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Deputy Governor thanks public officers for CoI implementation support

Deputy Governor of the Virgin Islands Mr. David D Archer Jr has thanked public officers for their hard and professional work to ensure the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Recommendation are implemented. Photo: Facebook
Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr said public officers were not only concentrating on CoI implementation but were simultaneously working their normal jobs, delivering customer service and working to deliver a quality product to their clients. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr said public officers were not only concentrating on CoI implementation but were simultaneously working their normal jobs, delivering customer service and working to deliver a quality product to their clients. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Deputy Governor of the Virgin Islands Mr David D. Archer Jr has thanked public officers for their hard and professional work to ensure the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Recommendations are implemented.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he said simply, adding, “If I can say thank you about two thousand times so I can recognise everyone over the past two years who have been really working extremely hard to land the CoI Recommendation in a way that is progressive but also sets a foundation for the future of the public service has been our drive.”

Mr Archer sat with the Acting Communications Officer in the Deputy Governor’s Office Mr Eusa Z. Adams for his monthly message on September 25, 2024.  

Regular day-to-day work continued- DG Archer

Mr Archer said public officers were not only concentrating on CoI implementation but were simultaneously working their normal jobs, delivering customer service and working to deliver a quality product to their clients.

Meanwhile, he said the public service was also being transformed with “a new initiative, customer service programmes, new technology.” This, he added, was done to ensure the people being served receive the great service they deserve.

Mr Archer said part of the “ethos” of the public service is to improve consistently.

3 Responses to “Deputy Governor thanks public officers for CoI implementation support ”

  • sooooo (30/09/2024, 12:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Another Win for Wheatley (30/09/2024, 12:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    While the detractors continue their familiar chorus, the Premier has remained deliberate in his focus on implementing the recommendations, fully aware that their completion would place his administration in a stronger position to tackle broader initiatives. That is simply great strategic long term planning . This demonstrates a notable evolution in his ability to govern effectively. Every new Leader naturally entails a learning curve, the Premier appears to be mastering his, accumulating successes along the way. This is not to diminish the role of the public officers who executed these plans, but rather to acknowledge that the impetus for progress originates at the top.
  • rattie (30/09/2024, 12:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pure talk

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