Divorced from justice but not separated from the people
I am Forever Grateful, & Offer Thanks to you the People:
It may be flattering for persons to praise my last Articles as Master Pieces, but the truth is, the things I am saying now are what I have been saying all along… It’s merely a matter of speaking Truth to Power, in order to provide Truth for the Youth... It’s also okay for those who differ with me and call me a Hypocrite, because I promote the full employment of V-Islanders, even as I support the Rights of employed Non-Belongers.
I remember how our Parents travelled abroad to seek work to support their Families, so this is simply a matter of being fair to all concerned, even as we accept the differences between Human Rights and National Responsibility... By respecting one another, we can go farther and survive longer, than by wasting time and effort in fighting each other... Besides, why should we allow a friend to starve, provided we have fed our family?
Circumstances alter cases, but Life remains a paradox… The best run Ministry and Department, is always the Ministry and Department of Waste and Corruption, but no one admits to working there… Nonetheless, they are the same ones who ‘tell us to look before we leap’, even as they tell us to ‘close our eyes, trust them, and jump’... However, real Wisdom requires that we learn from both Examples and Mistakes.
I have been fortunate and I would like to thank all who have wished us well in our mission to erect the New B&F Medical Complex... You know that it has not been easy, but your constant encouragement made it doable... We are practically finished with the Structure, and it is now a matter of Furnishings, Equipment, and Staff… We are working at those, but the threats and attempted blockages still continue.
We have no control over Bad mindedness, but some of these are serious enough to refer to the Police... It seems that some folks prefer to reap Crops before they plant a seed… Perhaps they think it hard that someone else may enjoy a Flower or pick a Fruit... This will still not deter us, because I believe that this Project is being done for the People, and the greater the obstacles the greater will be my determination.
Again, thanks for the reactions to my Articles and Broadcasts... Whether or not they caused the speeding up of Work Permits, the filling of Potholes or the awarding of Scholarships, is far less important than having persons benefit from them… Maybe those projects were already planned, and, like the Floods and Rains, they are not answers to Prayers, but simply, the Gods of Nature and Laws of Balance restoring some Equilibrium.
Bad Leaders are Captains of Hardship:
Politics remains the business of projection, so we project what we want you to believe, and we project on others what may be more likely to be faults within ourselves... In this way, our projection become your perception and we are able to fool you and rule you... You may think you understand this, but the fact that you still do as you do, because we say as we say, tells us that you are still far from understanding.
The poor conditions of Roads throughout the Territory cannot be fixed overnight, and Residents should bring their specific concerns to their Elected Representative… The Triangular Island, close to B&F Medical, and the lack of Pedestrian Crossings and Speed Bumps close to the Festival Grounds and High School, are but a few of the persistent Road Hazards… Maybe Leaders are waiting for more accidents or Children Fatalities.
All across the world trouble is brewing in one form or the other, and as a trickledown country, it will reach us sooner or later; so, before we are totally confused, let’s try to find some clarity... This may not be easy because we are told that all politics is local and we should focus more on what’s happening at home, and less on what happens abroad... This would only leave us more narrow-minded and ignorant.
The less our Youth know about real Facts and Truth, the more they will exist in someone else’s shadow, and, rather than learn from both the examples as well as the mistakes of others, they will perpetuate a Cycle of ignorance... Old things would appear as new, and simple efforts would be seen as re-inventing the wheel... In this way, they remain stuck in Yesterdays, as they prolong the effects of Modern Slavery.
We make excuses for Wars and Suffering, and even console ourselves, that because the whole World is Wicked and Corrupt, then it’s okay if we are just a little bit bad... We fail to realise that, a poisoned apple may be 95% good, but all needed to kill us is the 5% of badness, and it is better to do the best we can, however we can, rather than become aggressive and defensive with excuses based on God and Religion.
The Middle East in the West Indies, & Our Little Palestine in the VI:
The more Religious you are, the greater is the tendency to do willful Wrongs and then seek Devine Support or Forgiveness… Months ago, I spoke of how those referred to as God’s Chosen People, were always fighting and stealing Land; We now see the ongoing conflict, with Palestinians being accused of mass Jewish murders, and the Jews receiving approval from the UK and US to slaughter Palestinians.
