Donald de Castro to resume 'Straight Talk' radio show
de Castro said his Talk Show would resume its regular programming on the ZBVI radio station after being off the airwaves since November 2012.
The host said he has many issues that he plans to talk about on his next show and will not be having a guest this time around because he hasn’t been on the air for some time.
Some of the issues he wants to raise include the pending pier project as well as immigration issues that concern the Territory.
“I always [wanted] to resume [the show], but it’s just that there were some delays,” de Castro said. He explained that talk shows are usually stopped around the Christmas period and he encountered some financial difficulties around January, 2013.
“By the time I got this straightened out,” he added, “the radio station had an accident with their antenna.”
He said the show would be aired at 8PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month for one hour as was previously done but he was uncertain whether there would be two shows for the month of April.
Listeners, he said, could expect the same format as was formerly in place since he was not inclined to take phone calls during his show. "I don't take calls and my guests don't take calls," de Castro said while explaining that he felt this interfered with his policy of trying to give uninterrupted information to the listening public.

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