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Dear Mr. Government

November 5th, 2011 | Tags: Fransua Samuel
Fransua Samuel.
By: Fransua Samuel, Young Adult
Cane Garden Bay, BVI

How dare you sit down and tell me that i can be all that i can be. Telling me life islike a beacon of light, a beam. Filling my head with all sorts of aspirations and dreams.

Little did I know that all this, was just a plot to your schemes. You see you said your speeches.

Gave artificial hand shakes when you reached us. Persuaded us into giving you our x's and said you'd be here for all generation and sexes. Even all races.

But how can you when you don't even know our names Mr. Government.

Not even the features in our faces. How can you when u seldom bring down your

nose. I mean, do you even know what kind clothes i want buy for my kid.

What brand of clothes.

It might seem stupid to you but even if its just one day out of the year. I would

love to see my child look fly.

Do you even know that for christmas he wants a red bike.

Do you have any slight idea of how I'm going to tell him that the money for his clothes went towards paying the lights and if he wants to eat.

He should forget about the bike.

Do you have any ideas Mr. Government, because i don't. Do you even know what

goes on in your own home with residents of approximately 25-35,000 people.

Do you even know about your children's education. Do you even care about their future. You say that they have no love for their country but, how can they when they were taught their history.

Instead we were forced to learn about Arawaks and Caribs. Freaking

Christopher Columbus, so until we get to college. People like H.L. Lavity Stoutt and Noel Lloyd are a mystery.

And you wonder why so much of us are living in misery. But its ok though.

Little Susy is doing awesome, awesome indeed. I mean she didn't get to bloom into

that flower but at least blossoming with that weed.

Tommy is doing ok too, thanks for asking. He's great with them numbers, pitch that rock through the squares.

Heats up even in summer times, he be basking. Sarcasm's a mother ain't it. So

pardon us if we're pissed off and feeling distant.

So you can keep you stinking dried apologies, who cares if your degree's in anthropology.

We want you to listen to our problems and actually hear.

Stop politricking Mr. Government and actually care, because if you don't.

There will be a lot chaos everywhere.

Sincerely yours, The Voices of the Lost Ones.

