‘Do not call me nigger’ - Hon Maduro-Caines
“I do not wear a slavery chain around my neck, so do not call me Nigga, Nigger or however you want to spell it. Boils down to the same thing,” Hon Maduro Caines said in a Thursday, January 15, 2021, social media post.
The use of the 'N word' has taken on a derogatory meaning when used to describe a negro person, even though negroes often use it freely against each other without repercussions.
Hon Maduro-Caines continued, “The time has come for us as Black people to move away from this name-calling of our brothers and sisters,” she said.
Further, she called on the VI community to rid themselves of envy and malice towards each other.
Eliminate profanities – Hon Maduro-Caines
“Eliminate the B and W word. I am your sister and I have a name given to me by my mother and father. The time has come for us to move away from the envy and malice built up towards each other.”
Over the years, the VI legislator has turned to social media, including Facebook where she has a large following, to voice concerns on social issues, as well as engage with users in several community Facebook groups.
“You don’t know some of the struggles our people went through to get to the place they are today. Appreciate a brother or sister for their accomplishment inspite of what you may think or how you may feel about them,” Hon Maduro-Caines said while calling for love and unity to prevail.
27 Responses to “‘Do not call me nigger’ - Hon Maduro-Caines”
These are former members speaking against these societies and getting out of it and here goes some of these lost people in the BVI being fooled by the devil by praising an organization’s laws that the devil behind with these rituals throwing scriptures in with trickery removing God replacing it with their society’s name trying to take God’s place. Their god is not God.
Watch and see for yourselves
of Latin origin; black; Niger, a Christian:--Niger.
1) surname of the prophet Simeon
This word is used 1 time:
Acts 13:1: "Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius" THERE SURNAMES
Don’t twist it to suit your ignorant views.
You’re another ignorant know-it-all.
Then you have the know-it-alls still stuck in the slave mentality relying on what the ancestors did as though they are the ones we owe allegiance to - Almighty God is the only One we have to reverence. The same know-it-alls believing that the slaves used that N-word in an esteemed way but others made it into a negative word so it’s ok to use it, is the most asinine thing I’ve heard.
Come Out From Among Them. Ignorance of the Laws of God is No Excuse. Can’t be preaching God and praising the devil.
This is for all who are stuck on ancestral traditions, sororities, fraternities, and other secret societies including Eastern Star.
Watch and Learn
Black ppl Re-Defined all the tenets of slavery and turned negatives into positives. Have you ever said something was 'Bad' and you meant it was "Good'? It's the same. Have you ever eaten Souse and enjoyed it? Chicken Neck & Back, Fish Head Soup? That is slavery food and what we had to do with the scraps but we made it great and desirable. We even enjoy it & crave it, choose to eat it. We define ourselves.
We reject the slave master's language and meaning and we created something new out of it, that at one time others wanted to label 'Ebonics' we also rejected that label, as we don't like labels, because We Define Ourselves. And we don't need anyone else's approval or understanding with it, because We Define Ourselves.
And we will Never Forget.
The more we ridicule and turn negatives on their heads, the less power those negatives will have over us.
so why can’t we do that with Nigga?