De La Rosa makes court appearance for manslaughter

De La Rosa is being represented by Attorney-at-Law Mr Stephen R. Daniels who following the Crown’s reading of the allegations made known his intention to source documents that are likely to be in the police's possession that may be relevant to him putting forward a defense for his client.
Alberto Rosa De La Rosa was ordered extradited from the USA following due procedures followed after representations made by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) as he was wanted in connection with unlawfully causing the death of Riky Bautista Familia aka Macoticea on Friday November 16, 2012.
Today the court heard that on the day in question that the accused stabbed the victim in the region of his chest during a scuffing between the two. Based on the allegations presented by Senior Crown Counsel Ms Leslie Ann Faulkner, the accused had greeted a friend of the diseased. Familia made a statement to the accused which he was not very pleased about.
De La Rosa allegedly pulled a knife from a bag he was carrying and waved it in the air resulting in the scuffle. They were separated and the defendant allegedly placed the knife in his pants waist. Two of the accused’s friends allegedly chastised him for having the knife on his person at the Maria/Sandra Bar in Sea Cow’s Bay (SCB) where the incident had occurred.
The ill fated fight occurred after the deceased, having left the bar, touched his neck and realized that there was blood. He then went back into the bar and pushed De La Rosa and the second fight ensued when it was realized that the victim was stabbed in the chest. He ran to the outside of a back door to the bar but collapsed some 10-12 feet away from the door.
Following that episode the defendant allegedly continued his raged behaviour as he confronted several other patrons who were at the bar and in their defense, they warded him off using pool sticks. Familia was found face down when police arrived on the scene and was pronounced dead on the spot.
De La Rosa subsequently left the bar and upon arrival of the police officers they did not find the accused. They later learnt that he had fled to the USA. Subsequently through legal processes he was extradited from the USA back to the Virgin Islands.
As he landed on the shores of Tortola yesterday July 10, 2014 he was officially arrested and taken into police custody.
Today when the Magistrate asked whether he understood the charges against him, De La Rosa's response was "so so."
De La Rosa is to return to court on September 12, 2014.
As the accused was being escorted to the police vehicle, amidst unsavoury remarks hurled at reporters who were taking photos of the man, several friends sought to ‘hail him up’ as he was said to have been a popular artist deejaying and singing.

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