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Court rules in favour of Cedorene P. Malone-Smith & Levor A.H. Lettsome

- Orders BVIHSA & Dian Fahie to publicly apologise; Malone-Smith & Lettsome to reportedly receive over $100K
Nearly three years since they were sent home from their employment at the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) following the release of a preliminary audit report, forming Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Cedorene Patricia Malone-Smith, and former Human Resources Manager, Levor A. H. Lettsome have been vindicated in the High Court. Photo: Internet Source/VINO/File
Part of the court victory recently, according to someone close to the situation, is that the BVIHSA and its auditor Dian Fahie publicly apologise to Cedorene P. Malone-Smith and Levor A.H. Lettsome. This public apology was made during this week, including on Virgin Islands News Online. Photo: VINO
Part of the court victory recently, according to someone close to the situation, is that the BVIHSA and its auditor Dian Fahie publicly apologise to Cedorene P. Malone-Smith and Levor A.H. Lettsome. This public apology was made during this week, including on Virgin Islands News Online. Photo: VINO
The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) has declined to comment on the public apology to Cedorene P. Malone-Smith and Levor A.H. Lettsome, noting that the terms of the agreement related to this matter restrict any public discussion. Photo: BVIHSA
The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) has declined to comment on the public apology to Cedorene P. Malone-Smith and Levor A.H. Lettsome, noting that the terms of the agreement related to this matter restrict any public discussion. Photo: BVIHSA
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Nearly three years since they were sent home from their employment at the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) following the release of a preliminary audit report, forming Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Cedorene Patricia Malone-Smith, and former Human Resources Manager, Levor A. H. Lettsome have been vindicated in the High Court.

Part of the court victory recently, according to someone close to the situation, is that the BVIHSA and its auditor Dian Fahie publicly apologise to Malone-Smith and Lettsome.

‘Never the intention’ to cause harm

This public apology was made during this week, including on Virgin Islands News Online.

In separate apologies, the BVIHSA and Dian Fahie said they “unequivocally apologize” to Malone-Smith and Lettsome “for any harm, offence, embarrassment and inconvenience caused by the imputation/ inferences/ comments/statements contained in the Preliminary Audit Report which was published and or circulated sometime around the 15th November 2021.”

The public apology statement also said it was “never the intention of the BVIHSA and Dian Fahie to cause harm” to Malone-Smith and Lettsome.

Over $100k in compensation ordered

It is also our understanding that Mrs Malone-Smith and Mr Lettsome will receive over $100,000.00 in payments.

The sending home of Smith-Malone and Lettsome on non-disciplinary leave in December 2021 came at a time when the Territory was managing its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mrs Malone-Smith returned to the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) in a different capacity in mid-2022; however, the Human Resources Manager Mr Levor A. H. Lettsome did not. Unconfirmed reports were that Mr Lettsome was also offered a different post but refused and his employment was subsequently terminated.

Meanwhile, the Marketing and Communications Manager at BVIHSA, Mr Damion C. Grange, when reached for comment, said: “Following consultation with management, I have been advised that the terms of the agreement related to this matter restrict any public discussion. As such, we are unable to provide further comment. Thank you for your understanding.”

29 Responses to “Court rules in favour of Cedorene P. Malone-Smith & Levor A.H. Lettsome”

  • Well Well (02/10/2024, 13:28) Like (57) Dislike (7) Reply
    I am happy the court ruled in their favor. I remember when it happened and people dragged those people name in the mud in true tola fashion, now all of you can
  • big L's (02/10/2024, 13:28) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    always losing boi
  • Not surprised!! (02/10/2024, 14:17) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    Congratulations and best wishes to both of them in their future endeavors. I remember seeing and reading the article right here on VINO!

