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DeCastro, Smith, Flax-Charles & Malone In! As VIP At-Large Candidates

VIP Chairman, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (at centre)is flanked by At-Large Candidates (clockwise), Mr Neville A. Smith, former Party President, Mr Carvin Malone, BVI Tourist Board Manager and social activist, Ms Shereen D. Flax-Charles and Businesswoman and former candidate, Ms Sharie B. deCastro. Photo: Team of Reporters
The four were selected in today’s election of the party's congress to contest the General Election which must be held by April 16, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
The four were selected in today’s election of the party's congress to contest the General Election which must be held by April 16, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
The main opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP), today, December 1, 2018, voted for its four At-Large candidates, to join its ticket for the 2019 General Election. Photo: VINO/File
The main opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP), today, December 1, 2018, voted for its four At-Large candidates, to join its ticket for the 2019 General Election. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The main opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP), today, December 1, 2018, voted for its four At-Large candidates, to join its ticket for the 2019 General Election.

Out of the nine candidates vying for the four spots, elected were businessman and former BVI Softball Association President, Mr Neville A. Smith aka ‘Sheep’ and BVI Tourist Board Manager and social activist, Ms Shereen D. Flax-Charles.

Joining the slate also is Educator, Businesswoman and former candidate, Ms Sharie B. deCastro in addition to former Party President, Mr Carvin Malone.

The four were selected in today’s election of the party's congress to contest the General Election which must be held by April 16, 2019.   

Districts ready 

The party’s congress has already confirmed: Hon Andrew A. Fahie for D1, former Ag Permanent Secretary, Educator and Businesswomen Ms Arlene L. Smith-Thompson for D3, former Director of Culture, Ms Luce Hodge-Smith for D4; Commissioner for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Mr Kye M. Rymer for D5, Former member of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Ag Permanent Secretary and businessman Mr John Samuel in D6, H. Lavity Stoutt Community College’s lecturer, Dr Natalio D. Wheatley aka ‘Sowande Uhuru’ for D7, Former Deputy Comptroller of Customs and businessman Dean B. Fahie, for D8 and  Mr Vincent O. Wheatley for D9, a former school teacher and Sister Islands Programme Coordinator.

36 Responses to “DeCastro, Smith, Flax-Charles & Malone In! As VIP At-Large Candidates”

  • wize up (01/12/2018, 18:48) Like (31) Dislike (7) Reply
    Ok den!!!!
  • chad (01/12/2018, 19:01) Like (62) Dislike (57) Reply
    You guys joking.. you all still dont have a clue of what's going on...WIsh you all luck with that soft line up..
    • Jaigon (01/12/2018, 20:25) Like (37) Dislike (14) Reply
      @wow. You are welcome to come forward with your better 4. Let’s have you.
    • @wow (01/12/2018, 21:34) Like (36) Dislike (19) Reply
      You can’t add anything better so &wowbe quiet. You all ain’t tired with the criticism. Find something constructive to do.
  • Ssss (01/12/2018, 19:02) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
  • WOWW (01/12/2018, 19:02) Like (85) Dislike (30) Reply
    Thumbs up if you think VIP at-large team better

    Thumbs down if you think NDP At-large team better
  • Stitchie (01/12/2018, 19:24) Like (54) Dislike (20) Reply
    Great job let's go team VIP
  • Adic (01/12/2018, 19:46) Like (75) Dislike (15) Reply
    Honesty and Integrity. ...
    Inspire Others. ...
    Commitment and Passion. ...
    Good Communicator. ...
    Decision-Making Capabilities. ...
    Accountability. ...
    Delegation and Empowerment. ...
    Creativity and Innovation.
    Etc..........let’s get the dam place back in order!!!!
  • Nice (01/12/2018, 23:11) Like (39) Dislike (13) Reply
    Nice balance VIP. Let's move FORWARD!
  • Awesome (01/12/2018, 23:12) Like (31) Dislike (13) Reply
  • Feel N Happy (01/12/2018, 23:18) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    Great Job . Great team. Great choice . As expected . The final pick was always a toost up between sheep and Valack. Sheep got the edge .its fair . Happy happy For Shareen . Hope she win .she is the type we need to represent us.maybe they can consider willock for district one .
    • @ Feel N Happy #2 (02/12/2018, 07:44) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
      U mean Williock for #2. I agree. They should give willock serious consideration for #2. I think he can win 80% of the votes in Jost van dyke and at lease 40% of the votes cane Garden Bay and the surrounding areas. Which will give him the edge over Mitch..
  • VIP Supporter (01/12/2018, 23:28) Like (17) Dislike (21) Reply
    Ok...I'm with the VIP but honestly I'm disappointed that Claude Skelton-Cline and/or Willock didnt make it. I think speculation about purported wrongs with the Pier project hurt Skelton-Cline, and that Willock's association with J Fraser hurt their chances. In both cases, I think is is unfair and unfortunate. Either or both would strengthen the line-up immensely. I have got to add that I continue to be really impressed with Skelton-Cline (after initial skepticism) and would remind all that we need to remember that being elected might actually be the easy part. People who can actually perform, once elected, is crucial if we are to move the Territory forward. Say what you will about both but they have a proven track record of accomplishments in Govt (Willock) and Stat bodies (Skeleton-Cline). What do we really know about the capabilities (or lack thereof) of those chosen?? Sigh...I am disappointed, I really am. Hope they both land some sort of Special Advisor position or other high level position once the VIP is elected. We absolutely must do what we can to move the Territory forward. Forward ever, backwards never!!
    • The Hooded Claw (02/12/2018, 04:36) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
      Don't be disappointed Jullian, you did everything in your power to be elected. You and Claude tried everything to destroy Hon Walwyn but cant even get on the ticket. Obviously being elected was not as "easy" as you wrote . I think VIP congress realized that it was toxic to select two FIRED civil servants on their slate.

