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Dirk L. Walters to contest 5th District with PU

According to Sources, former Customs Officer, Dirk L. Walters will contest the Fifth District Seat under PU in the 2019 General Elections. Photo: Facebook
In D5, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate is Kye M. Rymer (Center) the former Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, the National Democratic Party (NDP) has Elvis J. Harrigan (Right) a former legislator, and Wade N. Smith (Left) will be running with the NDP breakaway group called Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM). Photo: VINO/File
In D5, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate is Kye M. Rymer (Center) the former Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, the National Democratic Party (NDP) has Elvis J. Harrigan (Right) a former legislator, and Wade N. Smith (Left) will be running with the NDP breakaway group called Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM). Photo: VINO/File
HUNTUM’S GHUT, Tortola, VI - Word reaching our newsroom from senior sources inside the Progressives United (PU), headed by Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), is that former Customs Officer, Dirk L. Walters will contest the Fifth District Seat in the 2019 General Elections.

Mr Walters, 40, an Indigenous Virgin Islander and now employed by the Financial Investigative Agency, is also the owner of Extreme Band and has been in the music sector for some 25 years.

Was sought after

When reached by our news desk, Mr Walters declined to comment but confirmed his party PU, will be launching their candidates on January 11, 2019.

It is unclear why he chose to run with PU, however, Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) understands, that other political parties had an interest in Mr Walters and had approached him.

With Mr Walters in the political race, it brings to four, the declared candidates in the fifth district; the seat left vacant after the death of Hon Delores Lettsome-Christopher in October 2018.

Packed gate in D5

The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate is Kye M. Rymer the former Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, the National Democratic Party (NDP) has Elvis J. Harrigan a former legislator, and Wade N. Smith will be running with the NDP breakaway group called Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM).  Mr Smith was a former Comptroller of Customs.

There is also expected to be two independent candidates contesting District 5.

24 Responses to “Dirk L. Walters to contest 5th District with PU ”

  • send help (04/01/2019, 12:01) Like (22) Dislike (24) Reply
    Dead on Departure (DOD)
  • vip (04/01/2019, 12:07) Like (28) Dislike (6) Reply
    Dirky issa smart dude, i would love to hear why he chose fraser
  • ghut boy (04/01/2019, 12:27) Like (28) Dislike (12) Reply
    not a bad candidate if you ask me
  • foxy (04/01/2019, 13:00) Like (23) Dislike (22) Reply
    he has a chance but he cannot beat Rymer
  • D5 (04/01/2019, 13:03) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dirk is a good man....positive vibes....i wish him the best
  • smh (04/01/2019, 13:30) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yeah, race #5 on the card has a full gate...may not have enough votes to go around.
  • strong (04/01/2019, 13:55) Like (20) Dislike (12) Reply
    Very good candidate and for the 5 district
  • Law Abiding citizen (04/01/2019, 14:54) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Good luck Dirk.
  • wow (04/01/2019, 15:07) Like (17) Dislike (16) Reply
    • smdh (05/01/2019, 20:37) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      Goes to show that u looking at party and not individual. If he good, he good. Come out of that party mentality. That’s what’s killing things. Y’all so hell bent on this party crap, and out of the whole party you know that there are only 2 or 3 good ones in there. Talking bout XYZ party all the way. What BS.
      Party done.
  • wow (04/01/2019, 15:30) Like (26) Dislike (13) Reply
    What’s up with all these people running in the 5th. Is there something sharing that we don’t know about? Kye Rymer for the win!!!!
  • great (04/01/2019, 15:58) Like (25) Dislike (7) Reply
    Dirk is a good candidate no matter the party he in.
  • Hmmmm (04/01/2019, 17:57) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Popularity run things (NOT) It’s all about (who)
  • Ex Member (04/01/2019, 18:45) Like (21) Dislike (15) Reply

    As a proud member of the 5th I think Kye is the more suitable candidate. Dirk is just a toot his own horn kinda guy. 

  • Really? (04/01/2019, 23:00) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Last of a dying breed. Last of a dying breed. Last of a dying breed. That’s all I ever hear this man post. Tell me how can I take that type of foolery serious?? Please wheel and come again!
    • Yes (05/01/2019, 10:00) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
      Don’t forget his favorite saying rum on demand! I think he needs to stick to music. Leave the 5th district to Hon Kye Rymer!
    • wow (05/01/2019, 20:24) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      But you iz da one one who likes his last of the dying breed post. I’m sure your Facebook name ain’t really on FB!
  • hmn (05/01/2019, 07:43) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    He’ll be just fine. Stick with the bands my brother. We in the 5th don’t want you! You only know ppl when you performing.
    • The Hill Have Eye (05/01/2019, 11:03) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      he might be the right fit for the fifth the rest like wade just place in the race by the puppet masters with the big bucks.. no real district interest at heart.. Most of them thing the fifth district is Huntums Ghut alone..

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