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COVID-19, Emancipation & Sports/Olympics in VI (British)

Edgar Leonard. Photo: Provided
Edgar Leonard

All three of these headlines are worthy of their separate commentary. Nonetheless, there is currently a confluence of these issues, so I will take the bold step of taking a collective, cursory peek at all three.

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

As the rest of the world, the VI, for 19 months, has been fighting the war against the Coronavirus (Covid-19) global pandemic. Covid-19 is contagious and deadly. The VI fought through the Covid war with strict, focused, and aggressive actions. These actions included a) closing its marine coastal borders, b) quarantining, c) curfew, d) isolating in secure bubbles, d) masking up, e) social distancing, f) avoiding crowds and crowded spaces, and g) adhering to hygiene protocols. Fighting these battles, the VI took the fight to Covid-19, putting it on the run and holding it at bay, earning some Covid dividends. Engaging in fighting the war against Covid changed lives, livelihoods, and circumstances. Specifically, the battles had a devasting impact on the economy, particularly tourism, one-half of the economic twin pillars; financial services, the other half.

Moreover, per Worldometer, the VI through June 27, 2021, cumulatively had had 298 Covid cases and one death. The VI and VI residents were on the verge of anticipating reopening and returning to some sense of normalcy. Then surprisingly and shockingly, the unexpected happened. The number of active cases instantly rocketed past 1600, and 30 precious lives were lost. I extend my heartfelt, warmest condolences to all the families who have lost loved ones to this deadly virus. The previously hard-earned Covid dividends vanished quickly. Undoubtedly, a change occurred, driving up the number of active cases, increasing Covid-related deaths, creating gloom and uncertainty, and catapulting the territory into an immediate crisis. Consequently, the Ministry of Health and Social Services should urgently commission a study to determine what changed and take the necessary corrective/preventative action(s).

Further, it is one’s freedom of choice for one to take the vaccine or not. However, when that individual freedom of choice imperils the health and safety of the community, the community has a responsibility to act to protect the health and safety of the collective citizenry. The evidence is clear that vaccines work; the benefits of vaccines outweigh any potential risks. Vaccines prevent people exposed to the virus from getting severely sick, reduce hospitalisations, reduce/prevent the need for ICU stays, avoid being on a ventilator and death. The other option/bet is for many people to contract the virus and develop an immunity to the disease (herd immunity). The downside is that too many people die unnecessarily; every life matters. Get vaccinated, get the jab. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for your family, friends, co-workers, community…etc. It is important to note that currently, in the US and other locales, most of the patients hospitalised for Covid-related illness are unvaccinated.

Moreover, though the numbers of active cases have fallen to approximately 441, the Covid war is still raging with new variants emerging, i.e., Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Lambda, Delta…etc. According to medical experts, the Delta Variant, the dominant strain in the US, is more contagious, highly transmissible and possess a higher level of infection…etc., than the original Covid-19. As such, VI residents must be vigilant and adhere to the safety protocols to prevent, control, and mitigate the spread of the virus. VI residents should take precautionary measures to avoid overwhelming the small health system, burning out the staff and so on.


The UK passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807 to abolish the slave trade in the British Empire. It banned owning, buying, and selling humans as property throughout the colonies. Yet slavery persisted. The Slave Trade and Slavery were too profitable to abolish. Nevertheless, Parliament passed the Abolition Act of 1833, abolishing slavery in most British colonies; it received royal assent on August 28, 1833, and took effect on August 01, 1834. VI slaves finding out they were physically free cut loose in the villages and Road Town, the VI capital city, celebrating their newly granted physical freedom. And for 187 plus years, their descendants have been celebrating their emancipation. For the past two years, Covid has streamlined the celebrations. The first Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in August are official holidays celebrating slave emancipation.

Moreover, as a part of the Abolition Act, the UK appropriated (borrowed) £20,000,000 to compensate slave owners (presumably 3,000 owners) for losing their chattel property----Slaves. The £20,000,000 equated to approximately 40% of the UK budget at the time; the UK paid off the loan in 2015. Ironically, this means that Black Britons contributed to repaying a loan incurred to pay slave owners who possibly owned their fore-parents.  However, up to this hour, neither slaves nor their descendants have received a farthing for the brutalizing, dehumanising, and exploiting treatment slaves endured. Passing the Abolition Act was not a panacea for making Slaves whole. Slave labour built the UK economy, funded the industrial revolution, and created individual wealth opportunities for many White Britons. Slave labour was the main production factor of the economy, yet slaves were prohibited from enjoying the benefits from the fruits of their labour.