No one seems interested in the cause or solution of the problem… This is just a Military Experiment to claim whose God have the Might to make Wrongs seem Right… As we listen to Speeches of the Rich and Powerful, from their Bully Pulpits, it is clear that they count on our continued ignorance of never knowing that International Law, condemned the Jews for occupying Palestinian’s Lands and practicing Apartheid.
This is the same form of oppression and deprivation that Whites practiced on Blacks in South Africa, right up to the days of Nelson Mandela... The World knows that it’s wrong, and the UN condemns it… Furthermore, we know that neither the UK nor US would tolerate this in their own Backyard, but when Palestinians resist the oppression, these same hypocrites are quick with their threats and condemnation.
No one should have to die fighting for their own Property and the Right to Life, but no one should easily relinquish these to the Hands of injustice… We have seen our own Leaders selling and alienating the Lands of their People, to enrich themselves… We saw those lands suddenly sprout Posts, Barbwire, and No Trespassing signs to restrict the Natives, and it became too expensive for Local to afford to buy them back.
When I speak of the Wickhams Cay Palmgrove Centre, it is for you to understand how a little piece of land with tiny shops, could be a symbol of Colonialism, and a Lesson in Corruption... This Plot was designated and sold to V-Islanders, to symbolize them having a stake in their own Country… We paid the price, but are too afraid to stand up for our rights, so Government is stealing it from us on behalf of Foreigners.
The Youth may not recognise the significance of this dastardly act, but they are witnessing a Classic example, of VI Trickledown Land Piracy... Church and Crown, will never suffer from this or Squatters Rights, but Government can confiscate your Property, under the guise of Eminent Domain, and if this trend continues, the Disenfranchised Youth will exist in their own Hellish South Africa or Palestine.
Being more than we are or Less than we should be:
We shouldn’t wonder why we are treated like Nobodies when we still refuse to respect our-selves as Somebody... We boast on how Higher Education and Universities teach us all about Equality, but our Churches still preach about the Superiority of God’s chosen People, and, with all the contradictions, many have decided to accept Religion and its teachings as the Holy Gospel and our DeFacto Leader.
It is not hard to fool us, for, although no one has ever been there and back, we adopt their fantastic description of Heaven, and cherish their Religious Stories, as the Words of God and Road Maps to Eternal Life after Death... As a security, they instilled in us such fear of Hell and punishment, that from infancy, we dared not refute their Doctrines, although it is clear, that we are all destined to die without a return ticket.
By having the mentality of Sheep that will blindly follow any leader to its death, the convince us to turn the other Cheek, so that it is easier to rob us... It doesn’t matter that this would be self-defeating for our Children, and self-sacrificing for ourselves… After all, a Shepherd’s Agenda is Wool, Mutton, and Milk; so they will collect what they can while you are alive, but Sheep, can also worth more dead than alive.
I love life and it’s easy to appreciate the importance of providing Health Care for the People, but we cannot understand NHI without knowing the History and Agenda behind this Scheme... For some reason, we believe that more is better, and Public Services seem to think it needs 10 men to turn one screw... If that was true then the God of Nature and Laws of Balance would have given the Idiot several heads instead of just one.
I guess he knew that too many cooks spoil the broth, and to the Greedy, too much is never enough... The Politicians saw the Hospital and Public Health Care being mismanaged and too costly, so they used this as a golden opportunity to impose another Tax on the People… This was intended to cover these and create an easy-dip Political Piggy Bank, like Social Security… Their Scheme failed so they are now fooling the Public.
However, because NHI is so well screwed up, further Political tampering could cause a catastrophe that would leave every NHI Card Holder at major Risk… This would not affect Politicians who have already secured separate Health Insurance at the Taxpayers expense… As a result, we are caught in a Doom’s Day Scenario that could be far worse than the challenges facing the UK’s NHS... We are in deep, deep trouble.
Nothing that I’m saying is new or strange to you, but you have been programmed and conditioned as Foot Stools and Fools for those who would mislead you – Fake Leaders… They would have you collect your Rewards in Heaven while they put you through Hell on Earth… However, as usual, please do not just take my word as gospel… Do your own research, and Check for yourself to find your own answers.
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

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