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‘Cordell was the clown of the family’ – Mr Otto A. O’Neal

-Court hears ahead of sentencing
Cordell O'Neal will be brought back to court on March 16, 2015 at which time he will be sentenced. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Today February 27, 2015 was set for mitigation statements in the Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards as Cordell O’Neal’s father Mr Otto A. O’Neal spoke of some unknown attributes of his eldest son.

The younger O'Neal, 29 years old, pleaded guilty to gun related charges following the discovery of weapons and ammunition in his parents’ home at Pockwood Pond in October 2014.

It was then Mr O’Neal described Cordell O’Neal as the clown of the family meaning that he kept the home lively on a daily basis. Among other things he recalled that his son was the child who spent the most time in his parents’ bedroom, woke up early and got everyone up in the mornings and fed the dogs that are more familiar with him.

But he also told the court, as he pleaded for leniency for his son, that there were a number of unfortunate experiences in his life that have resulted in him being withdrawn. Among those was evidence of him spending some two years in the USA undergoing surgeries and rehabilitation to an injured hand, the death of close relatives and the death of his first daughter shortly after she was born and him not being able to see her.

He also told of the side of his child that showed his determination to live his dreams as while away for the two years he pursued studies in the area of audio engineering and upon his return to the Virgin Islands built his own studio.

The court was told also that Cordell O’Neal was a very generous and caring person and would go the extent for people. The court heard that he gave clothing to persons in prison and others in need and even stood as guarantor for his work peers so they can get credit at the family business.

Following the father’s evidence in the court Cordell O’Neal accepted the opportunity to say something in open court and he apologized to his family especially his mother and father for having them go through this court process. He also said he had no friends.

Having heard all the statements Senior Magistrate Richards advised him that he will be brought back to court on March 16, 2015 at which time he will be sentenced.

20 Responses to “‘Cordell was the clown of the family’ – Mr Otto A. O’Neal”

  • qc (27/02/2015, 19:51) Like (13) Dislike (10) Reply
    this is political but w still voting for IPO
    • dg (28/02/2015, 08:46) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply

      political my backside, you all need to stop condone criminal activities, well otto, its not velon michael jackson john this time, we all now the problem with these illigal guns, c...ell is no stranger to this gun thing, he needs some serious time in balo to reflect.

    • SMDH Again (28/02/2015, 12:36) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      This guy has had too many breaks. Its time for him to spend some serious time in prison and contemplate how he has screwed up and what he can do to change. Letting him loose again will not help. Hold him accountable for his actions. Yes he failed his family, but just saying this should not be a free ticket out of prison. Give him some time in Balsum Ghut to cool his heels.
  • ... (27/02/2015, 20:22) Like (15) Dislike (8) Reply
    just sad all around but we still with his mother VIP all the ball head you can write all the legal letters you want we still voting for her BAM
  • Unfortunate (27/02/2015, 21:28) Like (46) Dislike (2) Reply
    I remember Cordell working at the High Court Registry years ago. I got along well with him as he was very pleasant and helpful. I didn't know what happened to him after that. As a mother myself, I try not to condemn anybody because all I can say is there go I and my child but for the grace of God. Everybody once we're in the land of the living always have a chance to evaluate our own lives and decide which road we will take and what choices we will make. No matter what the outcome is with the courts, I hope that he as well as all of the young men who have made mistakes in our community will take the opportunity to turn their lives and turn all of the disgrace and regrets into something positive in the end.
    • ray (27/02/2015, 22:10) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
      Very Well said, as parents we need not condemn others because we can fall in the same situation, let us come together and pray for all the young people.
  • judge me not (27/02/2015, 23:02) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Unfotunate and the positive comments. God is love We lift our hands in praise to the Heavens shouting Glory. Prayers for all the young of today.
  • weed (28/02/2015, 00:52) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    His mom is a good lady
  • joe (28/02/2015, 10:45) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    father talking a lot of crap ,but then again that is his son the only truth he spoke was sayng the boy was a clown an this much we know a clown an a idiot.
  • ? (28/02/2015, 12:33) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why his dad talking about him like he died... It more sound like a eulogy.
  • bat cave (28/02/2015, 16:02) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    He needs a second chance he is a good youth
  • magistrate (01/03/2015, 11:28) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Well you know this one is very political watch and see the the evil of the court on this. Evil evil evil people
    • tretretrete (02/03/2015, 11:06) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
      She send a man balo for peeking through a window. Let's see what sentence this one gonna get.
  • Sir Guy (02/03/2015, 11:03) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Just give him 6 to 9 months and a fine. he need to man up a bit and see the reality of life. Irene stop breast feeding these children, you will not be there all the time, a little bump and bruise from time to time would help them in life. 6 to 9 months and a fine, so ordered.
  • Mary (02/03/2015, 13:40) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply


  • system is fraud (04/03/2015, 00:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the system was set up to be just. No tolerance for guns. See the results
  • To My Dear Mary with Love (05/03/2015, 21:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    My dear Mary while we all appreciate your efforts at expressing a complete thought you have yet a ways to go before sounding civilized. Note the following; made* children* idiots* losers* (.)*end run on sentences, Never start a sentence with "and" it's bad form. Now* (,) society pays the price along with them.* This just sounds better and takes care of your sub-par form. However, you get out what you put in.* This actually makes sense unlike what a certain "Mary" said.
    I won't be rash and accuse anyone but it seems that these "IDIOT AND LOOSERS" are everywhere to be found. Why, I always thought the news blogs were frequented by "edjumacated" people! Oh well...

    Remember Friends, before you attempt complete sentences always ask a friend for help or you might end up looking like a certain keyboard philosopher i know.

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