Construction of Trellis Bay Welcome Centre progressing well


The Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA), on behalf of the Government of the Virgin Islands, signed a contract with No Limit Construction Services for the construction of the Welcome Centre on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The contract sum is in the amount of two hundred and seventy-one thousand, two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixty-seven cents (USD $271,279.67).
The project, according to the RDA website, aims to enhance the experience for visitors and residents, leading to a better overall travel experience.
The Welcome Centre will provide male and female restrooms and a waiting area to accommodate seating for twenty people with wheelchair accessibility. When finished it will be an open-air facility with the waiting area available 24/7.
Project progressing
RDA’s Head of Communications Ms Colene A. Penn told Virgin Islands News Online that completed thus far are foundation works, the superstructure and external plastering.
Meanwhile, internal plastering is in progress and plumbing fixtures, inclusive of toilets, sinks and urinals, are to be installed.
The windows and doors needed for the project, she added, have been procured, are on the island and are “to be installed within the next two weeks” while painting works are to commence.
Upcoming works on the Welcome Centre include a wastewater treatment system and a water storage tank.
Welcome Centre replaces shed lost during 2017 hurricanes
This Welcome Centre in Trellis Bay will replace the shed destroyed during hurricanes Irma and Maria, which caused devastation to the Virgin Islands in 2017. The shed, which once provided shade for ferry and marine passengers travelling to sister islands, was not replaced.
The Welcome Centre project commenced in July 2024 and is expected to be completed this month, October 2024.
"The contractor is working diligently to complete the facility by the end of this month," Ms Penn said.

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