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COVID-19: Authorities tight-lipped on details of possible super-spreader funeral

- questions linger about how a COVID-19 positive person was able to attend the funeral
Health Authorities in the Virgin Islands (VI) are tight-lipped about a possible super-spreader event, opting not to share details about how a person who tested positive for COVID-19 was able to attend a funeral at the Sea Cows Bay Methodist Baptist Church. Photo: Facebook/File
Leading the panel included Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (Top Right), Chief Medical Officer Dr Irad Potter (Bottom Left) along with Dr Ronald E. Georges (Bottom Right). Photo: Facebook/GIS
Leading the panel included Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (Top Right), Chief Medical Officer Dr Irad Potter (Bottom Left) along with Dr Ronald E. Georges (Bottom Right). Photo: Facebook/GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Health Authorities in the Virgin Islands (VI) are tight-lipped about a possible super-spreader event, opting not to share details about how a person who tested positive for COVID-19 was able to attend a funeral at the Sea Cows Bay Methodist Church.

The Ministry of Health on Sunday, March 28, 2021, had indicated that an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 attended a funeral held on Saturday, March 27, 2021, at the Sea Cows Bay Methodist Church.

Online Q&A session

However, while health authorities hosted an online panel session entitled ‘COVID-19: Ask the Experts,” last evening, March 30, 2021, via the Government of the VI Facebook page; they were reluctant to share details on the funeral case.     

Leading the panel were Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL), Chief Medical Officer Dr Irad Potter, along with Special Advisor to the Ministry of Health on legislative policy, Dr Ronald E. Georges.

According to Dr Potter, responding to questions posed from the audience, the case is a medical situation, and as such, they would not discuss it; however, he encouraged persons who attended the event to get vaccinated if they have not.

Meanwhile, our news centre was informed by reliable sources within the Ministry of Health that the person who tested positive for COVID-19 had been given a 'certificate of release' to attend the funeral.

Contact tracing initiated   

So far, the close contacts of the individual who tested positive at the funeral has been identified and traced, according to Dr Georges. He said; however, persons should isolate if they have attended the event and schedule a test.

Dr Potter confirmed that persons vaccinated 4 weeks ago would not need to isolate but would still need to get tested for the virus by calling 468-2285 (7-6) between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.

Health authorities also indicated that they are in possession of a roster of persons who would have attended the funeral, to further aid with contact tracing.

66 Responses to “COVID-19: Authorities tight-lipped on details of possible super-spreader funeral”

  • omg (30/03/2021, 08:16) Like (44) Dislike (22) Reply
    Tricks to encourage Vaccine. Agenda 21. Nothings adds up , they all on the same boat. We had over 70 cases at one time where are they gone? This too will go. No more Vaccines. My people stand up , don’t let Satan fool you , don’t him change your mind
    • @wow (30/03/2021, 09:51) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
      Yea we know exactly what they doing, it’s happening all over the world but there’s ntn they could do to change our minds, who ain’t taking won’t take it and who will take it will simple.
      • Cold as ice (30/03/2021, 11:32) Like (13) Dislike (26) Reply
        ... but none of the people who had the vaccine and who attended the funeral have caught Covid - re ipsa loquitur!
        Let the fools continue to refuse the vaccine and expose themselves to Covid - they won't last long once the Territory reopens! However, I don't want my NHI $ paying to try to keep them alive if they have refused the vaccine!
        • @Cold as ice (30/03/2021, 14:30) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
          Are u dumb deaf or blind?
          They are asking the inoculated to come get tested.
          I wonder why Biden preaching everyday to
          The innoculated ones wear your mask etc what are they protecting themselves from?

          And all you who took the vac why are u worried?
          Is it because the vac doesn’t prevent one from contracting the virus?

          Or right I just remembered
          It only stops you from going to the hospital

          But how many cases we had here how many went to the hospitals?
          If my memory is good I remember the man
          Who assisted his daughter in illegally and a woman
          Then the 1 death that person and 2 others ....

          Asthmatic etc and they was basically doing fine minus the lady they turned back numerous times until unfortunately was too late.

          Of who scared go hide under a rock/live in a cave.
          As for me I don’t mind catching the flu virus aka Rona and recover.
          In my healthy body God has blessed me with thus far not putting that in or near me sorry.

          They want to open the sea ports
          But first they want us all to take that vac.
          It’s as clear as daylight...

        • Hot as fire (30/03/2021, 14:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Who test all of them already? you? They can't event get out 2 tests in 4 days, much less 30 or more.
      • @wow (30/03/2021, 14:18) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply

        We know
        We are not being fooled tricked mislead to take that period.

