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Disinterested staff should be rotated among other departments- Stephanie P. Benn

Noting in the 2014 Annual Report of the Civil Registry and Passport Office that the department continues to grow at a “rapid pace”, Registrar General of the Civil Registry and Passport Office, Mrs Stephanie P. Benn said staff must be ready for the changes. Furthermore, Mrs Benn said as a repeat that when staff members are no longer interested in their work “and all efforts to mentor, coach and train them fail, they should be rotated among other departments in which they are interested. Photo: VINO/File
In the report laid in the House of Assembly on November 2, 2015, Registrar General Mrs Stephanie P. Benn said the department in 2014 focused on the centralisation of British Overseas Territories Passports to the United Kingdom, gained Cabinet’s approval to merge its two offices due to the long legacy of inadequate office space, amendment to the Marriage Act and the Registration of Births and Death legislations to modernise the process to expand its services in the near future. Photo: VINO
In the report laid in the House of Assembly on November 2, 2015, Registrar General Mrs Stephanie P. Benn said the department in 2014 focused on the centralisation of British Overseas Territories Passports to the United Kingdom, gained Cabinet’s approval to merge its two offices due to the long legacy of inadequate office space, amendment to the Marriage Act and the Registration of Births and Death legislations to modernise the process to expand its services in the near future. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Noting in the 2014 Annual Report of the Civil Registry and Passport Office that the department continues to grow at a “rapid pace”, Registrar General of the Civil Registry and Passport Office, Mrs Stephanie P. Benn said staff must be ready for the changes.

In the report laid in the House of Assembly on November 2, 2015, Mrs Benn said the department in 2014 focused on the centralisation of British Overseas Territories Passports to the United Kingdom, gained Cabinet’s approval to merge its two offices due to the long legacy of inadequate office space, amendment to the Marriage Act and the Registration of Births and Death legislations to modernise the process to expand its services in the near future.

She added that political developments during the year, such as the cruise ship pier expansion reminded of the importance of the department to this improvement as it now has to prepare and ensure its practices meet the customer demands.

The Registrar General said in her Foreword in the Report that training at all levels continues to be at the forefront, for the department has to cross-train its staff to be ready for the changes.


“However, the challenge remains with the staff, to develop themselves academically, so that we can capitalise more on their talents. This would then reduce the need for hiring specialised staff.

“Success in achieving this objective will require a joint effort on the part of cabinet, management and staff. This department continues to grow at a rapid pace, we have to be ready for the new era,” Mrs Benn stated.

Furthermore, Mrs Benn said as a repeat that when staff members are no longer interested in their work “and all efforts to mentor, coach and train them fail, they should be rotated among other departments in which they are interested.

“Hopefully, this would improve customer services, for we would then be able to hire persons with the right skills for the job, as one of our goals for the upcoming year is to reduce the waiting time for services offered to our department.”

The Civil Registry and Passport Office was established in 2005 and is responsible for the issuance of BOTC passports, Citizenship, Belonger Status, British Citizenship, all civil matters (inclusive of solemnisation of marriages), records management, swearing of oaths and legalisation of documents (Apostilles).

In the 2014 Report, it stated that it has 16 fulltime staff and one temporary.

Revenue generated by the Civil Registry and Passport Office for 2014 was put at $1,032, 421.00, which represented a 2% increase when compared to 2013.

