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D7 needs 'cleaning up'- Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard

- announces her candidacy for D7 seat
Former Director of the Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD) Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard has publicly declared she is contesting the Seventh District. Photo: VINO
Mrs Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard said if she is successful at the 2023 polls one of her top priorities will be a thorough clean-up of the Seventh District. Photo: VINO/File
Mrs Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard said if she is successful at the 2023 polls one of her top priorities will be a thorough clean-up of the Seventh District. Photo: VINO/File
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI- Former Director of the Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD) Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard has publicly declared she is contesting the Seventh District and that one of her top priorities, if she wins at the 2023 polls, is a thorough clean up of the district.

“Clean up, clean up the district,” said Scatliffe-Leonard during a press conference to announce her candidacy yesterday, February 8, 2023.

'I am very passionate about our BVI'

After some 33 years in the civil service, Mrs Scatliffe-Leonard retired as Director of W&SD last month, fuelling speculation she may be gearing up to contest the 2023 elections.

Over the past months, commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline had included Scatliffe-Leonard as one of the females in the Virgin Islands who can be considered as leadership material.

"We have been for a number of years now trying to get Perline on the scene that I am about to place myself on. I am very passionate about our BVI. I am very passionate about nation-building. My passion is big so there is no doubt that what I intend to do is something that I know God is leading me to," Scatliffe-Leonard said.

Describing herself as being very spiritual and that she prayed about her decision to get into politics, Scatliffe-Leonard said her "spirit feels calm” about it.

'I walked this district for years bare feet'

Asked what would be one of the first things she would do if elected, Scatliffe-Leonard said she would clean up the district.

“I grew up in the Seventh District and I walked this district for years bare feet. I can’t do so anymore, our district needs cleaning up.”

According to the political candidate, tourists are brought into the district on a regular, “and the condition of our district is not the best that it needs to be,” she stressed.

“We do have portraits of our leaders, we want to make sure that we tidy them up, we need to tidy them up, reframe them and keep it so.”

Scatliffe-Leonard also pointed out that the surroundings of garbage bins also need special attention.

“We need to make sure that our garbage bins are kept clean… there are things we can do to keep that situation at bay, so we want to clean up the district, that is head on.”

She insisted that the community should not have to rely on the government for some level of clean-up to take place. “PP (private Partnership), that’s where that comes in."

Mrs Scatliffe-Leonard is yet to announce a date for her first public meeting; however, she urged the Seventh District constituents to prepare for the fact that she will be visiting them.

The incumbent Representative for the Seventh District is Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).

33 Responses to “D7 needs 'cleaning up'- Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard”

  • she is a breath of fresh air (09/02/2023, 15:47) Like (11) Dislike (29) Reply
    We done got rid of kedric so lets get rid of natalio next
    • Rubber Duck (09/02/2023, 19:30) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      Having completely failed at W&S (which she ran, and left, in an absolutely hopeless state, I am not sure what this lady has to offer District 7.
    • @ she is a breath of fresh air (09/02/2023, 20:41) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      Was that a press conference? What is going on in the 7th District? There has to be one candidate that does not act like they are on Saturday Night Live? Just one please!
    • hmm! (10/02/2023, 11:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      you really serious?!
  • 90210 (09/02/2023, 15:47) Like (57) Dislike (7) Reply
    Water & Sewerage had need cleaning up too. Yuh geh tru wid dah?
  • W*F (09/02/2023, 15:57) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply

    Perline Scatliffe Leonard is running on the premise that District 7 needs a thorough cleaning and she will clean it up. That is the most urgent project that she will take on to improve the lives of the residents of District 7? OMG. That is the level of insightfulness and intellect that Mrs. Scatliffe Leonard is bringing to the board? If that is the level of representation, then we have no representstion at all.

