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D8 political aspirant Wheatley launches proposal for Red Bay

A sketch of the multi-use facility in Red Bay, East End, as proposed by Mr L. Allen Wheatley. Photo: VINO
Political aspirant Mr L. Allen Wheatley has launched a proposal for a multi-use facility in Red Bay, East End. Photo: VINO/File
Political aspirant Mr L. Allen Wheatley has launched a proposal for a multi-use facility in Red Bay, East End. Photo: VINO/File
Former Financial Secretary (FS) Mr L. Allen Wheatley will be contesting the Eighth District seat in the 2023 General Election. Photo: Provided/File
Former Financial Secretary (FS) Mr L. Allen Wheatley will be contesting the Eighth District seat in the 2023 General Election. Photo: Provided/File
EAST END, Tortola, VI- Less than 24 hours after our news centre broke the news that former Financial Secretary (FS) Mr L. Allen Wheatley is expected to be the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate for District 8, the political aspirant has launched a proposal for a multi-use facility in Red Bay, East End.

Speaking exclusively to our newsroom, Mr Wheatley said the facility “will bring much employment to my district.” It will be a central place where farmers and fisherfolks from Tortola and throughout the Virgin Islands can bring their harvest and catch for sale and where “they will be paid promptly.”

A place for farmers and fisherfolks

The son of the soil also added that other farmers who have poultry, pork, other meats and agricultural products can bring them there daily to sell or even to be purchased for resale by the facility, once it’s set up correctly.

Mr Wheatley, who has deep knowledge and experience of how government works, also noted that his vision for the Red Bay facility is for it to be a central place where supermarkets can go there and make purchases and keep their shelves stocked with local meat, fish, poultry and other local staples.

The Blue Economy

The VIP's Eighth District candidate, who is expected to be confirmed by the Congress this Sunday, February 5, 2023, also stated that this is another move in promoting the Blue Economy. He stated that “the Blue Economy is vital to the next phase of our development.”

He said the "seafood is our Blue Economy, the boating sector is our Blue Economy. In general, anything that has to do with the marine sector is our Blue Economy and it's time that we must start harvesting that in a sustainable way."

The former FS also said: “We must understand the advantage we have with our Blue Economy and do whatever it takes to empower our people.”

Mr Wheatley said over the political campaign he will be bringing more ideas and solutions to the table, as he seeks to represent the people of the Eighth District and the people of the Territory.

27 Responses to “D8 political aspirant Wheatley launches proposal for Red Bay”

  • jack (03/02/2023, 11:39) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    Great idea
    • Vance v Sindee (03/02/2023, 12:20) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      judgment coming Monday - how much she going to have to pay?
    • voter (04/02/2023, 05:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      I hope, for his sake, he had a conversation with Dickie Davies!! Lol
  • Exactly (03/02/2023, 11:42) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
    this is the sort of people we need to run as ministers, people who understand how the government runs and how the country runs.
  • Really (03/02/2023, 12:07) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wake up people. Ask and demand the important things where are the plans for all the school that has mole? Where are the plans with all government offices because they are playing lots of rent with your tax money? People just want to talk but they don't have sense to see that all parties don't keep their promises
  • VG man. (03/02/2023, 12:30) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    I applaud you brilliant idea.Good luck and I wish you all the best.
  • My Take (03/02/2023, 12:49) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    Allen needs to run for chairman of the VIP
  • I love it! (03/02/2023, 12:58) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Allen I love it but is this all hot air blowing? Many previous have posed the same big ideas for the development of east end and some 30 years later not one have came to fruition. You need to tell us how you will achieve these things and in what time frame( a realistic one ) will this happen. Do not tell us in one term because that will be a bold face lie. A lot of you politicians propose your big ideas for votes and when elected those plans are swept under the rug and never spoken about again until the next election. Either way I’m giving you my vote to see what you are really about. Hot air or action?
    • @ I love it (03/02/2023, 13:25) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      Allen is a action man so take that to the bank
      • True That (04/02/2023, 05:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Who is always in a rum shop cursing a set a bad words, cursing people and bragging all he have.

