, and Portugal eastward exploration thrust to capture new lands. The other European powers, ie, England, France, Holland, etc, were not signatories to the treaties and also launched fierce battles to conquer and colonize new territories in the New World, Africa, Southeast Asia, etc. In conquest, they confiscated land, captured resources, and exploited and expropriated labour to work the land for benefit of colonialist and at the expense of the indigenous people. The tactics used by the conquerors and colonialists to fully colonize the captured lands was to cultivate the support of the local leader(s) to go along with the plan of action. Sometimes brute force was often used to compel cooperation. A signature move of the colonialists was to divide and rule. Virgin Islanders it seems have not learnt the lesson, for the same move(s) continues. The colonialists was and is only accountable to themselves. The colonized had/has no means to redress issues.

    Moreover, colonialism was/is an extractive institution and vicious intended to benefit the colonialists, not local people. Slavery, colonialism, etc, are about command and control. These institutions generally don’t align well with democratic and human rights. The wakes/legacies left behind slavery, slave trade, and colonialism are rough.

    The UK has been engaging in the command and control and diplomatic process for a long, long time. As Thomas noted, it plays the long, long game. Consequently, if the Virgin Islands(VI) (British) want to play in the game, it must learn the rules of the game and acquire the skills on how to play the game against a more experienced and adroit player like the UK.

    To me, the VI lacks some knowledge on the rules of game, as well as some skills on how to play the game, leaving itself vulnerable to being mercifully beat up. There is strength in numbers. And if the VI wants to be treated as a equal and worthy partner, it must unite, cooperate, and collaborate for the common/public good of the VI. The VI got itself in the ghut and must take the personal initiative and engagement to extract itself from the ghut. It must lean forward, fail forward, and learn and develop from its failure. No one can care more for the VI than the VI people care for the VI. VI heal thyself.
    • Stealth (09/07/2022, 11:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @E.Leonard, you dig and cut deep mehson, touching not only the tip of iceberg but what is way below the surface. You peel back the opinion. So let me if I follow you correctly. The European superpowers got together and divide up the Americas, Africa and South Asia among themselves and along with land they take the resources, enslaved indigenous people and African slaves to work the land, didn’t give a rat’s @$$ the indigenous people or their civilizations. The kicker seems to be that the colonialists was not accountable to anyone. They were like a law unto themselves and still in regards to the few remaining OTs, ie, BVI, etc it is accountable only to themselves.
    • Ne Timeas (10/07/2022, 08:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The Occam’d Razor theory is not always an absolute, sure, sure fire way, of identifying the simplest cause of events. As such, colonialism legacy(s) is complex and effects long lasting and is a disservice to those who were disadvantaged to just treat it like a disposable item. The colonizers want to free themselves of remembering the dastardly and vicious past; whereas, those affected adversely by it cannot forget it. E. Leonard explored and took a deep dive piercing into the cause and effect of the problem. I must admit that I was not aware of the Treaty of Tordesillas and the Treaty of Varagossa. The blog triggered my interest and the conclusion for me is that though these Treaties over 500 years old, they still impact in the BVI, the region and beyond. Clearly, colonialism has had and is still having an adverse impact on the BVI. However, all the blame does fall on the shoulders of the UK; some of the fault rest squarely on the BVI people and BVI leaders. They exploited the structural weakness of the guardrails and got ensnared, got trapped, in the process. Nevertheless, if the disunity, self-hatred endures, it will stay trapped. The following quote caught my interest:
      “ The tactics used by the conquerors and colonialists to fully colonize the captured lands was to cultivate the support of the local leader(s) to go along with the plan of action.“ This has happened through slave trade-slavery-colonialism eras and is still alive and well. Virgin Islanders must be vigilant and avoid being getting played with a 6 for a 9.
    • Political Observer (PO) (11/07/2022, 08:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      “The colonialists was and is only accountable to themselves. The colonized had/has no means to redress issues.” Indeed, the colonial powers was all powerful and wielded absolute power, being accountable to no one but themselves for their sordid actions.
  • 911 (08/07/2022, 21:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Spesker of truths
  • @ HISTORIAN , (09/07/2022, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • E. Leonard (09/07/2022, 11:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I like to know who I’m debating. So be bold and provide your real name and points of disagreement in regards to my statements and we can have a civil debate. In interim, that mangy dog is going to hunt nor that canard going to fly today on African selling other Africans as slave. Doubt you will provide your real name. Be bold and daring.
      • Waiting for It (09/07/2022, 15:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Waiting for it. Popping pop corn and chilling in the LZ Boy with a Greenie waiting for the debate. It should be interesting. Lol.
  • one eye (09/07/2022, 21:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another good read and its facts

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