      Anyways we still looking forward to hearing your radio programme Claude and we can't wait to see next week's cartoon VINO.
    • Jacperlance (02/12/2018, 05:05) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
      @VIP supporter. In my opinion you are not a true VIP supporter, what u are doing here is trying to stir up confusion. There was an open and transparent process and 4 persons were selected. We much therefore respect the process, support our full slate of candidates and keep these negative blog off the social media. But as I said, you are a sent here to stir up confusion. So if you feel that you are so clever. Please go back in your corner thank you.
      • VIP Supporter (02/12/2018, 09:35) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
        I am indeed a loyal VIP Supporter and fully respect the process, which I agree was open and transparent. Nowhere in my post did I say I wasn't fully committed to the Party and to supporting each and every candidate. Was just expressing my own disappointment at the outcome of the process. Obviously, i had my own thoughts on who would be the best candidates. Clearly, the majority in the Congress felt otherwise, and I respect their right to have their own individual opinions and to vote according to their own conscience. However, it is sad that you seemingly do not respect my right to express my own opinion and have chosen to misconstrue my earlier post as intending to create confusion rather than simply what it was i.e. a party loyalist simply expressing the fact that their opinion differed from that of the majority in Congress. On this basis, I politely decline your invitation to go into a corner, and rather will continue to support my party, the VIP, and all its candidates fully. However, I vow to also express my views according to my conscience! I take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to you and whoever else I may have offended by having an independent mind. Forward ever, backwards never!
    • @VIP Supporter (02/12/2018, 06:30) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
      In a way I agree but at the same time the VIP must be respected for the transparent democratic process they used. They got the people involved. I admire the strength & unity of the VIP.
  • / (02/12/2018, 00:55) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    who is for the 2
    • Jacperlance (02/12/2018, 10:56) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      Carnel Cline, Denzil Cline son is the VIP Second District Candidate, the VIP already have its full slate of 13 candidates.
  • boy O Boy (02/12/2018, 02:41) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
    Andrew forget about this Congress thing and select people who can win and can help you run this willock and Cline..leave out sheep and decastro... I was a VIP but I have to put country above party..see you all later
  • Youth (02/12/2018, 06:28) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am glad that VIP gave a youth a chance.
  • My 4 (02/12/2018, 07:14) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    My 4 would be:
    Carvin Malone
    Sharie DeCastro

    Agree 100% with the blogger who said that persons may have been wrongly influenced by rumours and innuendo over the pier project with respect to CSC, and closeness with current D3 rep with respect to Willock. In both cases STUPES! While I respect everyone's entitlement to their own opinion, I will say that our Constitutional right to innocence until proven guilty will hold meaning to some of us only when we or those closest to us are similarly affected by false rumours, and it is sad that only then that we will truly understand how wrong it is not to allow persons the benefit of the doubt until all the FACTS are known. And for those who held closeness with current D3 rep against Willock..SHAME ON YOU! After all, he chose the VIP and that should be testament enough. Anyways, Congress has spoken.
    • Dragon (02/12/2018, 10:07) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
      Andrew was at work here in all this.. If he was melding in NDP own we all knew that he influenced his own Congress. He is acting as if he is sweeky clean but we all know better..Don't JW and CSC time will tell. You all should of been on the ticket..Get people who has track records buh guess wah he couldn't disappoint certain people.
  • Willock for 2 (02/12/2018, 07:47) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Willock will win 2..I am not guessing I know .
  • Reply (02/12/2018, 08:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Boss how come ayo got willock name in the kool aid?
  • stop the hate (02/12/2018, 08:40) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    Willock and Claude two decent men. They need to stop the hate. Quit the hate campaign .See the good others the same way they want others to see the good in them... their hate campaign is pulling them down...I like Either Cline or Willock for #2.... They need to have a more friendly and forward Look going forward ..
    • Ummmm (02/12/2018, 11:32) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      What hate campaign exactly??? Think you need to enlighten the rest of us.
    • @ stop the hate (02/12/2018, 13:52) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      they rig it for Willock he was their best hope to win the government
  • wize up (02/12/2018, 09:28) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    attention all political groups and political folks: while out there soliciting votes kindly keep the conversations clean, positive and productive: please bear in mind the person you speaking negatively about have brothers, sisters or friends: (on the day of elections will I placed my vote against your name after hearing you speak harmfully about my relatives or good friends during the campaign or talking season) just saying: we have the stop bad mouthing our own people because at the end of the we is we !!!!
  • two cents (02/12/2018, 11:37) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why an election have to be rigged, once it doesn't go in certain people favour?
  • please (02/12/2018, 11:42) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    So all the talk of the esteemed one and he get nowhere. Best laugh of the night
  • Highnoon (02/12/2018, 14:04) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    Big mistake by not selecting Willock. He was vip hope of at least one candidate to win at large..
  • confused (02/12/2018, 16:50) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply

    Willock come lets go and run for my uncle party they don't want us on there party slate well lets join the other party and show them what we can do. not me I aint going with them why you done lets join fraser party I hear he looking for candidates.

    • wize up (03/12/2018, 07:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @confused: Julian should have stayed with Julian: the grass is not always greener on the other side.....

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