Did Russia, Wikileaks, FBI & GOP steal the US Elections?
Pain & Sorrow make us cry but Weeping does not make us see things clearer:
For the past weeks we had a reduction in Funerals and we should all be feeling good so it is unfortunate to see the Sorrow and Tears of those who seem to have lost a loved one following the results of the US Presidential Election… Maybe we shouldn’t care but we must because America casts a large Shadow which may serve to shelter us from Rain or deprive us of Sunlight.
Months ago I said Donald J. Trump could not win but Hillary R. Clinton could lose and this made no sense to many since last Tuesday Hillary won most Votes but Trump was declared President Elect… As a result, Polls and Pundits who predicted a Clinton Victory seem quick to doubt themselves, suggest Persons just wanted change so many who opposed Mr Trump suddenly changed their minds or didn’t vote.
Some have blamed phantom Voters and BREXIT Conspiracy for the outcome even as they offer their Olive Branches of Peace and encourage others to rejoice in the glow… However, this message is not reaching the many so deeply saddened and disappointed that they have taken to Tears and street Protests… Unlike the Pundits they seem unwilling to believe that all those Polls could be so wrong.
Why accept wrong when you feel right?
I too join in believing the Polls and Pundits were right and see no reason to change or believe one’s character improves or their intelligence increases just by being elected… Perhaps those who fail to empathise with the Protesters also fail to realise that every Right and Privilege we enjoy as Minorities was only achieved through the Struggles and Protests of such Persons – Even a right not to protest.
There is no doubt this Election delivered a loss of Hope for the vast Majority but rather than cast Blame and Point Fingers we should become more analytical… As we seek answers from any and everywhere and it would be foolish not to consider Conspiracies and the Power of Technology when we have seen Nations fall from the misinformation provided by those who insist that we trust them.
Now more than ever we must decide whether to accept their word and perish without a whimper or to search for Fairness and Justice in order to rescue ourselves… My position is easy to understand but the Concept is so deep that we can only move forward by wiping away our Tears so we may see clearer than before and opening our Minds so we may find answers we ever knew existed.
The Big Question is whether Treason should be rewarded or punished?
We may be constantly reminded that US Elections cannot be rigged but we do not have to accept this as truth when we can reject it as Foolishness… We know stealing Elections is neither New nor Limited because it happened to us in the VI only we call them ‘Snap Elections’… For it to happen in the great America simply means a bigger Fiasco, requiring much more effort to admit and expose.
We can all acknowledge that from the beginning Mr Trump’s own Words and Values disqualified him as a good Example or Leader for our Children… This only got worse as the World saw Mr Trump’s poor judgment and Treason in his unconditional defense of Mr Putin (KGB Spy) even as Russia was being openly accused by US Intelligence of hacking into US Companies and Political Systems.
Mr Trump steadfastly displayed his lack of Knowledge, Racism and Disdain for Women and others so if we acknowledge there are far more Non-Whites than Whites and more Women than Men, we must also acknowledge that it would require a vast majority of Non-whites and Women to hate themselves enough to support Mr Trump in sufficient numbers for him to have won the Election.
Proof that the Election was contaminated was clearly demonstrated by Mr Trump and Surrogates as they (1) exhibited an unnatural dependence on Foreign Wikileak’s Promise of scheduled October Surprises through illegally obtained Emails and (2) claimed encouragement, involvement and knowledge in creating the FBI late term Email distractions – All carefully crafted to derail Hillary.
Tell us again – Treason or trusting Voting Machines?
Clearly, this Election smacks of Treason where Internal Forces colluded with External Forces to interfere in another Country’s Political Process… Unlike Wikileaks claim of impartial operation in the Public’s Interest; this was not… Instead it was maliciously planned for years to be hyped and withheld until selected times; to be delivered with pre-conceived intent to inflict maximum damage.
Clearly the Polls and Pundits were right but they were so caught up in their own Hype they failed to look behind Curtains and under Rocks… If they did they may have found why Mr Trump could make mistakes, break Rules, lose Debates and still proclaim that the Election would have to be rigged for him to lose… He could only do this if he knew it was already rigged and programmed for him to win.
Do you still believe that Elections cannot be hacked by Nations with Technology that can control Robot Cars on Mars, corrupt Iran’s Nuclear Labs, repair orbiting Satellites, program Drones to Kill around the World, shut down North Korea’s Cyberspace and hack into powerful Companies and Emails?... Won’t it be even easier for them to re-program America’s low-level Voting Machines?
Of course they can but if you doubt that Votes can be altered, flash back to Mr Trump telling Early Voters ‘they could still change their Votes’ and ‘he needed no one’s help because he could win by himself’ – Foreign Hackers didn’t have to change very much; simply flip enough Votes to create a Win for Mr Trump; especially in those States where the Race may appear relatively close.
Look at the whole Picture before making your own Decision:
We may never know if he quietly fired his Manager from revealing the Russian Connection but there is enough we already know even if we are reluctant to believe… Truth is true and Facts are Facts which leaves no question that the Election was rigged and interfered with Internally and Externally… The Polls were right - Mr Trump, the Republicans and Associates committed Treason.
Fortunately, this can still be corrected provided America is not too pompous to acknowledge its shortcomings – They can still carefully check the Facts while there is time to gather Evidence, The Electoral College Members can still halt the process before it is too late and the Nation destroyed.
You may ask, why believe me? And the answer is, I would much rather you believed in yourself.
However, you may recall: I told you Iraq had no weapons of Mass Destruction and Bush would be creating unending Wars and you doubted me; I told you Obama’s FATCA would destroy Caribbean Economies and you doubted me and I told you 'BVINHI' was not to benefit the People and you doubted me - You have seen these all come to pass - Maybe this time you cannot afford to doubt me.

12 Responses to “Did Russia, Wikileaks, FBI & GOP steal the US Elections?”
We are heading for world war three. believe it or not it. MR FRETT you are right this man do a lots of dirty things to win the election . The world leaders who mean well for there country have to be on the alert because we are in a serious state.