At emancipation, Slaves only possessions were the rags on their backs. Though some limited progress has been made, slave descendants, starting way behind the starting line, are still at a pronounced disadvantage. They are at a disadvantage relative to health, education, inequality in law enforcement, jobs/employment, housing, banking, military service…etc. Reparations is a reasonable and practical remedy to make slave descendants whole. Reparations entailed much more than cash payments; it can entail enacting and funding plans, policies, programmes…etc to address the racial disparities in education, health, employment/jobs, sports, military, law enforcement, housing, banking, government…. etc.

Further, resources declining or depleted, coupled with a drop in sugar prices, emerging competition from beet sugar, series of hurricanes/gales, revolts, and a cholera outbreak, colonialists sold their land holdings to slave descendants. They declared that the VI was supposedly a desolate, poverty-stricken place and the only use was as a bird sanctuary. The VI people were left to struggle almost on their own. Nonetheless, being hardy people, they persevered, employing the purchased land to develop the peasant economy. Incidentally, the VI is now prime real estate, and gentrification is in full bloom. Fast forwarding, the VI attained a measure of self-governing, starting with the ministerial system in 1967.

Nonetheless, colonialism and neocolonialism are still thriving. Some colonialists harbour the false belief that persons of African descent lacked the skill, mental capacity, ability …. etc., to lead and manage effectively. And some of our behaviours are feeding that false notion and arming and justify colonialists to take control. Virgin Islanders fixed thyself and starve the colonialists of the opportunity to take control. Moreover, time is nigh for the VI to decide what course of self-determination it wants, i.e., independence, free association……etc. Set a date for a referendum and let a majority of people determine the way forward.


The XXXII Olympiad is currently in progress in Tokyo, Japan. The Olympics showcases the talent and skill of athletes from around the globe; it is where the best of the best athletes compete and shine, fulfilling dreams. Participating in the Olympics held every four years takes preparation, skill, talent, hard work, home country support…. etc. Moreover, it is a tremendous feat to make it to a final event(s) at the Olympics. For the VI, a tiny locale of 30,000, August 02, 2021, was a Red-Letter Day in sports. Fielding two of its sons and daughters, Kyron A. McMaster and Chantel E. Malone, in the 400-metre hurdle and long jump finals, respectively, at the Olympics was a tremendous, memorable, and historic feat. Mcmaster and Malone making the finals were a first for the VI and VI athletes. Though neither Kyron nor Chantel medaled, they are both winners and champions, setting the personal example and standards for current and future generations of VI athletes. Their achievements demonstrate that the Virgin Islands is a Land of possibilities and that making it to the Olympics is possible and more than a dream. Kyron and Chantel, congratulations! You made the VI and Virgin Islanders at home and the diaspora abroad extremely proud.

Further, Kyron and Chantel historic achievements must be more than a temporary emotional high that dissipates with time. The VI must keep the fire fueled and burning. Sports in the VI tend to rise and fizzle. For example, softball, the national sport, rocketed to the top/zenith in the softball universe but now is on life support. Per E. Walwyn Brewley, after whom the premier softball facility is named and a VI softball specialist, indicated that at international competitions, the VI team often was the most feared. Other teams and officials were frequently impressed and amazed at how a small country could produce and field so much talent. The VI should have fielded a competitive softball team in the Olympics in Tokyo. To build on the success at the Olympics, the government must work with zeal to commission a select/ad hoc committee on sports, sports development, and sustainability. The VI must effectively invest in sports, i.e., facilities, training, coaching, personnel, local/regional/international competitions, etc. Moreover, VI residents must religiously support local sports.

