'Culture of disrespect’ has taken firm root in VI society- Alwin James

Speaking at a church service held at the East End Seventh-day Adventist Church on Saturday February 27, 2016 to mark the opening of Police Week 2016, Acting Commissioner of Police Alwin James noted there were 131 reports of serious assaults in 2015 and 26% of those were domestic assaults.
“I would like to say here that a typical report of serious violence is one person, who knows another person, deciding to resolve a dispute over anything from a word misspoken to an unpaid loan, by inflicting serious bodily harm.
“Believe it or not, this culture of disrespect and disregard for another’s rights, opinion, property or choice has taken a firm root in our society and is strengthening,” he said.
Mr James then challenged the church to be agents for positive change in their communities.
222 less crimes reported in 2015
The Acting Commissioner of Police reflected on what he called the high performance of his officers and reduction in crime figures in 2015, noting that the Force detection rate for 2015 was 48 percent with 651 of the 1361 crimes detected. A 48% detection rate is considered very high in most jurisdictions, he noted.
Mr James further explained that the 1,361 reflected a 14% decrease, 222 less crimes, when compared to total crimes reported in 2014.
“In the breakdown, a total of 523 cases of acquisition crime were reported in 2015 and represents a 25% decrease over 2014. Robbery decreased by 38% (8 less victims); non-dwelling burglaries decreased by 48% (76 less victims) and motor vehicle related thefts decreased by 35% (39 less victims). Dwelling burglaries however increased by 5% (5 more victims) and other thefts increased by 18% (57 more victims),” the Acting Commissioner noted.
Police needs to show more empathy
The Acting Commissioner also revealed the results of a Victims’ Satisfaction Survey on officers’ performance and the level of service delivery showed there were far more positive comments than negative. 80 percent of those surveyed were satisfied with the level of service. 75 percent shared a satisfactory level of confidence in the officers who dealt with them.
He noted that the RVIPF fell short in the area of communication. Persons expressed that we were generally poor at showing empathy, communicating the process and following up with victims of crime.
“Much of our unfavourable commentary generally is because we fail to empathise with our public. Now it would be unfortunate if this becomes the headline of any new stories because there is too much good news to report here today. I am simply laying the background for our improvements,” he said.
Only recently, the RVIPF was accused of showing a lack of empathy to relatives of a young man who was feared drowned in St Thomas, USVI, a story that was published by Virgin Islands News Online.
However, Mr James has indicated that the Force has already implemented the Neighbourhood Policing model in seven communities and this week will be launching a second Victims’ Satisfaction Survey to garner the views on the level service, support, respect and attention given by officers.
“This time, senior officers, that is Superintendents and Chief Inspectors, will conduct this survey of those who come into contact with our service and report their findings. The output should be closer supervision and informed directives, instruction by senior officer and greater level of accountability by responding officers. We have also included the necessary check and balances to ensure authenticity of the process,” he said.
The results of this survey will be also made public.

15 Responses to “'Culture of disrespect’ has taken firm root in VI society- Alwin James”
We, The People, have been Disrespected and Marginalized for years!
From "Daring" the People to suddenly "Listening." Utter Disrespect!
Is it the case brought about by Skelton-Cline that may possibly “uncover” some level of implications that has now humbled the Govt; or is it the visit from the UK and possible (agreed upon) protocols that have been breached? Or is it the calming before the Shock and AWE March 10th Budget Debates? Why the sudden change of tone from the Premier? Everything presented by this Government now to the people is highly suspected!
The awareness of the people on this Planet and in the Virgin Islands is changing. People are demanding a globalized playing field with transparency and accountability. Thanks in a large part to the evolution of the World Wide “Web!” A “slowdown” in the constant sucking the energy of the poor to build the troughs of the rich and wealthy is upon us- least the experiment (Capitalism) ends up in ruins (over accumulations from the excessive greed of the “few” thus eventually suffocating the circulatory flow of currency).
It comes a time when the “Piper” has to be paid for their covert music. The Virgin Islands is still having a good run despite its social challenges, least we ourselves destroy it sooner. “There is a Price to be Paid for Everything under the SUN.”
Respect Today Must Be Earned!