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Disckson Igwe Swim School gets sponsorship from Unite BVI

September 14th, 2024 | Tags: swim school aquatics sponsorship Unite BVI Dickson Igwe
The Dickson Igwe School of Swimming, Aquatics, and the Sea was the recent recipient of $500 worth of swimming supplies from Unite BVI. Photo: Facebook/Dickson Igwe
Unite BVI is a swimming sponsor that supports swim schools in the Virgin Islands with grants and scholarships. They recently sponsored swimming supplies to the Dickson Igwe School of Swimming, Aquatics, and the Sea. Photo: Facebook/Dickson Igwe
Unite BVI is a swimming sponsor that supports swim schools in the Virgin Islands with grants and scholarships. They recently sponsored swimming supplies to the Dickson Igwe School of Swimming, Aquatics, and the Sea. Photo: Facebook/Dickson Igwe
NANNY CAY BOAT YARD AND MARINA, Tortola, VI- The Dickson Igwe School of Swimming, Aquatics, and the Sea was the recent recipient of $500 worth of swimming supplies from Unite BVI.

Speaking to our news center Mr. Dickson Igwe said Unite BVI is a swimming sponsor that supports swim schools in the Virgin Islands with grants and scholarships.

Unite BVI Sponsorship a blessing- Dickson Igwe

Mr. Igwe also described this sponsorship as a blessing.

“Over the years Unite BVI has kept my school sustainable and swimming volunteers from Dickson Igwe Swin Scholl have taught hundreds of kids, youth, and adults to swim safely and competently.”

3 Responses to “Disckson Igwe Swim School gets sponsorship from Unite BVI”

  • Sargassum (14/09/2024, 14:21) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Makes more sense to remove all the weed clogging the swimming beach so that the DI Swim School can actually function.
  • jack (14/09/2024, 14:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good stuff
  • Sponsor this and sponsor that (14/09/2024, 18:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everybody became beggars since this VIP government got in.

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