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Director of Customer Service post being introduced into public service

- Role expected to enhance Customer Service Care Centre
With calls continuing for improved customer service in Government, now comes news that the post of Director of Customer Service is being introduced to enhance the Customer Service Care Centre in the Public Service. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Governor, Mr David D. Archer, Jr said applications are being accepted to fill the post with a suitability qualified person as part of the Public Service Transformation. Photo: GIS/File
Deputy Governor, Mr David D. Archer, Jr said applications are being accepted to fill the post with a suitability qualified person as part of the Public Service Transformation. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- With calls continuing for improved customer service in Government, now comes news that the post of Director of Customer Service is being introduced to enhance the Customer Service Care Centre in the Public Service.

According to Deputy Governor, Mr David D. Archer, Jr, in a Government Information Services (GIS) press release on June 27, 2022, applications are being accepted to fill the post with a suitability qualified person as part of the Public Service Transformation.

In his June Monthly Message, the Deputy Governor expressed the significance of both this new role and the Customer Service Care Centre.

“I hope you have actually seen recently a job advertised called the Director of Customer Service. We are in the business of serving people. So, how do we ensure that we have the right policies, procedures, or [that] we pay attention? We create a Customer Service Unit for the customer service approach within the Public Service” Mr Archer said.

“That means, we’ll hire someone responsible for paying attention daily to how we serve our clients,” Mr Archer added, referring to the Director of Customer Service.

Customer Care Centre

The Customer Service Care Centre is intended to provide different channels for the Government to address what is happening throughout the Territory by public indication; facilitate the booking of appointments for the ministries and departments that are open for business; provide updates and share information on the Government’s Facebook page. The Customer Service Care Centre was established in May 2020. At the time, the Deputy Governor celebrated the new centre as a means for the public to receive an elite service during the period of COVID-19 and beyond.

“So when you hear about the new Public Service being transformed, when you hear about serving customers, understand that will be led by the Director of Customer Service,” Mr Archer said.

He encouraged anyone with interest, ideas and thoughts about Customer Service within the Public Service to apply.

'Clients at the forefront'

He added that “this journey of better serving our clients each and every day can be achieved in a more systematic, strategic way—but also with clients at the forefront of what we do.”

Persons interested in applying for Director of Customer Service can view the job listing at

For more information, the Customer Service Care Centre can be contacted at 468-3701. Persons can also send an email to or contact the Office of the Deputy Governor directly via telephone at 468-2195.

16 Responses to “Director of Customer Service post being introduced into public service”

  • critic (28/06/2022, 11:22) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    I would love to be a Secret Shopper to determine whether the system is working once it gets underway.

    Concerned though, that this is yet another post being created, with so many idle public servants twiddling their fingers in the government offices.
    • NezRez (28/06/2022, 12:10) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ critic. Not only that, I hope they will get sensitivity training, meaning having patience with the public’s questions, because patience is seriously lacking with public workers here. They seem to forget they are hired for their positions and not take it personally. What good is a public worker with an attitude towards the people who have problems and questions? If they cannot treat people with respect then they should not apply for these kind of jobs. I have called many government agencies to ask questions, only to first of all having someone pick up the phone sounding either sounding as though I woke them up, chewing food, talking too low and getting annoyed when I say I can’t hear them or already having an attitude when they pick up the phone. I have to remind them I am not the last person they spoke to so don’t take it out on me. I really hope these new ones are trained well because I am tired of them and will log names, dates and the problem I called for. We all know how that feels and no one has addressed this problem yet.
    • faith (28/06/2022, 12:53) Like (1) Dislike (13) Reply
      You must be one of the twiddlers to make such a comment
    • Ning (28/06/2022, 16:36) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      You should be concerned because it IS another waste of time position being created that will in no way solve the problem we are faced with in EVERY governmental department which is, REAL MANAGEMENT and ACCOUNTABLITY including for those who are creating this post. Until this is seriously addressed they can create positions until Thy Kingdom Come and we will still be in the same place or worst off than we are now.
  • Busy busy (28/06/2022, 11:23) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is going to be a busy role and would be more accurately titled “Director of Customer Complaints”.
  • Oh Please (28/06/2022, 11:25) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    Pure bulls***

  • Nice (28/06/2022, 12:23) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yeah, now a baby sitter for civil servants. . . another waste of money. Please pay people on Social Security because we can not live on the pittance being paid. This is urgent. We paid in and we are suppose to be paid a livable pension.
    • No Advertisements? (28/06/2022, 15:37) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Is this per contract?

      Cabinet Decisions - 15 June 2022

      Decided that further to the policy decision taken on 8th July, 2021, agreed to waive the tender process and award both Mr. Sunil Ramjitsingh dba Moksha Consulting, and Mr. Kevin Smith dba K. Carlisle, as Special Advisers to the
      Premier, a new contract with the Government of the Virgin Islands for 12 months with effect from 6th May, 2022 in the amount of one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000) per annum; approved the contracts which set
      out the overall terms and responsibilities, and decided that the Premier's Office instruct the Attorney General's Chambers to vet the contracts before they are signed.
  • Big (28/06/2022, 14:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    You need more than one person to deal with so many department.
  • Nice Move.. (28/06/2022, 15:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was thinking a director incharge of Immigration and Labour.. These departments are clearly out of sink. Hope that person will have the courage to deal with and cut through the burea
  • Oh Please (28/06/2022, 16:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Putting a pretty face on the Public Service and not dealing with the underlying changes will not solve anything.
  • 911 (28/06/2022, 17:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good position i will apply
  • RedStorm (28/06/2022, 20:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    This position needs more people. The director is on 24/7 call, and needs a seven years experience, and it closes June 30. The main focus is time management, planning , organizing ,executing and monitoring training. Leadership qualities of integrity, empathy ,firm heart , consideration and respect. I need to know if there are field workers ( secret agents) as there are others looking jobs.
  • Really? (29/06/2022, 08:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another civil service position? More payroll, pension obligations, govt vehicle... When will it stop? Here's a sugegstion- no new civil service positions unless one is cut. Our gvt payroll is beyond realiustic. This is why our taxes and fees continue to climb. Small business expected to pay 10 times as much for a biz license now. Govt needs some common sense.
  • Best of luck (29/06/2022, 09:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Waste of time, ,most of them stuck in their ways and you can't change people, they have to want to change for themselves. But please do start with Immigration at our port of entries and then labour after.
  • Really? (30/06/2022, 18:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is SOO stupid. Another pointless post created. Government already has an HR department that should be handling the hiring and firing of government employees, as well as complaints made against any of the departments. Let PS do something more than take notes and travel for a change!

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