COVID-19: Cabinet decision will be in best interest of VI- Premier

In a statement last evening August 30, 2020, Premier Fahie said, "I know that the vast majority of you, as well as myself, are concerned about the growing number of COVID-19 cases as of late [and] about your own safety and that of your loved ones and the vulnerable citizens in our society."
Undesirable activities caused recent spike - Premier Fahie
While assuring residents that Cabinet will make the best decision, he said fighting COVID-19 also means conquering the challenges it brings with the cooperation of every individual residing within the communities that make up the Territory.
"But, there are those who have intentionally put us at risk by engaging in undesirable activities that have significantly contributed to the recent spike."
Over the past week, the VI recorded the most cases of COVID-19 than any other time since the pandemic started, entering the last day of August 2020 with some 38 active cases of the virus.
Human Smuggling a factor
The spike in cases came from community spread of the virus that was believed to have been introduced to the Territory through human smuggling.
"I know that the majority of our residents want to keep everyone safe, and to help us to get rid of COVID-19 from our shores. And, I know that these are the persons who are dutifully wearing their masks, sanitising their hands, maintaining the social distancing and obeying all the protocols and advice," Premier Fahie said.
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) is expected to make an announcement on the way forward by tonight, August 31, 2020.

40 Responses to “COVID-19: Cabinet decision will be in best interest of VI- Premier ”
Locking down would only allow these irresponsible selfish culprits to confine to hold the economy hostage then these same people are going to expect a stimulus Cheque.
Imported labor in the VI is excessive and burdened with those in need as a result of C COVID.
Imported labor with no means needs to be exported to their homes as a mercy mission whether or not they wish to go home.
once you born u must die
This some serious sh!t
All I know is that it impresses me as inefficiency indecisiveness and worse,a game with our minds and precious time, Waiting for running water, waiting for internet,waiting to know how to arrange my tomorrow..The unprofessionalism in this joke of a place is pathetic. Simple minds pretending to solve simple issues with smoe screen intention.
He somewhere sleeping shm
Tam tam I respectfully ask you to keep Dr smith name out your mouth please and thank you.... If the doctor sleeping he has worked hard enough for these our Virgin Islands todeseve a rest you young folks are so disrespectful and outta place.... no respect for your elders.stop it and go to your room you deplorable nonessential basic person
regardless of what the Govt’s decision is to try to protect and keep us safe, people only God can do the impossible so what we need to do as a people is to repent of our sins and live right before God and He will heal our land...Only God can Truly keep us safe...His word says that “the Righteous runs to Him and they are safe”...His Word does not lie..I’m asking that we all go to God with repentant hearts, sincere and fervent prayers for healing and deliverance, and He will Hear and Answer us.. Prayer Changes things..
This stimulus from ssb alot people ain't get nothing
What about people who get half pay its crazy
Government workers and them can jump and say lockdown cause they getting full pay but people who getting half pay or no job its rough
No one listened and who don't hear do feel. What you buy, you wear. This started long before the VIP so don't look to blame them. One time in summer sizzle, a group of us were on the dock waiting for a charter yacht to pick us up. When the captain who was white saw it was too many people to sail on the yacht to Virgin Gorda, he asked that some get off, letting us know it was too many people for the yacht to carry. After a bit of back and forth, a group of us got off and he was able to sail off. Someone had a good relationship with another charter company and called the manager, who kindly sent a yacht to pick up the ones who voluntarily got off the first yacht, and took us to Virgin Gorda. I say that to say, just like how the first yacht could only support a certain number of passengers, BVI can only support a certain size population. For years it has been telling all of you, too many people, I can not support all of you. Now some will feel and understand that Nature always win. It is all about balance.
Too many ,like yourself,will always be in this preicament because your logic,outlook and reality is skewed. Get a grip!