Customs Officers working in shameful conditions – Donald E. De Castro
He was speaking on his radio programme Straight Talk on Wednesday February 10, 2016 on ZBVI 780 AM.
“The Ports Authority has done so much to that building to improve the departure lounge but nothing to improve the inspection of passengers and luggage when you get into Customs.”
Mr de Castro said it is shameful for the territory’s dedicated and hard working customs officers to work in these conditions.
“But no. We will find $92,000 to buy a car. We will find $500,000 to give a foreign company to get their airline off the ground. We as Virgin islanders have got to unite. Until we unite and hold one head, we will always be taken advantage of,” he said.
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith confirmed that his government is purchasing a new car for him at a cost of $92,500 and this he defended as being fiscally responsible.
Further, the government has advanced $500,000 out of $7 million to BVI Airways as a means of kick-starting the once defunct airline and enabling it to make direct flights from Miami to Beef Island from around July this year. Even though there has been no study done, Government is confident that the flights will be full and that the monies invested will be paid back, in addition to boosting the tourism and financial services sectors.
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