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Couple robbed in parking lot @ Captain Mulligan's

A Caucasian couple fell victim to robbery in the parking lot of Captain Mulligan's in Nanny Cay on Friday night, March 20, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
NANNY CAY, VI- Information reaching Virgin Islands News Online is that a Caucasian couple fell victim to robbery in the parking lot of Captain Mulligan's in Nanny Cay on Friday night, March 20, 2020.

According to reports, the two persons were in their vehicle when they were held up, allegedly at gunpoint.

The incident took place around 10:30 pm Friday night.

It is unclear what exactly was taken.

Reports are that the robber was wearing a hoodie and escaped on foot.

Police have confirmed the robbery took place.

"On Friday 20th at 10:47 a report was received of a robbery in Mulligan's parking lot. Investigations are ongoing in this matter," Police Information Officer Akia L. Thomas told Virgin Islands News Online.

"No robbery/burglary was reported for Mulligan's restaurant," Ms Thomas added.

2 robberies in one day

Sometime after 10:00am on Friday, March 20, 2020, Banco Popular on Virgin Gorda was robbed at gunpoint. 

Police responded swiftly with arrests but it is not clear at this time if charges have since been laid.

25 Responses to “Couple robbed in parking lot @ Captain Mulligan's”

  • one eye (22/03/2020, 07:35) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wow come on this is getting serious
  • Wake up VIP (22/03/2020, 08:11) Like (2) Dislike (23) Reply
    the Fed shut down the D trade plus government will not let loose any money on the streets, so what is NEXT CRIME
    • To wake ùp vip (22/03/2020, 10:40) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      People like YOU are what is wrong with society. Y'all lazy backsides just want to lay back and push drugs
  • Jay (22/03/2020, 08:53) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    Reading these 2 stories really upset me especially in a time like this.. all this continued wickedness is why God must be Angry with the world.. I would be if I was Him.. you know 2 night ago I had a dream.. I saw a writing on a wall; it was not in English but when asked the translation I was told, “they are twice as bad and they’re not listening”:. Why can’t we all stop the wrong doing and do right for a change; why cant we live lives that Honors God.. it’s time people to stop the nonsense and show love one to another..Wake up, Seek God while He can still be found .. He is watching and sees all the injustices one to another and He repays.. STOP!!
  • Jay (22/03/2020, 09:00) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    One more thing I forgot to add re: my dream.. I was at my church and a pastor from another church was coming to speak to us to give us some insight about this dreadful pandemic virus the world is dealing with and when he stood by the wall the words miraculously appeared twice and disappeared..I awake and asked God “Father what does this mean, what am I to do with this information”.. C’mon these are perilous times we’re all living in .. it’s time we start listening and seek God more..
    • @ Jay (23/03/2020, 12:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Many of these men and women on the pulpit are not anointed to be ministers, pastors, or anything of such and many are not filled with the Holy Spirit. These individuals are great speechmakers looking for leadership roles and money. Not all, but many are robbers and thieves just the same, and worst yet, because they have made a career out of their disobedience.

      (You can read the story of Daniel for clarity and this the interpretation and verse that the Lord Jesus gave me below.)
      Many of them will be revealed in these times. The interpretation is clear, and written on the wall, in your dream God is saying....these religious kings and their kingdoms will fall shortly.

