‘Disrespectful Hon. Walwyn’- Governor Jaspert & Premier Smith

This time, however, he is now in trouble with the current United Kingdom appointed Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert aka ‘Gus’.
New predicament
Mr Walwyn’s new predicament stems from his media release of an investigation into his $1.6M small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School. The Minister commissioned the wall just before the 2015 General Elections and the Auditor General (AG) has detailed a tale of corruption including gross violations of the law plus a general disregard for Cabinet and even the Ministry of Finance.
The investigation details how contractors were paid in full while work was incomplete, breach of the Public Financial Management Act as well as no value for money among other red flag issues.
Mr Walwyn had chosen all the contractors for the wall according to the AG’s special report and may have violated the Trade License and Social Security laws of the Territory. While the former Governor requested the audit, a chance was not given to the current Governor to follow long-established protocols, where he makes the report public after it goes to Cabinet, then to the House of Assembly according to the radio statement given by Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL).
Report given out a violation
Instead, Walwyn held a hastily arranged press conference a few weeks ago bashing the Auditor General Ms Sonia M. Webster, a local, and handing out the report to the media, fearing it would have been leaked. In other words, the embattled Minister and Co-Leader of Government tried to get out ahead of the story, however, it violated protocol.
In an Email from Governor Jespert to Premier Smith, the Governor expressed his displeasure over what the Minister did. In turn, Dr Smith in an unannounced broadcast on a local radio station stated that he does not support the Minister’s actions and demanded an apology.
In turn, Mr Walwyn gave what many described as a half-baked apology to the Premier saying, “If the Premier thinks my actions were wrong then I trust him enough to make an apology,” however, he never addressed his disrespect to His Excellency, the Governor. It is unclear what will be the other move by Governor Jespert who is on leave for a few days.
In closing his radio statement, Premier Smith warned his Minister that his action should “not be repeated in the future”, and stated “should any legal action arise from this matter, I expect it to be deal with by the courts.” Many legal and political pundits see this as a loaded statement.

27 Responses to “‘Disrespectful Hon. Walwyn’- Governor Jaspert & Premier Smith”
Do you know the difference between a narcissist, a psychopath, and a sociopath? Well, allow me to briefly explain: a psychopath is born with no feelings of empathy; a sociopath shows empathy based on the standards nurtured by society; but a narcissist knows that he/she is wrong, but argues their position as right anyway. Humble yourself man.
When you’re wrong, take responsibility for your actions and ask forgiveness. Ask Miss P for advice if you must, she been through a similar situation at one time and because she took responsibility for her actions- she was overwhelmingly forgiven by the public.
If y’all want Myron win thumbs down
Wat ah ting! Haste make waste. In the world of tennis, the MEC’s performance would be viewed as an unenforced error. The MEC is a lawyer and knows the import of adhering to laws; he knows that violating laws come with consequences; he knows that adhering to laws is the bedrock of good order and discipline and the rule of law in the community. Following laws is a healthy societal norm. This same principle applies to government policies, processes and procedures. All the MEC had to do was follow the procurement procedures. Instead, he went rogue.
Now, the MEC is working overtime to rationalize his actions. He is raging and hopping mad that the Auditor General didn’t include his reasons for not abiding with the procurement procedures in her report. Apparently, he doesn’t give a rat’s *** about the procedures; it is ALL about his agenda. Rules are for other people. The Auditor General’s job was to determine if the procurement procedures were followed or not followed. The Auditor General should not give a rat’s ass why one didn’t follow procedures. That is a problem for the person, his/her boss, the agency and the people. In this case, it is the Premier, Premier……etc; Doc must stand up and take responsibility. And he did by publicly rebuking the MEC. The usual best management practice is to rebuke in private and praise in public. What happened here and why?
Moreover, this is not the MEC’s finest hour; he violated long standing protocol, dissed the Premier, cohorts, Governor and the people. It was about self. The MEC is vying to lead the territory. A leader must lead by personal example, take blame when things go off the rail and share top performance. It is challenging for a leader to get followers to adhere to protocol(s) when he/she looks at them with disdain. This is a teachable moment.