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Control bikers or ban motorcycles off the roadways – Skelton-Cline

-says too many complaints exist about reckless bikers for nothing to be done
Honestly Speaking radio moderator, Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called on law enforcement to tackle reckless bikers on VI’s roadways, else, make a decision to completely ban the bikes. Photo: Facebook/File
A motor scooter rider was reportedly taken to hospital with injuries following a collision with a car at the entrance of Skelton Bay Lot in Fish Bay, Tortola on February 11, 2021. Photo: Team of Reporters
A motor scooter rider was reportedly taken to hospital with injuries following a collision with a car at the entrance of Skelton Bay Lot in Fish Bay, Tortola on February 11, 2021. Photo: Team of Reporters
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI – Honestly Speaking radio moderator, Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called on law enforcement to tackle reckless bikers on VI’s roadways, else, make a decision to completely ban the bikes.

“I've said before that either we ban or we will have to continue to bury or hospitalize our young people who end up… sometimes crippled, physically disadvantaged, because of the reckless way in which these this mode of transportation is operating.”

The man of the cloth was at the time speaking on the February 11, 2021, edition of his Honestly Speaking radio show on ZBVI 780am.

Reckless biking 'beyond a nuisance' - Skelton-Cline 

“This thing is now beyond being a nuisance, and you know I once was young and now I'm old, and but sometimes, there’s an old saying that youth is wasted on young people,” he continued.

He recalled a motorcyclist with a child on the bike as a worrying scene and urged the government to either build a racetrack for bikers or remove the bikes from the road.

“If law enforcement is unable to monitor, to police, to adequately and accurately address these bikers… checking for insurance and proper registration and wearing of helmets, if it is that law enforcement lacks the will or the capacity in which to police these vehicles, then the alternative is to ban them off of the streets,” he said.

Too many complaints - Skelton-Cline 

Skelton-Cline said too many complaints are being made against motorcyclists for nothing to be done, “you can’t have a situation where you just allow your country and allowed the place to deteriorate into recklessness,” he said.

He called on Commissioner of Police, Mr Michael B. Matthews and the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force to work on bringing the issue under control.

“Clearly, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force is not visibly, not in my estimation, doing what they're supposed to be doing and or they [either] lack the capacity to do it,” Skelton-Cline said.

31 Responses to “Control bikers or ban motorcycles off the roadways – Skelton-Cline”

  • vex (13/02/2021, 15:20) Like (3) Dislike (26) Reply
    Free up the bikes yall
    • Lawless (13/02/2021, 18:41) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      Reckless bikers have been allowed to do as they please for TOO LONG. And what is sad, is the fact that they put innocent lives at risk. The police are hardly out to enforce the law. 95% of bikers do not wear helmets or yield at the stop sign(no patience at all). Scooters have been used to gun down our people and what did the government do???????NOT A DARN THING! Lawless is what the BVI has now become. People have NO RESPECT FOR OTHERS, they will come and sit at your business establishment WITHOUT A MASK and when you tell them to put it on leave, they will curse you from your great great great grandmother go down SMH Some just thrown their trash on the ground while they're walking in town, and behind Bolo's have been turned into a PUBLIC P££ ZONE
  • Ghost (13/02/2021, 15:26) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr. Cline you’re preaching to the choir.. if we had to count the number of bike accidents/injuries inclusive of deaths -too many..1 death is too much but are we listening, No!.. though not fair for the responsible bikers to suffer for the foolish I agree with you that something needs to be done ..but again deaf ears ..
  • Ban them cars too (13/02/2021, 15:30) Like (32) Dislike (8) Reply
    Some of them vehicle drivers need to get their license banned while we at it, reckless driving, I be driving my car and they don’t use their turn signal which can cause the person behind to crash into them, some be texting while driving which leads them to drive on the opposite side of traffic and the list goes on but it seems that y’all have an agenda for motor bikes but these cars be hitting the scooters and the police be bias when they arrive on the scene, I’m not saying all of them are good riders but fair is fair, find a way to handle it without banning someone means of transportation !
  • Rubber Duck (13/02/2021, 15:35) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not often the “ man of the cloth “ and I agree. But he is right. We should ban them, they bring nothing but misery and death.
  • KLM (13/02/2021, 15:39) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why must those who abide by the law have to suffer for bikers who don't? Enforce the laws and take the punks off of the road.
  • BEAUTIFUL (13/02/2021, 15:50) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agreed with you ban them all. I love in Purcell and I cant sleep when night come the loud noise is just to much . And most of them riding without the proper equipment to protect themselves . So sick and tired of them bikes
  • cash cow (13/02/2021, 15:59) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think we need a couple six figure consultancies to study the issue. Anyone know an experienced consultant? Experienced in pocketing fees?
  • Mindset... (13/02/2021, 16:31) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why these people with a little power always think that oppressing people is the best way out or the best solution...The police just need to do their Job and enforce the laws. The Laws are there to control users of public Roads...
  • hello (13/02/2021, 17:32) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Brother Cline, You can almost drive through the east end police station but the officers are either sleeping or only have eyes for certain people.