        Character plays a important role. Let us not forget when he had a set of young men around him saying he mentoring them in East End years ago when he was the finanical secretary. Half of the young men dropped out of school, half of them end up smoking weed, some even went jail. I from East and grow up around Allen Wheathley. This is not hear say.

  • E. Leonard (03/02/2023, 13:14) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Much needed and long overdue facility. The sea and harvesting the bounty from the sea is a way out life for Virgin Islanders. The sea was a vital food service. Additionally, it was part of the peasant economy after the colonialists bolted from the territory after emancipation, leaving the territory supposedly as only useful as a bird sanctuary. The multi-use facility would be a central space/facility for farmers and fishers to sell their products, as well as a central and convenient place for 8th District residents and other customers to purchase fresh, local, and organic fish and agricultural products. It (multi-use facility) would facilitate shopping local, creating a multiplier effect in the economy, along will helping to enhance the VI food security posture.

    Moreover, the blue economy can be vital link in created a third economic pillar in diversifying the economy. In addition to fishing, other opportunities include mining, energy production, aquaculture, etc.
    • KIS (03/02/2023, 17:58) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      E. Leonard, keep it simple nah. You dive deep with multiplier effect on economy, food security, organic food, etc. People just a place to buy fish, meat, ground provision, etc. and the top level stuff just gets too confusing. Keep it simple.
  • annudda2cents (03/02/2023, 13:30) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Going into this election, Mr Wheatley will have to address two matters. The case for which he served time. And where the money is going to come to fund these ideas that I admit, are wonderful if they are executed.
  • Another Fake (03/02/2023, 13:44) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    They see all the problems and have all the solution when they don't have they get power, they see money and opportunity for themselves and their cronies, no more problems no more solution, no development passion or focus....
  • visionary (03/02/2023, 14:30) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    While I believe Hon Penn did not do a thing for the district except throw down some pitch on the road two week ago and whilst he eager to be premier which will NEVER happen he will still a thin margin though

    Al wheatley will not win the 8th this time around.. you see he read the people and he only saying what the people want to hear. and that is not sincere at all.

    You ent have not epiphany to want to genuinely help the people you just believe that if somebody like showwwdaa have so much power then you should get in the mix because you have more work experience.....but God used David and what tending sheep have to do with ruling a kingdom....bit yet He chose the shepherd from the dunghill....

    Marlon got this for now.....
  • Winky (03/02/2023, 14:38) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Perfect ! A new place to store dead boats for free .
  • fresh ideas (03/02/2023, 14:40) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Marlon is tired
  • and he wasnt even a district rep (03/02/2023, 14:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    • voter (03/02/2023, 21:33) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yea!! Ruined a good family park!!! Al they do there all night is gamble and smoke weed.. Great job Allen!!!
  • Big Richard (03/02/2023, 15:52) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pay no mind. It's getting near election (erection) time.
  • Josiahsbay (03/02/2023, 18:27) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Although I believe we need projects like the one described I believe it's more important to do projects that will help us to service the tourist industry. While local projects will recirculate our money an infusion of tourist money represents new money into the economy.
  • Undercover Observer (03/02/2023, 21:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI growth, development and project investment must be a balance between domestic and tourism projects focus. Yes, there must be investment in tourism projects and facilities. However, the revenue from tourism and other sources should employment to invest in domestic projects that promote improvement in standard of living and quality of life, human development index.
  • Red Bay Project (04/02/2023, 00:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this project going on top of the new Alfonso gas station which was the original site selected and promised by the VIP government 40 years ago or is the govt going to take away prime waterfront land from BVIslnders. While it is a needed gas station for EE that expansion was not sensible planned
  • dean (04/02/2023, 10:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    that"s what it needed in town not that market they waste money on
  • smh (05/02/2023, 18:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hot Air. Just saying what people want to hear. the question is how is this project going to be funded? Investor? Government don't have money to fix EE sewerage much less execute this project. Unless the EE boat men (wink wink) going fund the project. Next. Move On.
  • HMMM (05/02/2023, 20:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    Fix the $%^ roads and Sewage running on the streets

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