  • hmm (09/02/2023, 16:05) Like (11) Dislike (15) Reply
    All give Doctor Pickering 20 years and he was Deputy premier too, what did he do for district 7? I’ll wait for the comments. Give her a chance Nah.
    • @LOL (10/02/2023, 23:10) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      while you wait on that answer i'll wait to hear what Sowande did for the district as well, he is such a disappointment.
  • please (09/02/2023, 16:16) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    She is only running to get revenge.
  • facts (09/02/2023, 16:16) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    One thing she can do well is tell a sweet liar and make mischief.
  • Well (09/02/2023, 16:24) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    She only joining the comedy club ,so whats new / some just bouncing , some jumping like grasshoppers , and then there is the moonwalker cSc ( aka ) the holy one ~ some people are wondering when he's gonna be trying out another one of his creative talents in doing some holy rapping on the pulpit ????
  • Citizen (09/02/2023, 16:31) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes send home all them man rooming the streets up there.
  • ABC (09/02/2023, 16:35) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
    no to independent candidate
  • Rubber Duck (09/02/2023, 16:43) Like (30) Dislike (6) Reply
    People went to clean it up but there was no water.
    • @rubber duck (09/02/2023, 19:11) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Water is not important to the citizens of this country. It’s okay to be without water most days, with no proper explanation. Then, they have businesses insisting on sanitizing your hands for entry, as if we are so clean and sanitary. B. V. I wake up. Water is an essential commodity, necessary for day to day living.
      • jack (10/02/2023, 10:17) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Buy a tank and catch what God sends. When I was growing up there was no public water system and we had water in abundance.
    • A laughing (09/02/2023, 19:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • fa real (09/02/2023, 16:58) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this a joke? W&S debacle of the last 20 years.

    Need I say more?
  • HMMM (09/02/2023, 18:52) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    A politician has to be somebody among the people. High and low. A certain outgoing and approachable personality. Has to be able to speak well. I just don’t get that vibe from Pearline.
  • Down West (09/02/2023, 19:42) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    You go girl! Go all the way for it. Don’t mind the noise. I’m sure you will make a difference and be a good representative. So sorry I can’t vote for you.
  • Hell to the no (09/02/2023, 19:58) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    No.. no X for you
    No.. no X for you
    No.. no X for you
    go sit down
  • Undercover Observer (09/02/2023, 20:03) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    A poor start out of the gate. Yes, the district needs cleaning up and the people in the community play a key role in the appearance of community. The responsible is not on the government alone. Government is responsible for solid waste collection services, ie, refuse bins, collection schedules and collection, street sweeping, drainage system cleaning, etc. Disappointed that a political candidate campaign out the gate is cleaning up when there are so many more urgent needs, ie, health, water and sewage, community/social services, transpiration, banking services, employment, education, etc. How reliable and improved is the water and sewage system.
  • Truth (09/02/2023, 20:48) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yes perline i think is time now district 7 need a change and honestly i think that change can be you but remember i were the one once told you that you should run i think you stand a chance .
  • On your side ???? (09/02/2023, 23:56) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mrs Perline scatliffe leonard May the God in the heaven continúe to be with you forever and ever In Jesus name???? praying for you.
  • Shame on ahyo (10/02/2023, 04:32) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    What's so shameful is how we are so quick to criticize each other and put each other down. This is exactly why we as a country
    ain't progressing because instead of standing together we're divided and many times it's because of our narrow-mindedness. Even if you don't feel Perline is the best suited candidate, do we really have to speak so badly about her? Come on man, when are we going to realize that love conquers all? If it were you, your mother, father, son, daughter running, how would you feel to hear people speak so negatively about them. Not because we been doing it for years mean we must continue....when you know better, do better. Christ died for and loves us all. We all have strengths and weaknesses and have failed at things before, does this mean we'll fail at everything? Just food for thought.
  • D7 (10/02/2023, 08:55) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
  • dont mind them (10/02/2023, 09:02) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Priority (10/02/2023, 12:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The entire Territory could do with some cleaning up but water and sanitation are simply not important enough here. It’s more important to build an overbudget cruise ship terminal.
  • HMMM (10/02/2023, 17:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You see the condition of district 7 & 8 and did nothing why you think you can fix it now??
  • Big Richard (11/02/2023, 13:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    But what will the tourist look at while heading west from the airport ?

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