7 Responses to “COVID-19, Emancipation & Sports/Olympics in VI (British)”

  • pat (05/08/2021, 14:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another good read yall
  • UK Tax Payer (05/08/2021, 15:51) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Here you go again with slavery, slavery again. Give it rest, mate. Slavery finish almost 200 years ago.
  • RealPol (05/08/2021, 17:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Much to absorb here. First, concur that vaccine saves lives. If you have not gotten the jab yet make plans on getting it. Secondly, we are celebrating the Emancipation of ancestors from slavery. However, let’s not lose see on its meaning. It is more entertainment and business opportunity. Finally, proud of the performance of Kyron Mcmaster and Chantel Malone in Toyota. They represented the BVI well.
  • Eagle & Buffalo (06/08/2021, 02:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    A good, one-stop read on three concurrent and inter-related issues—-Covid-19, Emancipation celebrations and Olympics. The surge in active Covid cases (1600>) and resulting spike in Covid-related deaths (36) thrusted the BVI in a health crisis situation. Covid is the driver of the crisis but has had an impact on the Emancipation celebrations and the Olympics. The Emancipation celebrations and Olympics are non-crisis but important issues that needs the territory’s attention at a later time. The top priority right now is managing the Covid-19 crisis. In a tiny territoty/country with an 30,000 population, 36 deaths in a month are alarming, shocking and worrying. Many of the deceased were probably unvaccinated and the deaths were probably preventable. The sudden, unexpected and almost instantaneous loss of 36 of our fellow residents most of whom were unvaccinated should be clear evidence that the vaccine works and is relative safe. It should be a wake call for the BVI and BVI residents. Hesitancy, conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation, world order, vaccine risks among other things are slowing getting the jab. In addition, reckless and selfish behavior are also resulting in people contracting and spreading the deadly virus. The cost of our actions are that people are getting sick and dying. My brothers and sisters, take the vaccine; it works and saves life. The rate of vaccines are picking up and needs to continue. The goal is to get at least 80% (24,000) of the 30,000 population vaccinated. Take the drive, get the jab and survive/live. As Leonard noted, if you don’t want to take the vaccine for your own personal health and well being, do it for your family, friends, co-workers and the community at large. It is painful watching family members, friends, classmates......etc dying prematurely and gone too soon.

    [Let’s lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes].

  • keep it real (06/08/2021, 10:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This weekend the BVI sadly will be conducting funeral services for a number of its citizens who have succumbed to the Covid. Within the past month, the BVI has lost 36 of its blood and treasure to Covid. God’s richest blessings and comfort to the family and friends who are enduring the pain of losing love ones prematurely. In the midst of this discomfort, the big question is, was many of these premature deaths preventable? It appears as if most of the recent Covid-related deaths were unvaccinated. Covid is real and is nothing play around with. It is still on the loose and stronger than ever. Get vaccinated, follow the safety protocols, and starve the virus of the opportunity to take us out prematurely. Keep it real. Emancipation and Olympics for more time. Keep it real!
  • Political Observer (PO) (06/08/2021, 20:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The VI is in shock and crisis fighting the war against Covid-19 and its mutating variants, ie, Delta. The Delta variant has not been identified on the BVI shores as yet. However, it is present next door in our friendly neighbor the USVI. The VI must develop a battle plan to fight war against Covid and variants. The BVI initially had effective battle plans against Covid. However, it have declared victory too quickly. It got too relax, over confident......etc, creating the opportunity for the virus to strike and it struck viciously. The number of active cases rose over 1600 and deaths increased from 1 to 37. The virus has strengthen its attack and so must the BVI enhanced its defence against the virus. E. Leonard stated that August was a Red Letter for BVI athletics and indeed it was. Nonetheless, today is a Black Letter Day for the BVI and many BVI families struggling from Covid devastation. For example, one Mother buried 3 children today who died from Covid. Get vaccinated and stop the pain, stop the loss of life. Getting the vaccination isn’t the choice of the individual.
  • Vigilate (07/08/2021, 22:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    E. Leonard seemed deliberate in noting that the slaves were granted physical freedom, not just freedom. Concur. The slaves were on paper physically free. But were they truly free? No. They sure were not mentally free. The divide and rule strategy was effective. That slave conditioning is still alive and well almost 200 years later. We bad minded, hateful and cannot stand to see someone else get along or climb the later. We have little trust and faith in our own. We are more inclined to trust others even though times after time they have proven that they have their interest, not interest at heart. We have no shame choosing outsiders, especially Whites over our own. This choice often times is not merit based but based on past conditioning that Whites are more knowledgeable. Many of us may not admit this belief in public but it is deep rooted. Let’s shed the old conditioning shackles and get physically and mentally free. Let’s be proud of who we are. Others are proud of who they are. We try to be them but they are not racing to be us. This blog will make many to be uncomfortable but the truth often times is not comfortable. As Leonard ask, VI fixed thyself. Recognize.

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