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COVID-19 death toll now 37; hospitalisations & active infections drop

The COVID-19 death toll in the Virgin Islands (VI) has increased to 37 as of August 5, 2021, however, total infections and hospitalizations have dropped significantly, Health Minister Hon Carvin Malone (AL) announced tonight April 6, 2021. Photo: Internet Source
Hon Carvin Malone noted that the VI and its COVID-19 strategy is heading in the right direction and he mentioned that the science behind vaccination and mask-wearing is still the best defense against protecting from infections and variants of COVID-19.
Hon Carvin Malone noted that the VI and its COVID-19 strategy is heading in the right direction and he mentioned that the science behind vaccination and mask-wearing is still the best defense against protecting from infections and variants of COVID-19.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The COVID-19 death toll in the Virgin Islands (VI) has increased to 37 as of August 5, 2021, however, total infections and hospitalisations have dropped significantly, Health Minister Hon Carvin Malone (AL) announced tonight April 6, 2021.

The Health Minister made the announcement during a COVID-19 update tonight and said following a spike in cases in July, active COVID-19 cases have now been reduced to 152 from a peak of over 1,600, and hospitalizations are now at 7. 

"We were up to 1,604 active cases just two to three weeks ago, we are now down to 152. We were up to 31 persons hospitalized, we are down to 7," he said. 

COVID-19 strategy heading in right direction - Hon Malone 

Hon Malone noted that the VI and its COVID-19 strategy is heading in the right direction and he mentioned that the science behind vaccination and mask-wearing is still the best defense against protecting from infections and variants of COVID-19. 

Hon Malone reminded that in order to boost vaccinated rates locally especially in youths, the VI government has even collaborated with the USVI for the vaccine bubble programme. 

The Minister said that with continued adherence to the protocols and with herd immunity in the VI, the territory will get back on its feet economically and socially. 

The VI currently has toal 16,590 vaccinated persons of which 12,187 are fully vaccinated and 4,403 are partially vaccinated. 