    • Rubber Duck (30/03/2021, 09:54) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
      Another cretin
    • mad max (30/03/2021, 10:14) Like (12) Dislike (17) Reply
      There we go - so you don't believe in science and vaccines but you believe Satan is trying to fool you - right!
      • omg (30/03/2021, 12:41) Like (59) Dislike (4) Reply
        Vaccine and Satan is the same , just different name. Who is the god of this wicked worldly world, Satan who is pushing the Vaccine and one a world Government-Satan, who said to multiply and replenish, God and Elon. Who want to depopulate. Answer for yourself. Cretin
        • mad max (30/03/2021, 16:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        • Real Simple (30/03/2021, 18:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Hmm. Wouldn't Satan want more souls?? If Satan is pushing depopulation who will populate Hell?
          • omg (31/03/2021, 07:35) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
            Real simple the Vaccine takers will populate hell. They cannot enter the Kingdom with a tampered DNA. That would not be in the image and likeness of the kingdom people.
    • @wow (30/03/2021, 10:25) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
      Can’t change my mind because when it comes to this so call virus I’m like an Atheist I just don’t believe in it
    • Kitty (30/03/2021, 10:50) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
      I do believe its a trick to scare the people into taking the vaccine
  • Mefeng (30/03/2021, 08:17) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
    We need answers now. Come forward at let us know. How did the test positive person end up at to funeral? I'm more than certain the virus was spread to others there. No doubt.
  • taxman (30/03/2021, 08:18) Like (33) Dislike (9) Reply
    Would they be so tight lipped if it was an expat? Clearly whoever it is had the right name to get a pass from having to quarantine.
    • Spy (30/03/2021, 10:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Fortunate son
    • Crazy stupidness and foolishness (30/03/2021, 11:34) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
      obviously a belonger otherwise we would be told that they were not from here! But I thought that belongers were immune to Covid!
    • . (30/03/2021, 12:15) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      He got released from quarantine after his 4 day test came back negative. He did nothing wrong. Blame government for allowing people to quarantine for 4 days. Samething happened up VG sometime back and it will continue to happen.
  • pop (30/03/2021, 08:27) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Alyo some good jokers. How the person get permission to attend the funeral???? That is a secret now?
  • scamdemic (30/03/2021, 08:31) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get y’all lies together and come correct
  • Rip John Magufili (30/03/2021, 08:35) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    Rip to the president of Tanzania a true man who didn’t sell out his people, a man who didn’t turn on his race, a man who told the truth even if it meant losing his life. You woke a lot of us up, a true leader !
    • Funny (30/03/2021, 10:23) Like (7) Dislike (17) Reply
      yes die of a virus you say doesn't exisit why don't you go to that country and enjoy life for as long as it lasts.
      • idiocy (30/03/2021, 11:36) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
        he denied the existence of the virus, refused to acknowledge the effectiveness of the vaccine, and died of Covid - a full house of idiocy!
        • omg (30/03/2021, 13:06) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
          They killing every Black man who stand for truth and rights. CIA set him up. He was too brave , like Jesus , Like Bob Marley , like Marcus Garvey , Malcom and the whole rest of our heroes. It’s a plan
  • Interested (30/03/2021, 08:36) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is confusing.Suppose a person who was vaccinated 4 weeks ago tests positive and has not been isolating,does that not put the general public with whom they interacted at risk ?
  • Why all asunden (30/03/2021, 08:38) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    This one person of corvid positive case is so this a next question of and by the public concern sire !!! Quick to advise getting vaccine over being tested to does that was there but I all cant give answers to our concerns....but u see it more harder to spread lies propaganda in a community of so little and small were we all know and see each other every day ..for I know if it was not so as it is ..we migth of had have undocumented mass death and burials like those other countries that is so big were it not as nitted and small like us .were the re lies to us on media that is bought and manipulated...
    • @Why all asunden (30/03/2021, 10:04) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      Finally someone with common sense ! That’s all it is we live in a small community so it’s hard for them to make up deaths lol it’s good for them, that’s why they’re always saying “oh y’all here in the BVI don’t know how good y’all have it other countries blah blah blah” poor Filipina died from her ailments because they’re weren’t tending after her and y’all labeled her a convid death smh, bet y’all won’t try that with us locals or a known expat
  • A video call full of sellouts (30/03/2021, 08:40) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    My caption says it all
  • we need to know (30/03/2021, 08:44) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell us, U all messed up, say it, learn from it , It must be someone important because in the past when someone messed up like this you all running to the microphone to tell the world..Keep it real, keep it fair, keep the standard.. Eliminate the assumtions, Come clean...
  • local boy (30/03/2021, 08:46) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    BVI about to drop its guard, all that hard work in to keep us safe going to zero all because of a few greedy ppl. Cut off u nose to spite u face. Come ppl dont let all that work go down. Stay safe.
    • A few greedy people (30/03/2021, 13:51) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      and hundreds who haven't had full pay or any pay since last February. How can you think the vaccine equals greed. How much worse can it get before you realise this is the only way. all you vaccine nay sayers have no answers. just accusations and ridiculous conspiracy theories. Where are your solutions???
  • I blame (30/03/2021, 08:47) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    I blame C***Y just because! Cause she’s always blame the Government or someone else.