    From how it looking, Government always loosing court cases! In this one, they wrong these individuals and happy they were successful in their cases.
  • UK Police (02/10/2024, 15:11) Like (16) Dislike (10) Reply
    Lot more they going loose wade, Willock, walwyn and the list goes on and on
  • HMMM (02/10/2024, 15:28) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
    How many other cases of this type of behavior has gone unreported due to us not knowing our rights in the constitution.
  • justice (02/10/2024, 15:43) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
    God does not sleep. We don’t care about each other in this territory. We didn’t care for 3 years of these persons could pay their loans or buy groceries. No business wil hire Levor based on rumor. He is an exceptional employee and a brilliant forward thinker. How have we gotten soo cold and u caring.
    • @justice (03/10/2024, 10:24) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
      Please!!! Did he care how employees pay their bills or loan, when he walking around talking about picking side without facts and then refusing the facts because of friendships. SMFH. This world really not level.. I hope he learn how to treat people better and I he gets a Job
  • WOW (02/10/2024, 15:44) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    When is he going to apologies to the Staff that he offended? SMFH sickening people.
  • Don’t ever win (02/10/2024, 16:31) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Government don’t win any cases. All the DPP office doing is losing cases and causing the government money.
    • @ Don’t ever win (03/10/2024, 11:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Would not be an issue if the government tried to do their jobs properly.
  • staff (02/10/2024, 19:33) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply




  • lost cause (02/10/2024, 20:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lots of more loses coming wade, Willock, those two police boys, the o’neal lady, the treasury and consolidated fund is in trouble
  • NB (02/10/2024, 21:01) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Something about this reeks!
  • LOL (02/10/2024, 22:05) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    One fired one on staff and successfully sued their employer…and remains on staff in senior management. Go figure only in the BVI
  • hello (03/10/2024, 06:02) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ don't even win.
    Stop blaming he Dpp, even though she's incompetent she had nothing to do with this. Who we should be blaming is the Attorney General that's who defends the government in and civil matters. The DPP does criminal matters.
    • Misinformed (03/10/2024, 10:36) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      The Attorney General DOES NOT defend the BVIHSA in civil matters. BVIHSA is a statutory body and is therefore separate and apart from Government. I really wish people would stop blogging about what they do not know! At least you got it right that the DPP is no way whatsoever to blame so you are, at least, more informed that some people!
  • Citizen (03/10/2024, 06:05) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Oh yes! The vendors.....think of people characters before ayo jump the gun sending home people
  • Guest (03/10/2024, 06:14) Like (1) Dislike (16) Reply
    God forbid if the NDP wins, they will take out of a bottle like a genie in the lead in advancing a dangerous policy that would have fundamentally changed what it means to be virgin Islander
  • The Usurper (03/10/2024, 08:36) Like (18) Dislike (8) Reply
    Yes they didn't like Levor he was a good Human Resources Manager. Dealt with issues immediately ESPECIALLY IN THAT CORRUPT BILLINGS & ADMISSIONS DEPARTMENT. No type of leadership in that department got a fool fool looking woman in there making everybody life a living hell and the ineffective leader in there does nothing. i feel sorry for those people. Before Levor left he was going to deal with the structure in there.
  • That the way (03/10/2024, 09:08) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    The BVIHSA have do so much wrong to people especially the Expatriates who had no say ir had no body to represent them in their rights that get send home dismiss and ill treated the HR is no use it takes the side of the management a b d leave the workers to suffer because it friends and politics Eg telling ppl who on vocation that their posting has been terminated and now a whole ward shut down catching dust and mole can't find hurses and a manager to run it making the Hospital short of beds And it was ding ding to settle the situation and what did HR do sided with management to make them face look good and the same BOARD did nothing to say let be natural so to say one thing to another the whole structure want scrapping there is to much Hormones at the top running that place and them cant see eye to eye 99% female 1% male in management
  • Guest (03/10/2024, 10:09) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    Pay out Cedorene Patricia Malone-Smith, ley she go her way. She gets back there she will be more pompous and overbearing.
    • LOL (04/10/2024, 00:20) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      been back. Now they looking to give a promotion. no qualification and all.
  • Uncle (03/10/2024, 19:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is Karma, when you decide to destroy Virgin Islanders this is what going to happen to your stupid arse, don't miss the boat!
  • Embarrassing (03/10/2024, 21:05) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Kudos to them both , I hope bvihsa willing to pay back these people for moneys owed to them. They need to get back their rightful positions. When we make these kind mistakes often we BVIslanders does look incompetent and inexperienced. Shame on you bvihsa, be real and step up to the frickin plate
  • Norris Turnbull (04/10/2024, 00:07) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pettiness and victimization. God don't like ugly. Never did, never will.
  • HMMM (04/10/2024, 01:35) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I wonder where that 100 000 coming from..hope they dont cut staff pay them done ain't making much
  • both Malone-Smith and Lettsome were abruptly sent on non-disciplinary leave following the circulation of a preliminary audit report alleging misconduct within the BVIHSA.

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