Confusion over gov't salary pay! 2 statutory bodies struggle to pay
Then as early as last week Deputy Governor Rosalie Adams also confirmed in a press statement via the Government Information Services that salaries for all civil servants owed from September 30, 2017 will be paid.
Well there seems to be widespread confusion as most civil servants told our newsroom that they received their September 30, 2017 wages; however, upwards of 10% still insisted to our newsroom that they were not paid for the period in question, ending September 30, 2017.
It remains unclear why they were not allegedly paid, but Mrs Adams, the Deputy Governor, could not be reached for a comment.
More salary delays for October 15, 2017
The new salaries for October 15, 2017 have not been paid, according to civil servants speaking to our newsroom. However, a spokesman for the Ministry of Finance assured our newsroom that "the October 15, 2017 wages for civil servants are being worked on."
Meanwhile, two statutory bodies- the BVI Airports Authority and the H. L. Stoutt Community College- have been late in paying their workers for the period of September 30, 2017. The BVI Ports Authority reportedly recently paid their employees while HLSCC is yet to pay for that period in question.
Statuary bodies also struggling
No salaries have been forthcoming for the now due period of October 15, 2017. Both agencies depend on government for a subvention to help with their operations.
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) told the public in July 2017 that his administration has not left the county broke, and there is money in the Treasury.
However, questions posed by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Opposition between 2011 and 2015 show that under the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government revenue was down and spending and loans were up. Also, the Minister of Finance confirmed in answers to questions in the House of Assembly (HoA) that the reserves were significantly depleted from what was left by the then VIP Administration.
Mismanagement of public funds- former governor
The Opposition, former governor John S. Duncan OBE, the media and ordinary citizens have also accused the NDP regime of financial mismanagement, and widespread wastage of tax payers money.
They cited, to back up their claims, some $1.6M spent on a small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School by Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), the Minister for Education and Culture, now the subject of an investigation.
In addition, they claim that some $7.2M was given away by Dr Smith to a bankrupt BVI Airways that is yet to fly and, according to the deal, the tax payers will not get a dime back. Also, critics argue financial mismanagement happened on the Ports Project with a $40M over-run.
The public has held the Minister for Communications and Works, Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4), accountable for the project.
Some three reports on the same Ports Development Project, one from the HoA Public Accounts Committee, another from the Auditor General and one from a former project manager, Hugh E. Darley, alleges corruption, lack of value for money and no one looking out for the public's interest.
40 Responses to “Confusion over gov't salary pay! 2 statutory bodies struggle to pay”
I don't know about the College but the situation at the Airport is incompetence. A little girl 24 years old, fresh out of college with limited work experience is the Head of Finance. The whole place is a mess. Enough space is not there to note our frustration at the Airport. The Finance Department is a little girl's club.
That would be good news.
Where there is no light democracy goes out