    You will think they will stand outside from time to time to discouraged these riders. No such thing
    • Linda (13/02/2021, 19:10) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      These punks go flying past the east end police station all day. Not one police come out. Long Look is saturated with scooters. A horrible place to live.
    • Sleepers (14/02/2021, 09:19) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Waste of time! Those officers don’t believe in being visible within the community. It is on a very rare occasion that you would ever see any of them walk through the community.
  • See (13/02/2021, 17:34) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    Gutless white police chief . Useless
  • Freighten (13/02/2021, 19:36) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tuesday night about 20 bikes were racing down waterfront drive. Not only way above the speed limit but worse - in the westerly direction full speed against the cars. Even coming inside from clovers to blossoms and full speed into the high way. For over an hour. No police anywhere inside
  • Mussels and cocoa (13/02/2021, 19:37) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    How come no one talks on the radio programmes about the deplorable roads motorists here have to drive on each day. I wonder if the politicians have cars like the jetsons that hover in the air and don’t touch the asphalt. My word. These roads are horrible horrid horrendous. Guess the roads would be in the 2023 election manifesto of for elections.
    • Mini contracts galore (15/02/2021, 11:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Their aren't enough people to whom the government can give out those grace-and-favour mini contracts for patching all the roads that need repair. And god forbid any actual road "repair". Beyond tossing out a shovel full of asphalt, Ministers are not interested. Politicians love those mini-contracts - Political Plums.
  • Ghost (13/02/2021, 19:50) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s not bout the bikers yes we as parents have to step our foot down not be scared of our kid’s especially late nights on and on and on parents step in control your children please
  • Ban dem (13/02/2021, 20:13) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Honestly if the BVI have 10 people who own and ride bikes only about 3 follow the laws and set perfect example. I take my hat off to biker riders like DJ Bertram and Mr. K Adams. They try and try but it’s the hooligans especially those from Long Bush who just making this bike issue very difficult. What’s more crazy is 90% are not licensed or have insurance and when they get hurt they can’t pay for themselves or other peoples damage. Lots of bikes have caused people to mash up their vehicles with the results of them using their insurance and pocket money to fix them damaged. If you have a bike and it’s not license it should be crushed. The Government have given bikers more than enough time to get their acts together.
  • Alternatives (13/02/2021, 21:39) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Is there still a bikers association? Instead of banning the bikes, can’t the association meet with bike owners and help guide them to abide by the road safety laws and regulations? Our youngsters are continuously verbally attacked and ridiculed. Can we take a different approach and reach out to them in a caring manner and help to guide them. Yes some of our young men on the bikes can do better, let us encourage them. If we take the time to sit down with them and have a conversation, it could be the start to a positive move in the right direction to better handling of their bikes on the roads. We don’t want to keep losing our young men to accidents, it’s the worst feeling for a parent to get a call saying their son has been in a bike accident.
    Can we find out if they are unable to afford the proper gear, would they wear helmets if they were donated? We must find a way to work together as a community so we can move forward with our youngsters in a positive and caring manner. With us constantly being negative towards them, they will always be on the defensive and not want to try to do what is required to keep them and others on the roads, safe.