    But on a serious note. Anyone who make it their personal business and agenda to only look for bad In people, places and things aren’t a good person or leader at all. Yes the VIP ain’t do a certain things perfect, but there’s a lot of good things they did that help us to be safe today. Help even loud mouth ungrateful C***Y. Oh you’ll should Google C***Y and tell me if you’ll would like anyone to Google you and see more negativity vs positivity about yourselves?! Once it’s on google that’s it. Her reputation has been screwed but it’s her own fault. Someone get fried; get upset then move on; sadly she can’t get over the fact she’s been fired and it’s time to move on.
  • NICK (30/03/2021, 08:48) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    as far as i am concern, the bvi are not china so the public need to know what's going on.
  • Dr potter mr malone and mr Ronald (30/03/2021, 08:54) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    We want to know where the first victim of infected corvid get this virus ..his back trace track were it ,lead back to from etc ....where his intention arose from and his where about. As concern we need to know where possible we as the general public could of been uncounted with this infeasible environment and place of this individual...we need to know that not just the environment of the funeral ...but my sensible QUESTION personally to u all are u all being paid , pressure sacred into a lie ,deception whatever..for shit never was adding up and still getting so much inconsistency of all these events advises everything..the more u all open ur mouth about this situation it generate more questions from a reasonable standpoint...get u all self straight for the people concern is looking more intelligent than u all advise.....
    • @Dr potter mr malone and mr Ronald (30/03/2021, 11:55) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      "sensible QUESTION" really? I couldnt find the sense in it. It is incomprehensible. You make no sense. I need an interpreter from another planet to get your meaning.
  • rattie (30/03/2021, 08:55) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This does not make sense
  • So here are the problems I see with this... (30/03/2021, 09:07) Like (68) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Health Authorities in the Virgin Islands (VI) are tight-lipped about a possible super-spreader event, opting not to share details about how a person who tested positive for COVID-19 was able to attend a funeral at the Sea Cows Bay Methodist Church."

    1. Government 'in the sunshine' opting to not clarify how the established protocols for tracking and tracing have been breached, when they were VERY vocal about how these protocols worked so well until now. Not a good look for transparency, responsibility and raises questions about the validity of the protocols, undoing ALL that has been done to date.

    "The Ministry of Health on Sunday, March 28, 2021, had indicated that an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 attended a funeral held on Saturday, March 27, 2021, at the Sea Cows Bay Methodist Church."

    2. The time difference between Saturday's funeral and the advisory on Sunday and the previous 0 active cases in the territory would suggest that this relates to a relative who came in from off-island to attend the funeral and who should therefore have been following the established protocols and quarantining until their Day 4 test proved negative. This clearly did not happen. Why?

    "According to Dr Potter, responding to questions posed from the audience, the case is a medical situation, and as such, they would not discuss it; however, he encouraged persons who attended the event to get vaccinated if they have not."

    3. Unvaccinated persons who attended the event and were possibly exposed to coronavirus due to breach of the established protocols may well be asymptomatic by now. The established medical advice for anyone infected with COVID-19 or exposed to someone who is:
    - to isolate at home for 10 days or until they recover before visiting a vaccine distribution site. Having a vaccine appointment is no reason to break isolation and put others at risk of infection.
    Further, getting vaccinated while sick will not likely boost the immune response against current infection, and those who recover from COVID-19 are recommended to defer their vaccination schedule for 3 MONTHS to allow others without natural immunity to get protection.

    This contradicts the Government's advice here for unvaccinated funeral attendees to get vaccinated at this point in time. Why is this contradictory advice being offered?

    "Dr Potter confirmed that persons vaccinated 4 weeks ago would not need to isolate but would still need to get tested for the virus by calling 468-2285 (7-6) between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm."

    4. There is a difference between being FULLY vaccinated (having both doses of a two-shot vaccine like AstraZeneca) and being PARTIALLY vaccinated. Those who received one dose of a two-dose vaccine 4 weeks ago are NOT fully vaccinated and claiming that they do not need to isolate because of partial vaccination undermines established medical evidence and runs the risk of the public believing that the second dose is an unnecessary formality, further undermining the work that has been done so far.

