Country has to move forward – Hon Dr. Pickering
Hon. Dr. Pickering expressed this view last evening, September 17, 2012 on the NDP radio programme which was aired on a local radio station.
Asked by host of the programme, Ms Eileene L. Parsons why there was so much objection from a certain segment of our country to the airport extension and to the work of the port, Dr Pickering related that “I would be surprised if a project of this magnitude doesn’t have objections.”
He continued by saying, “There are obviously specific concerns that have to be taken into consideration especially with the airport… [including] environmental concerns.”
Ms Parsons also asked “Why is it [that]… they are quite vocal in their objection to the extension of the airport?
The Hon. Minister noted that “We have travelled far and wide to look at what best practices are in other countries and I think we have a fairly good idea of what we would like to see incorporated in the development of the airport extension and other things that have to be done.”
He also related that, “I think I have said it publicly, I don’t mind criticism myself. In terms of the airport development, a decision has been made to [pursue] with the airport. It’s not a question of if we’re doing it, we’re doing the airport. We are going through the process in a meticulous fashion to ensure when we are at the point when we are ready to proceed, we have incorporated the best practices that are available to us.”
Giving further insight into the process that has taken place so far, the Acting Premier outlined that, “We are at a point where we [wish to see] that we have incorporated the best practices that are available to us at this point in time to ensure that we mitigate against the negative factors.”
“I expect criticisms, I expect objections, I expect all of those things, the more we listen to them; we are going to incorporate best practices.” He said.
He continued by saying that persons criticisms have been noted and are being taken into consideration. “We are not going to ignore people’s criticisms just to ignore them, we are going to take them into consideration.”
The Hon. Minister noted however that criticisms, regardless of their nature, would not stop the progress of the projects, “I don’t think anybody should be fooled, that at this point in time these objections or negative criticisms will stop the project.”
“There are some issues and the government has… taken a step back, listened to the complaints, looked at the project and tried to ensure that as we move forward we take into consideration, the suggestions, objections and again, incorporate best practices,” he related.
He also added that it is important to understand and appreciate, that the country has to move forward and we are either in the game or we are not in the game. “You want your best pitcher on the mound, you want your best team on the field,” Dr. Pickering said in an allusion to the game of baseball.
The Minister also made references to projects being done by other ministers, noting that the government was pressing ahead with projects that would allow the country to progress.
People might have objections, he said, but life is about finding ways to move forward “the country has to move forward.”
“The bottom line is the country can’t stay at the same position as it is but we have a responsibility to do the things that we have to do and to do them in the best possible way,” he declared.
He explained that this was essential in order for future generations to be the beneficiaries.
21 Responses to “Country has to move forward – Hon Dr. Pickering ”
No, its not about the BVI expanding itself to death. Its about the BVI meeting the challenges of the world economy in an INTELLIGENT way, in a sensitive way, and in a way that can sustain what we have without destroying what we have. Of course we want to grow as an economy but there's no reason we have to destroy our major resources - the beauty of our islands - to do that. We just got to play smart, that's how we will grow our economy. Making out like people who against these big plans are against our islands developing is just a simple lie. It's about HOW we develop, not IF we develop.
It's about time that the government start to get about the people's business-Virgin Islanders(British) business that is- instead of worrying about the concerns of a few whose bones will never bury on any of our soils next to our people but instead to lands unknown and in many cases in the "homelands" of the mangroves, corals, fish and other sea life!!!
Kudos to the NDP for their swift action on this matter!
Where is your "league" on the news mediums-TV, radio, and newspapers-fighting against these issues in this community?
Don't come on here on these blogs trying to stop progressive discourse! Who gives a damn how your "league" feels when none of you are on any medium-news or otherwise- fighting against the discrimination of our people in this country?
Oppression of ANYONE based on their nationality, their ethnicity or their complexion is wrong. That applies to outsiders who come in here and attempt to keep BVIslanders down or discriminate against us. And it applies to us BVIslanders, who need to be mindful not to discriminate against others, too.
Is that simple.
These are some serious times, so we need serious discussions. Example - how progressive is it to limit discussion of our future to simple nonsense like above - "only one race have issues with the airport and we aint tekin dem on"?
The problem with this kind of approach is that it is not looking at the issue of the airport at all - it's looking at hatred/fear of outsiders and putting it before anything else. If that's the ingredient you starting with, that's a recipe for a stew that no one can eat.
Worse, its just promoting race conflict. Is that what we want? Will that make the BVI better? Will it be good for our development? Is it morally right to approach our problems from this angle?
Xenophobia is a disease that creeps into communities and destroys them like a cancer. We need to watch out for it, especially in these times of economic hardship and increased numbers of outsiders. We need to be wise, tolerant and careful about our future.
So no Ausar - its not a real 'league', its a name on a blog designed to remind people that whatever going on in these islands right now, human morality must remain central in the equation and everyone - BVIslanders and those not from here - must be treated fair. Hatred cannot be allowed to rule the decisions that design our future.