Cruise line donates school building to VG
The structure was purchased by MSC Cruises (USA) Inc, a cruise line which brings more than 40,000 visitors to the Territory annually. MSC’s Chief Executive Officer and President Mr Richard E. Sasso handed over the newly installed structure today in an official ceremony.
Premier and Minister for Finance, Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE expressed thanks to Mr Dasso and his company described the donation as a remarkable one that serves as a reminder that everyone must do their little part to make a big difference.
The Premier said, “Today, we thank MSC Cruise lines for helping to ensure that there is continuity in the education sector. I know that this facility will assist the Ministry of Education in achieving its objective of ensuring that our children have continued access to quality education.”
The Premier added, “The donation is also made possible with the help of the Miami-based Manufactures, EventsStar who provided the technical expertise to customize the structure and we say thanks.”
The Honourable Premier charged Principal Kimberly George and her team of teachers and the students to take good care of the gift and make the best use of the facility.
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