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Covered walkway expected in airport expansion plans – Hon. Pickering

Acting Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Hon. Dr Kedrick Pickering, indicated that a covered walkway leading to the airport terminal is expected to be included in the plans being submitted for the airport extension project. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Speaking in response to a question posed by a caller on the NDP radio programme, Acting Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Hon. Dr Kedrick Pickering, has assured that a covering for the passenger walkway is expected to be included in the plans for the airport expansion project.

During the NDP radio programme, aired on September 17, 2012 on a local radio station, a caller raised the issue of implementing a covering to protect passengers from the elements as they traverse between the terminal and aeroplanes at the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport.

The caller noted that a while back it had been said, on NDP radio, that concerns were raised about the entrance of the terminal at the airport regarding whether or not there will be a cover area.”

Addressing Hon. Pickering he related  that “you had said that because you weren’t able to get the plans [nothing could be said at the time].”

“I wonder if this has been done, have you been able to look at the plans [so that] if I come to the airport with anyone, rain, sun or [anything doesn’t] stop me?” he asked.

The Acting Premier in his response, confirmed that the point that the caller made is something that was raised on a former NDP radio [programme].

He however clarified that the caller’s question encompassed “two separate issues; the plans were the development of the airport and the second point raised is a suggestion that the immediate area for the terminal to protect passengers from the sun and rain for the section leading up to the terminal.”

“The answer for the first part of the question,” he continued, “is there are no plans yet because that is part and parcel of the tendering process. If [persons] have been following the statements that were made in the House [of Assembly], the process as it is right now, is the formal bidding process is taking place [to decide finally].”

Regarding the point about the covering, he explained, “the request for proposals would have each stated to the individual companies that are bidding that that is one of the things we wanted” [incorporated into the development] as part of the passenger terminal building upgrade component of the expansion plans.

Hon. Pickering related that it sounds like a long answer, “but the point is that yes, we have ensured that it will be incorporated but [length of the response was] to make sure that you understand that I had not seen the plans, [because] no plans [have been completed as yet].”

Dr. Kedrick Pickering had previously announced in a June 29, 2012 sitting of the House of Assembly that the final construction of the runway extension, which is expected to be completed by December of 2015, will be extended approximately 2000 feet eastward into the sea and approximately 500 feet towards the west. He later announced in another sitting of the House held on July 24, 2013 that construction for the project is slated to begin in early 2013 with a ground breaking ceremony.

Winston Wilson was hired as the Project Manager for the expansion project currently underway.

7 Responses to “Covered walkway expected in airport expansion plans – Hon. Pickering ”

  • one eye roster (19/09/2012, 07:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    yea yea sounds good "Mr. Done deal"
    • end game (20/09/2012, 06:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The decision is made people Good or Bad, the project will go forward end of story!
  • john public (19/09/2012, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    this might be the only thing that he will get do
  • food for some (20/09/2012, 06:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What making me disappointed is that only one local company was qualified for this runway project!!!! where are people who march against biwater??? Set of nasty hypocrites.
  • observer (21/09/2012, 03:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know from qualified global companies who diddn´t get any answer by gov after submission of the EOI documents.
    Always done deals, it will not change. Same will happen like Peebles.

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