‘Consider your ways, adhere to protocols’- BVI Christian Council

In a ‘letter to the Virgin Islands’ titled Peace in the Midst of the Storm today, July 15, 2021, the BVI Christian Council (BVICC) expressed empathy to “everyone in these beautiful Virgin Islands in these trying times” and also sent out condolences to the families who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19.
There have been 6 COVID-19 related deaths in the VI, including 2 on July 14, 2021.
‘Our God is well able to bring healing’- BVICC
“At present, we may be sailing through rough waters, but we wish to remind you that the word of God in Jeremiah 32:27 says…. ‘Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?’ The answer is ‘No’, there is absolutely nothing too hard for our God to do. Our God is well able to bring healing to our land.”
The BVICC also said it was praying for healing for those who have been infected with coronavirus.
“To the general public, if we stay together in the unity of the spirit and pray together with one heart, our God will hear and answer our cry. Let us look to Jesus and call on Him. God says in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer thee….” As we continue to repent before the Lord, call unto him and continue to live for him, He will hear our cry and heal our land.”
Adhere to protocols
The BVICC said it will continue to pray for the Government that God will guide them in the right direction.
“We continue to appeal to everyone to take responsibility and be proactive.
“Consider your ways, adhere to protocols, the life you save might be your very own. May God continue to bless our land and bring swift healing in the name of Jesus Christ our King,” the BVICC said.

16 Responses to “‘Consider your ways, adhere to protocols’- BVI Christian Council”
The question is why are the so called believers not believing in their own prayers.
The very first day that Daniel went to pray, the the angel said to him (Daniel) that his prayers was heard.
May the Lord cover these land with His precious blood, and may His Spirit envelope each and every one of us.
May He comfort the heart of those who lost loved on, and may He enable believers to truly believe.
dem believers talk too negative
why you aint go do better. so negative
Getting vaccinated would.
Hate to rain on your parade but the majority of those scientist you talking about don’t believe in God and they don’t believe he exist. To them he is some made up fantasy. They have said it many times and will tell you that yo your face.
most important right now
The following is from the book of Sirach.
Treat the doctor with the honour that is his due, in consideration of his services; for he too has been created by the Lord. The Lord has brought forth medicinal herbs from the ground, and no one sensible will despise them. He uses these for healing and relieving pain; the druggist makes up a mixture from them.
My child, when you are ill, do not rebel, but pray to the Lord and he will heal you. Then let the doctor take over -- the Lord created him too -- do not let him leave you, for you need him. There are times when good health depends on doctors. Please go take your vaccines.