Oh and p.s, We'll be watching

17 Responses to “Dear Mr. Government”

  • Thoughts (05/11/2011, 10:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Son one could tell that this was professionally done by the NDP consultants. Sit down and analyze do u remember the people who have lost their lives on that four lane because there were no lights or because they did not obey them. Think son think some of us young people to gullible we go to a movie or watch a video with some one with their head cut a certain way or dress a certain way and we follow. The VIP has done a lot for young people like the Gym ,scholarships and the ease of getting a trade license despite what some would say. For not only have they not fire anyone but they have not raise such things like land tax. Think think open your eyes the VIP was not perfect but they kept the ship stable until this storm passes.
    • sad (05/11/2011, 11:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      this is the problem with the VIP. I applaud this young man for this well written, well thought out editorial. The VIP have NO confidence in our young people.They only pay lip service to our young people> they came to VG with great hoopla and empty promises about building a gymnasium years ago. On wednesday night they huddled like mice trying to shelter from the rain on the same basketball court that still is NOT covered. Poetic justice. THE LORD DOES NOT SLEEP. Empty promises are a comfort to a fool
    • bb (05/11/2011, 11:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wow, as I read this I was certain there would be many positive responses because this young man is speaking his feelings and trying to make his demographic known. Instead I see this SOLE comment about NDP vs VIP. Get a life person and please listen and understand what this young man is trying to say. LISTEN.
    • Observer (05/11/2011, 11:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I can assure you "Thoughts" that this piece was not done to be in any political propaganda. So kindly refrain from any such defamatory statements if you cannot come up with any other reasonable explanation as to why it was done. Though much may have been done... there is the potential for more to be done Good Job Mr. Samuel
    • same as the rest (05/11/2011, 12:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i agree NDP last desperate effort young man Mr. Samuls do not get caught up in the nasty desperate NDP politics the VIP is the only hope for this country....
    • Chap (05/11/2011, 12:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not only that, you can tell he is bias, because it's not the Government side that don't get every opportunity to know these things. It's everyone, and as citizens, young chap, we have to watch our leaders, grade them, and any good citizen would get to them and tell them how they doing. This is a good poem to put out to all politicians after election once it's restructured.
    • hmmm people like you (05/11/2011, 18:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thoughts people like you is who discourage young people like me. we are not ignorant like how half of ya'll idiots try to play us for i am 22 waiting to see if my book is gonna be published and writing a second i guess my work will be too professionally done also that someone else wrote my feeling and words. This young man is also one of the countries up coming artist he sings, rap a poet and write his own songs so before you say things you dont know about dont talk.
      • hmmm people like you (05/11/2011, 18:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        also everyone has their own view on things you cant tell people what to feel ya'll like VIP he likes NDP get over ya'll selves i say again
  • revolt (05/11/2011, 14:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    but look how these young people allow themself to be used by the NDP...gosh where will they stop?
  • vinofan (05/11/2011, 15:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well done Samuel, speak for the person's whose voices would not be heard, this is no NDP or VIP everytime something is written there is always a debate about the intention of the article. Instead of us praising the young man for a well written article and for a youth that cares about his strong we try to bring him down, that's why the youths dont put themselves out there because we as the community and country all we do is find faults instead of motivating them.
  • Voice of the Youth (05/11/2011, 16:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You people above are the exact reason why this country is in the mess it is in. You do not understand and you CANNOT understand. This work of poetry has nothing to do you with your pathetic squabble over NDP and VIP. The motivation behind this piece is more sincere than anything your close-minded and uncultured minds could possibly fathom. In case you did not realize, "The Government" persona in his post does not refer to any specific political PARTY, but rather the institution of Government. Anybody who could muster a "B" in Reading Comprehensive skills could see this. You 'Adults' really do sicken me. You all care nothing for the young people. Your traditions and pride will cause your downfall. And this goes for anyone else who believes this has ANYTHING to do with VIP vs NDP. I have two words for the next person who makes that mistake. Thank you. PS: Nice piece.
    • Seeking Truth (06/11/2011, 22:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I thank you for your response. I was not going to dignify the negative responses to some fine literary work. It is obvious that the respondents are caught up in their own myopia. Let's just say their noses are as far as their visions would permit. Once again it harks back to our poor educational system. When we as a people cannot appreciate beautiful prose and great use of metaphors we are lost. The young chap was not even referring to any particular administration. The phrase Mr. Government is used to personify the system of government in the abstract. This young chap might not even be one of the underprivileged young men but is speaking on behalf of the disadvantaged youth of the community. Let's just say it went over those Jack A$$es heads. We had better start listening to voices such as his and heed the warning because it is not even subtle, it is clear as crystal. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and often times the consequences of our actions are dire. It's no small wonder that we keep loosing them for many of us are not intelligent enough to even know that they are crying out. We see them engaged in crime and we shame them. They are unemployed and we ridicule them and call them lazy. When will we learn?
  • Fellow Poet (05/11/2011, 17:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This poem was written and performed long before this election was even thought about. Fransua makes very solid and valid points and I applaud him for speaking his mind. He is right. I hope the haters will wake up and do the right thing on Monday. POET
  • VI Youth (05/11/2011, 18:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is shame that all some people got out of this poem is NDP and VIP.... Wake up people!!! free your mind from ignorance. Its about the adults on this island telling us that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, yet they arent willing to educate or open doors and try keep us enslaved to minimal wage..... Please i beg you to reread this poem open your mind,open your eyes and see beyond a political party......
  • ------------------------ (05/11/2011, 23:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    good article but bad know dem will churk it up to politics...keep writing Mr. Samuel....

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