    Questions must now be asked about the Government's unwillingness to be forthcoming about the protocol breach while simultaneously offering advice that contradicts established medical vaccination advice globally. It is not a good look, and suggests that there is something 'special' about this person who tested positive at Saturday's funeral, that now makes protocol breaches okay and requires twisting truth so much. It raises questions in this tiny territory about transparency in the management of this situation, possible abuse of office, corruption and mismanagement. To quote the currently active COI:
    "whether there is evidence of corruption, abuse of office or other serious dishonesty that has taken place in public office in recent years, and if so what conditions allowed this to happen"

    This is a gift on a silver platter. Time is of the essence and it is now over 48 hours since Saturday's funeral. Rules should be rules for ALL, regardless of last name. The world, the community and the COI are watching. Carry on.
    • Deh Watcha (30/03/2021, 11:02) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      If the government does not want to say who this 'super spreader' is, if you attended the funeral sue whoever put it on for reckless endangerment of your life or something.

      Take drastic measures.

      Spreading Covid should fall under one of those classes where 'you didn't mean to but it happened' type murders.
  • Funeral Register (30/03/2021, 09:14) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    It's a good thing to have me around. People thought I was unnecessary and irrelevant. LOL
  • SAY I SAY SO (30/03/2021, 09:25) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    • READ ME COMPLETE (30/03/2021, 09:50) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Con artists (30/03/2021, 09:27) Like (35) Dislike (6) Reply
    This is all a farce just to push the vaccine that's all this is...Watch the game people watch the game !!!
  • hmm (30/03/2021, 09:31) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    Paid government employees glad for the ten days paid vacation that is coming out of this. how come the politicians who were there don't have to stay home? Even though they are vaccinated they can still spread the virus.
  • Real (30/03/2021, 09:32) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Easier for a camel to pass thru the gates of zion than it is for s rich man let that sink in store ur riches in heaven
  • omg (30/03/2021, 09:42) Like (32) Dislike (0) Reply
    These lil children games that politicians is playing can't make it through the mind of real thinking people
    • @wow (30/03/2021, 09:55) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      My unborn child could tell better lies than these politicians, wonder how much they got paid to push this agenda
  • wise up (30/03/2021, 09:55) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Last names in the BVI goes a long way esp if u from sea cows bay and politically oriented
  • I would say this (30/03/2021, 10:27) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    I hold the person that went to the funeral knowing that he/she was infected responsible. He/She put every one at the funeral at risk, there were also children there. No one should have been allowed to enter the church or the burial site without a mask.There was a little boy that was standing off by the fence looking but he kept his distance and he had a mask on.
    • @ I would say this (30/03/2021, 16:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you.

      My thoughts on this is everyone should know to keep their distance wear their mask etc
      If a child did it why everyone else couldn’t ?
      No matter what at the end of the day we are responsible for our own health and well-being.
  • trrefdrfds (30/03/2021, 10:29) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    a person who flew into the country for a funeral tested positive for the virus and was supposed to be in quarantine , they chose not to follow the protocls and now an outbreak might happen. This person must be held accountable as well as anyonw who provided them with accommodation and transport knowing that they should be in quarantine. Fine them and then let the people who have to self isolate for 10 days sue them for loss of earnings, but everyone please get vaccinated. The reason vaccinated people do not need to self isolate is due to minimal chance of getting infected and if infected the viral load is tiny and so does not shed and infect others. Read up on it and get vaccinated.
    • Interested (30/03/2021, 11:04) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      ‘At truth’There is much more to this story ,
      Please do not judge too quickly
      • @Intrested (30/03/2021, 13:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        I could not attend my fathers funeral due to quarantine restrictions, there is NO EXCUSE
  • @ so here are the problem i see with this (30/03/2021, 10:32) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    I see where you coming from and I respect your knowledge ~ and I hope those hypocrites who has adopted the latest craze of finger pointing as another form of ( distraction \ smoke screen ) would try speaking the truth fo once instead of trying to mislead their people
  • @Funny (30/03/2021, 11:50) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    No he. Die from your puppet masters hands ...u either know that or your name just suits u
  • @ TAXMAN (30/03/2021, 18:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • trrefdrfds (31/03/2021, 06:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the mentality of some of these bloggers can tell u the direction of there eternal rubber duck ...u bound for hell that u already in ..but it sweet now to u but in the end ....I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
  • LilyAnn (31/03/2021, 12:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    How yall dont want to take the vaccine, but want to be flipping out when there are cases on island... what yall want ???
  • LilyAnn (01/04/2021, 09:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How yall dont want to take the vaccine, but want to be flipping out when there are cases on island... what yall want ???

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