      'They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly... 2 Timothy 3:5'
      • i-cheba (23/03/2020, 17:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Jeremiah 23.Woe Be Unto The Pastors That Destroy And Scatter The Sheep Of My Pasture! Saith The Lord
  • Mr.Cough (22/03/2020, 09:22) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    They saw me coughing, and came to rob me... I hope they are okay... sigh I’m at the hospital the coughs are getting really bad
  • biker (22/03/2020, 09:33) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    When Mulligans is closed at night it is completely dark; no lights anywhere, buildings, car park, grass fields, etc. Perhaps the owners might want to install some security lights with motion sensors to prevent more night crimes. Of course right across the bridge & canal is Nanny Cay that is lit up like an airport at night so no crime there.
    • @biker (22/03/2020, 12:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Perhaps when Mulligans is closed they pull a chain and block the lot so shit doesnt happen in there.
  • So upsetting (22/03/2020, 10:00) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am to the point where I am about to turn vigilante suit up and stop these petty thief’s. Supermarket, banks and people being violated and robbed at gunpoint. I carry and I am very vigilant when my wife and I go out at nights to have a drink or dinner. You get to close to us, I am going to start blasting. My hand is always on the trigger.
    • @ so upsetting (22/03/2020, 13:43) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      Strupes you don't own no gun in tola, you wish bvi had rights to bare arms to protect ya'll.
      • So upsetting (22/03/2020, 14:35) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        You can say whatever you please However, I hope when you or anyone try to rob me, I guess you will really find out if my hand is on the trigger or not. Just hope that you don’t run into me when you decide to rob anyone.
  • banco (22/03/2020, 10:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dead money
  • Disgust (22/03/2020, 10:43) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    In just a minimum of a 24 hour window, the British Virgin Islands has suffered 2 robberies. Does these robberies trigger any thoughts people?
    Yes, triggered my thoughts of Civil Unrest in the making. Why? The world is in chaos with the rise of the Coronavirus. Restaurants, schools, businesses are closed. States are shutdown. People have been mandated to stay indoors. The lock down, shut down is real.
    Think about this, if these states are closing borders and on lock down, don’t you think that the manufacturing plants will be closing or minimizing production of food supply?
    With that said,
    In all this crisis our 24 square miles of islands are over populated. Examine the BVI now,
    The government increase our population so now in this crucial time with a high volume of low paid tourism workers and laborers unemployed, these islands are burdened to feed, shelter and care for everyone and their muma, papa, grannie, picknie and everyone else in the BVI. So when our food supply dwindles, referring to our imported supply of food, WTH going to happen? DOG EAT DOG!!!!!!!

    Did the government plan to fail or did they fail to plan? What is the backup plan?
    DID they not give thoughts to population crisis after what we went through with disaster IRMA? The looting, raping, price gouging, labor rip offs??? Yes, we all need a helper at times but we are still in a recovery phase and now a pandemic hit us. What exactly is planned to control and supply the needs of these overpopulated islands?
    Let me cut this short. The country will be hungry in the absence of food resources and the crime rate will rise if attention is not given to our needs NOW. We do not have the man power to control and police Our population and therefore it is my hope that the government will call for help and get some MILITARY police on site and enforce a curfew to control the vehicle and human traffic. In addition, station the military officers at banks, pharmacies, supermarkets and all other suppliers that are required to stay open to supply our needs.
    NUFF said.
    • @disgust (22/03/2020, 17:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      It would require big picture thinking on the part of the BVI Government, a thing of which they are incapable. In the words of Albert Einstein, they are attempting to solve the problem using the same thought process that created the problem. Let’s not get started on the local over dependence on colonial religion. The same religious practices that landed us in slavery, kept us mental slaves and has enabled our poverty. Ignorance is a powerful tool, but only works on behalf of people in power. He who has eyes to see, let him see, and he who eyes to hear let him hear. It’s time for us as a community to wake up and see/hear the reality of what is happening.
  • um (22/03/2020, 11:27) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    So many questions - and before people post crap just think about it. In order to get robbed you generally have to make yourself a target. So maybe lay-off walking with lots of cash or buying drugs or wearing valuables or being drunk and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Gun Crime (22/03/2020, 12:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    gun crime is a social disease and lack of competent border security will get worse. We do not make weapons in the territory yet so many incidents involving guns. Are we taking these issues seriously or just another day paradise
    • Online Now (22/03/2020, 16:59) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ Gun crime - next you’ll be saying women dressing provocatively are asking to be raped. SMH
  • Vg don (22/03/2020, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (14) Reply
    No hope without dope
    • @ VG DON (22/03/2020, 18:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      are you saying the three economic pillars are failing

      1. Off shore banking
      2. disrupted tourism
      3. 30.9 million of smack intercepted
  • The youths (22/03/2020, 13:49) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
    The youths are looking for jobs most are getting turn down, what you'll expect is going to happen?! Have a lot worse to get!! Check for the youth MINISTERS!!
  • You all keep it up (22/03/2020, 15:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    These little robbing idiots is taking advantage of what is going on. Even the gangsters and thief’s in the US is staying off the streets. The running joke is the gangsters is afraid of the virus because gunshots can’t stop the virus. The ones that is out here robbing supermarkets, banks and people is the first ones that is going to catch the virus.
  • GG (22/03/2020, 16:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look here again, more of the same crap from guys with absolutely no sense. Family members turn these guys in. They are destroying the country!!
  • Something Must be done (22/03/2020, 16:58) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    These acts are not nice. It is not encouraged. However the gov. must step in and help to off set financial difficulties that persons will suffer as a result of this virus. Not everyone will need assistance but some will. Leading nations are giving assistance. If this is not done. It could lead to an increase in these acts

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