22 Responses to “COVID-19 death toll now 37; hospitalisations & active infections drop ”

  • Obvious (06/08/2021, 23:01) Like (14) Dislike (29) Reply
    Could it be that the numbers are dropping because the country has achieved herd immunity from so many unvaccinated people being sick combined with the vaccinated. Is it that hard for the health officials to admit???
    • resident (07/08/2021, 06:35) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
      Immunity from catching covid does not last long. Don't become complacent now.
    • lol (07/08/2021, 08:49) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
      take your vaccine and hush
    • @obvious (07/08/2021, 09:01) Like (12) Dislike (16) Reply
      Getting the virus does not give sufficient immunity. Those who get the virus without being vaccinated are still at high risk of getting it again and spreading it than those who are vaccinated. In addition, for those who get the virus again and are not vaccinated there is no guarantee that they will have the same experience the second time around. People have died on their third time getting the virus. In summary, follow the protocols and get vaccinated.
  • God (06/08/2021, 23:25) Like (21) Dislike (22) Reply
    And all the bush we took worked ...
  • News for the Kids (07/08/2021, 00:07) Like (25) Dislike (24) Reply
    “The best way to keep your kids safe from the Covid Delta variant, get the adults in your Community vaccinated!”
    • Agree 100%. Great Job Minister. (07/08/2021, 08:13) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      You have done a good Job. The Premier and the country would be better off if he leans on you for politicaL advice and listen to you rather than a paid inexperience crony who would saY what he wants to hear and ignore him when he is saying what he doesnt wants to hear.....
  • News for the Kids (07/08/2021, 00:08) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
    “The best way to keep your kids safe from the Covid Delta variant, get the adults in your Community vaccinated!”
  • musa (07/08/2021, 04:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    great news
  • This is both bad and good news. (07/08/2021, 04:46) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    My deep heart felt condolence to the families, close friends, and associate of those the lost there lives to the killer decease covid-19. I am happy to be told that the covid 19 positive cases have significantly dropped.
    However, I have noticed many persons behaving passively, and have heard many unwise statement that have been spoken by some, that don't seem to care, and are still denying the proven factual data available to us.
    I am remind of a young man that was once alive in the USA. He had thought that it was much fun to prove to his friends and others his skilled in playing russian roulette with a spin barrel six shooter revolver hand gun.
    He had had many times put a live bullet in the gun, then spinned the gun barrel, then pointed the gun at his foot, and pull the trigger. The gun klicked each time, but the bullet remind in the gun.
    His socalled friends and others present then was amazed, and some even boosted of this young, but very ignorant, and arrogant behavior.
    After he, in his mind, had proven to others, so far, his lucky skill, the devil placed a thought in his mind, that if he point the sin barrel 6 shooter hand to his brain the resulr would be not different. He had agreed to that thought, and had pointed the spin barrel to his brain to further amused his friends and other onlookers.
    He then squeesed the gun's trigger,. Suddenly, a banged sound were heard, and the cocky-minded youth dropped to the pavement blood platted, and died.
    He had stated out and played russian roulette, but he had changed the game to DEATH ROULETTE.
    Many among us are playing DEATH ROULETTE with the covid-19 virus.
    Are you SURE, SURE, SURE that even though it may miss you this spike that your body is immuned from becoming a casualty the next coming spike?
    If you and I must risk our lives, we should risk them in an attempt of saving lives, only. That is what a wise person would do. Would you do the same? You should.
  • USVI opulation Aug. 6, 2021 104,256: covid-19 deaths 40. (07/08/2021, 06:55) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    B.V.I population August 6, 2021 30,451: 37 covoid-19 deaths.
    Both countries aproximately about one mile separate bout countries.
    What does this data tells you about the different mindsets of many of the people the live in both contries? Who would you agree are wiser in there fight against the covid-19 virus?
    What leasons should be learnt from this disparity in the number of fatalities per capita?
    Good choices is the foundation of good result. Bad choices is the forerunner of bad result.
    Proven knowledge, and faultless wisdom save people's lives. Agree?
  • We are in a good place now (07/08/2021, 07:05) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Peolle are now taking this viruse much, more more serious than in the past, 98% of the people are taking the necessary precautions and following protocols.....We are in a good place now....Sad it had to take this mich deaths...
  • Our problem (07/08/2021, 07:25) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    1st condolences to all those we’ve lost within the last few weeks. (2nd) we’ve drop our active cases and we’ve gotten extra hours 5am to 11pm. 3rd I hope the same turn-up Committee who been on the Government testicles about reopening certain businesses and extended hours won’t be the same ones to killed it for everyone especially themselves. (4th) Knowing the mindset of how the Turn-up Committee act and thinks like no one can tell them anything would be the same ones out this weekend doing everything we was told not to do. The turn-up committee is a set of unruly individuals who’s always on Facebook tossing shads but never contribute towards something positive. Ah ya behave ah ya self.
  • parent (07/08/2021, 08:50) Like (10) Dislike (19) Reply
    I am fully vaccinated and I send my teenage son to St. John to get vaccinated to protect him from the ones in the BVI that is not vaccinated or refuse to be vaccinated. As a parent, it is my responsibility to protect my son and make sure he is following the protocols. COVID is knocking on everyone’s door, no one is exempted from COVID, it is no joke. This bush tea drinking will not protect anyone from getting the virus.
  • My girl (07/08/2021, 08:54) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    Get vaccinated people
  • Rubber Duck (07/08/2021, 09:30) Like (15) Dislike (13) Reply
    It is not over. There are not enough people with immunity yet. There will be a second wave with a few weeks. This will include the delta variant and maybe others. More will die in the second wave than in the first unless the level of vaccination dramatically increases. Which I suspect it will not judging by the numbers so far and the stupidity of many.

    I suspect the government are well aware of this but we cannot continue to lock the place down because some people are stupid.

    • VerDaw George (07/08/2021, 11:59) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
      At this point, unfortunately, the wise will suffer for the foolish virgins. Sad to say. People are aware of the situation that occurred in that little Island about 3 weeks ago. Everyone should adhere to the Scientists recommendations and take the vaccine. My people take heed; be safe; get protected from this killer wave Covid 19 pandemic.
  • Ghost (07/08/2021, 11:56) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    The decrease in case Is because of the Abundant Love and Mercies of God.. He Deserves all the Praise..God Gave us all His Wisdom to do the right thing and also these vaccines to Help us.. No point to keep saying if we can take the vaccine do so for some persons are just adamant in their decision not to.. We keep Praying without ceasing and doing the Right Things of God and following safety protocols.. God is With us and He Can Be Very Merciful to us even in our disobedience to Him:. All God Wants is for us “All” to be obedient and Walk in Holiness before Him.. we are all in this together.. let us be our brothers’s keeper - protecting each other and ourselves as well..
    • 007 (07/08/2021, 12:55) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
      So why did he create the disease in the first place?

      And why does he give children cancer?

      Now stfu with your superstitious twaddle.
  • hospitalisations (08/08/2021, 06:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    reduce as people die. Very sad. Get the vaccine.
  • cat (08/08/2021, 07:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Having a bad day! They are only saying to follow God and take the vaccine - nothing wrong with that. No need to be so rude!

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