26 Responses to “Disinterested staff should be rotated among other departments- Stephanie P. Benn”

  • staff (22/11/2015, 12:16) Like (29) Dislike (3) Reply
    she her self needs to be rotated!
    • over site (22/11/2015, 14:16) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
      long time she needed to be replace,since both passport go to uk for issue
    • sad sad (22/11/2015, 18:06) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      And as usual BVI people and other black countries are quite content with bringing down our own people!!!
  • Eagle (22/11/2015, 12:18) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    They are call wolf in sheep clothings.
  • Windy (22/11/2015, 12:44) Like (37) Dislike (3) Reply
    if one becomes disinterested and doesn't want to perform their work... FIRE THEM !
    • Gov Reality (23/11/2015, 19:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Windy Your recommendation is easier done than said. Some individuals now don't even do the bare minimum because of competency level or willfulness but if the supervisor dares to represent it in their performance appraisals its war.
  • Political Observer (22/11/2015, 13:00) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    Top performing employees need to be recognized and rewarded , underperforming employees need to be coached and counseled and ways parted with those failing to respond positively to constructive feedback. Underperforming and problem employees should not be passed on to other departments, assuming that the poor performance is with the employees. If effective supervision is the problem, it should be dealt with expeditiously. Poor supervision can ruin an orgsnization.
  • chad (22/11/2015, 13:12) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
    How much of the disinterest is due to incompetent supervisors and HODs?
    • @ wow (22/11/2015, 13:19) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      80 %
    • @wow (22/11/2015, 17:53) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      How much of the disinterest is due to employees who just there for a job, not really interested in the job, and don't want supervisors or HODs telling them what to do or what not to do?
  • watch yo see (22/11/2015, 13:26) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Most of them will be shifted off to PHD, PWD and W&SD.
  • Mia (22/11/2015, 13:42) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thus perhaps the underlying issue wasn't limited office space?
  • jamdowm (22/11/2015, 14:00) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply

    i need a visa and she better not tell me sh*t bout home country

    • @ Jamdown (22/11/2015, 17:52) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
      You need to have respect. You think we can go Jamaica and say that. Try and find a seat somewhere.
  • Sir Alan (22/11/2015, 16:09) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    You're Fired
  • Sensible (22/11/2015, 23:57) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    I agree.. Sometimes staff need a new challenge and a new surrounding.. Transfer is the way to go for underperforming and or rude staff.
  • Ears (23/11/2015, 00:09) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Middle management is a big failure in all aspect both in public and private entities...
  • Wendy (23/11/2015, 13:43) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Are these "diinterested staff" adults or are they toddlers?
    Were they hired,paid a salary with benefits against their will?
    Madam, if the statement "disinterested staff should be rotated among other departments" really what you said, what you believe , then you Madam , need to be escorted to the exit door and evolve in a real world on the unemployment line.
  • MAUBEE (23/11/2015, 16:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with her sentiments. .......... I myself gets BORED quickkkk !!! I already changed in 3 department in the company I'm in right now (2 years each)..... I didnt ask for a raise --- I dont care for it !!! I love a new environment ...
  • Dulcina (23/11/2015, 20:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And there you have it ladies and gentlemen sufferers of civil service customer abuse.
    The next time you are taking care of business with Gov, be aware that the disinterested surly public funded employee in your face,just might be one of the rejected, recyled and rewarded.
  • Eagle and Buffalo (25/11/2015, 10:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Employees are too often blame for low productivity and poor performance/behavior. But every employee has a supervisor and performs and behaves in the manner that the supervisor allows ( true in government some employees are politically protected and untouchable). Supervisor must shoulder the blame for low productivity and poor performance. Some studies have found that organizational productivity can be as low as 50%. A supervisor's responsibility to create teamwork and unit cohesion to deliver the expected service. Mostly supervisors have to light fires within employees to produce a high output. Assuming that productivity is hovering 50%, the supervisor goal is to raise the level of productivity to say 70%. An effective supervisor can. Seems as if Ms. Benn has raised the white flag. Instead, she should be embracing the challenge of improving service delivery and increasing productivity. As Political Observer and others have noted, poor performing employees should not be transferred to other departments. Ms. Benne is being paid to lead and manage and should. Leading top performing employees is a piece of cake. The real leadership challenge is leading poor performing employees. Leading underperforming employees is the true test of leadership. Let's soar as eagles, not led around like buffaloes!
  • FIRE (25/11/2015, 17:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are dis-interested because they are having secret affairs with their Supervisor's husband and they are not comfortable being on the job. Rotate Me Please to Trade Department!

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