    • @alternatives (14/02/2021, 12:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      This logic is why we are in this mess. We need to raise young people who realize that their is a consequence for their actions instead of making excuses for their bad behavior. Why in gods name should you have a hike but not be able to afford the protective equipment and to ensure that the bike is licensed and insured. If you cannot afford these things you have no reason to be operating a bike point blank. Adults have enabled and not raised children knowing right from wrong. That’s the reason why we in this mess.
    • Say what! (14/02/2021, 13:38) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      They can afford the bikes but not the gear to keep them safe? Can’t fall for that, sorry! They are seriously public nuisances throughout the entire BVI!
  • Lets be Rational (13/02/2021, 21:41) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is it fair to all concerned to ban motor bikes because some persons make themselves a nuisance? The rational thing to do is to enforce the laws pertaining to the operation of these vehicles. There are many persons who use motor bikes as a means of transportation to get to work. Should they be denied the opportunity to make a living. We cannot get emotional and disenfranchise persons who abide by the relevant laws, rules and regulations because of those who don't. There are many persons also with bad driving habits are we going to ban cars next. It is scary when these types of sentiments come from positions of leadership. Everybody's rights must be equally respected and represented. This is one of the foundation principles of good governance. Children live what they learn and ours may be trying to tell us that we need to get our act together.
  • uh (14/02/2021, 07:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those scooter riders don't care thay will run down and call d ambalance for u and run that's how bad it's get
  • solution (14/02/2021, 12:02) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ban Claude Skelton from the air wave with his personal thoughts. Have a debate about motorcycles with all the stake holders, to determine the way forward. Remember if you don't know scooters are legal here not motorcyles. There is a difference. Now that's my personal opinion just like Claude.
  • I want to know (14/02/2021, 12:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    we need enforceable legislation first.
    what is the current legislation on bikes
    what are the fines/penalties
    what can the police do about them
    what can the police do if the refuse to stop when required
    where will the police keep confiscated bikes
    Is 16 the accepted age to start riding.
    Where are our noise zones/legislation. You just cant say the bikes are noisy what decibels levels will be accepted .
    What will be done if a muffler is altered.

    I want to know the answers to the above is always easy to blame law enforcement., but we really have some serious questions to be answered before we start with the Police.
  • No Point in a Ban (14/02/2021, 13:35) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Theres no point banning scooters. The ban would not be enforced just like the existing laws arent enforced.
  • WEW (14/02/2021, 14:44) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is that what he's being paid to consult on ?
  • Finally! (15/02/2021, 11:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Finally, the man talks some sense this time!
  • Jane (15/02/2021, 15:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Have said it before but Commish Matthews is very dim. However, if sorting this problem out was a priority for government they could:
    -provide more funding to the police
    - more adequately ensure bikers are properly trained and educated and licensed
    -better control on who is importing bikes (check funds are not criminal proceeds etc, checking persons have appropriate trade licenses for wholesale importation and resale.)
    - fund traffic cameras through our road system (not difficult given how few thoroughfares there are.)
    So yes, the failure is PC Plod but government certainly has a role to play
  • rewrsdffds (15/02/2021, 16:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its the noise. They need to ban them from changing their mufflers. The noise on these things are just ridiculous. and for them who like it, they sick in their head.
  • Shocked (15/02/2021, 18:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am shook!!!! This is the first time ever that I find myself agreeing with anything Clyde says.

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