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CoP Mark Collins goes scot-free following review of damning allegations

- as No disciplinary action against CoP recommended following Review of complaints by Cayman Islands CoP Kurt Walton
According to the Governor’s Office on September 25, 2024, current Governor Daniel Pruce, right, received the review carried out by the Cayman Islands Police Commissioner and ‘took appropriate steps’ with the Commissioner of Police, Mark Collins, left, in line with its findings, following consultation with the National Security Council (NSC). Photo: RVIPF/Facebook
It was in January of this year that former Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, right, announced that a review had been ordered into a myriad of complaints against the territory’s Commissioner of Police and United Kingdom (UK) national Mr Mark Collins, left. Photo: VINO/File
It was in January of this year that former Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, right, announced that a review had been ordered into a myriad of complaints against the territory’s Commissioner of Police and United Kingdom (UK) national Mr Mark Collins, left. Photo: VINO/File
The Commissioner of Police of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Mr Kurt Walton (in photo), had been given Terms of Reference to investigate any aspect of the petition against Mr Mark Collins. Photo:
The Commissioner of Police of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Mr Kurt Walton (in photo), had been given Terms of Reference to investigate any aspect of the petition against Mr Mark Collins. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- It was in January of this year that former Governor John J. Rankin, CMG announced that a review had been ordered into a myriad of complaints against the territory’s Commissioner of Police and United Kingdom (UK) national Mr Mark Collins.

Some of the damning complaints against Mr Collins stemmed from leaked emails in which he requested senior ranks of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) to destroy certain evidence relevant to a matter involving a now-retired officer.

The line of complaints was officially handed to Governor Rankin in the form of a petition in late 2023. The petition included 55 allegations against Mr Collins, including by his own police officers.

Mr Rankin said the review was Commissioner of Police of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Mr Kurt Walton, who had been given Terms of Reference to investigate any aspect of the petition.

Many in the public had already questioned why Mr Collins was not sent on leave during this time, especially since this has been the norm against public officers even before evidence was presented.

No disciplinary action against CoP

Now comes news that the review by Mr Walton was completed and no disciplinary action against Mr Collins was recommended.

According to the Governor’s Office on September 25, 2024, current Governor Daniel Pruce received the review carried out by the Cayman Islands Police Commissioner and “took appropriate steps” with the Commissioner of Police in line with its findings, following consultation with the National Security Council (NSC).

It is unclear what those “appropriate steps” were. 

According to the Governor’s Office, “The report did not recommend, either on criminal or disciplinary grounds, suspension or dismissal of Commissioner Collins.”


Mr Collins is expected to return to the UK later this year when his contract expires.

The findings or lack of it by Mr Walton will no doubt leave a bitter taste in the mouths of many who already feel there is a law for locals and another for UK nationals.

Under Mr Collins, there are over 14 lawsuits pending against him and the Governor from public officers, most of them from the police and civilians for violations of rights and unfair treatment. A class action lawsuit is to be filed shortly, according to an Attorney working on the matter.

See related articles:

Is Gov Rankin a liar? Double standards & hypocrisy over CoP investigation

Gov Rankin orders review into complaints against CoP Mark Collins

21 Responses to “CoP Mark Collins goes scot-free following review of damning allegations”

  • But of course (03/10/2024, 13:24) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Can Satan cast out Satan?
  • ccc (03/10/2024, 13:30) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    nothing to see here white protect whites there is no justice now heard he is investigating Armony NO JUSTICE NO PEACE
  • no justice (03/10/2024, 13:33) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Thats expected ,after all you put a rat to investigate a rat. When would black people ever learn.
  • Rubber Duck (03/10/2024, 13:33) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    I am know Crazy Cindy the hater of locals will love this as she drink the cool aid that only locals are corrupt, and the UK must save us
  • watson (03/10/2024, 13:35) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    this should be no surprise
  • WOW (03/10/2024, 13:54) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    No local officer was questioned, secondly when did the Cayman Islands Cop come in to conduct this investigations. It has been long standing by members of the force who keep asking when are these investigations going to commence and now that the White Cop was s about to leave, the office of the Governor is stating that a review was conducted. So are they saying that the leaked email was false? Or that the other 54 allegations were false. The Governors, office continues to hide the corrupt practices of these UK officers. Are they saying that people in this place is blind or have no common sense?
  • Justice will come (03/10/2024, 14:10) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Now I clearly see why they came after the vino owner set of bad cops
  • simple (03/10/2024, 14:28) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    lodge brothers do not allow fellow brothers to fall
  • fact (03/10/2024, 14:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The truth is there was no case to answer. The corrupt officer behind the petition should be arrested and charged with forgery and attempting to pervert the course of justice
  • lmao (03/10/2024, 14:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    TOLA people are so many locals have been caught doing &^%#ry but because they born here yall look the other way

  • Local Judges (03/10/2024, 14:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Seems a group of local judges had decided the Commissioner was guilty of something, and are now very disappointed that is not the case. Thank you Mr Governor for at least ensuring an investigation took place due to the concerns raised. The findings may not be what some hoped for but unless we are now going to accuse the good Commissioner of Cayman of wrongdoing, I would suggest that it probably means Collins did nothing serious.
  • Outlaw (03/10/2024, 15:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the Cayman Top cop a British national as well? If so what you anyone expect. Why they didn’t assign a retired Caribbean COP, to look into this matter. A former COP was allowed to leave here as well after committing criminal offenses, yet they want to come here, get the DPP caught up with them and bringing frivolous Breach of Trust charges against locals. You want to know what is double standards, check the UK.
  • LOL (03/10/2024, 15:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And this is a surprise to whom? The man leaving end of year.
  • Road Tomorrow Rebel (03/10/2024, 15:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    John Bull will never conviction John Bull. Yes Rankin is a dam blasted liar just like Christopher Columbus.
  • Stealth (03/10/2024, 15:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is the surprise? The signs were already given that he would go Scot free, ie, when he was not as customary sent on administrative leave,,pending completion of the investigation. The system is is too inbred for any serious actions to have even been recommended. It is a double standard system one for white UK personnel; another, for locals and others. There is an upperclass and a underclass. The UK-appointed government is the guardian of the supposed upperclass. The Sambos, the appeasers, the Benedict Arnolds, the self-discriminators, etc and those looking for meritorious manumissions are quiet happy with
    upperclass and wish they could join it. When are Virgin Islanders going to learn that the supposed upper class are not into you? Unity, group effort, self-empowerment, etc, is the way forward. Virgin Islanders need to understand that disunity, scattering leaves them powerless and vulnerable.
  • What? (03/10/2024, 15:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In a long line of awful CoPs Collins takes the coconut cake for being the worst.
  • Just a thought !!!! (03/10/2024, 15:49) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Maybe he didn’t do anything wrong!
  • cruzan (03/10/2024, 15:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    All of them are White people what do u expect ?
  • King Saul (03/10/2024, 16:12) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well, Well, well. Mark you are really protected. They are telling us that an investigation was conducted and up to today no witnesses or potential witnesses were interviewed. It is either the investigator is a poor investigator or he was asked to return a desired outcome. I am of the view it is the latter as the BVI is now under scrutiny by the COI, they cannot afford to let the poor representation by one of their own, "Mark Collins " look bad. BVI people wake up this is "white Privilege" in a predominantly black BVI.
  • give it a break (03/10/2024, 16:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wiggy, you really need to move on. Be at peace with yourself and others
  • Barry (03/10/2024, 16:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Set up white stick with white

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