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Confidence is dollar debt

-trust and confidence are supreme in economics and society
October 12th, 2024 | Tags: Dickson Igwe trust confidence commentary dollar supreme
Dickson C. Igwe. Photo: VINO/File
By Dickson C Igwe

OK. World leaders look to the Dollar in managing their governments and economies. How? Well, the Dollar and Dollar related instruments, managed by institutions such as Central Banks, the IMF and World Bank is the last port of call for leaders of most world economies.

Then, Central Banks and leaders worldwide look to the Federal Reserve for economic leadership when the stakes are high, such as a time of war, depression, and crisis. That leadership is the task of the Federal Reserve as Supreme Global Bank. When the Federal Reserve puts up interest rates, the world takes stock and responds accordingly. The USA’s central bank got to that exalted position through history, war, and geopolitics.

The Federal Reserve is the sole Dollar factory. The world’s most powerful bank prints, distributes, and manages the world’s most powerful currency, the Dollar.  It is the USA’s Central Bank created by Act of Congress but fully independent. In this Writer’s view, it is the most powerful institution on earth. Why? Because the men and women who manage the Federal Reserve decide the value of the world economy. 

That is not a surprise. Throughout history, the currency of the dominant world power whether it was Holland and Great Britain- seafaring powers- and now the USA, their currencies ruled the seas and international trade.  That dominant value of the Dollar today is an invisible chain linking US power and the Federal Reserve, to global corporations and capital assets: a powerful link that decides the value of your bank account, mortgage, and wallet. 

Now, confidence in the US economy guarantees global debt. Federal Reserve backed debt finances governments and agencies worldwide. Confidence in the Dollar – which is representative of US Power-, prevents runaway debt from creating economic havoc. That the buck ends with the Dollar appears poetic, but it is true in world affairs.

In the Virgin Islands, the Dollar is the backbone of the economy and drives debt management, and social and economic activity. The Dollars talks and Dollar debt rules in Virgin Islands finance and economy, like elsewhere.

Debt exists because lenders and investors expect borrowers – consumers - to honor their obligations. Debt exists because governments and most businesses run on deficits and overdrafts. That lender and borrower symbiosis is rooted in trust and confidence. A culture of trust in the Dollar drives Virgin Islands business and finance. Debt anchors in trust and confidence in the Dollar.   Trust is the raw material of finance and banking. 

14 Responses to “Confidence is dollar debt”

  • bvibuzz (12/10/2024, 07:26) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    another great read
    • Middle School level economics (13/10/2024, 10:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Is this copied from an essay written by a 4th form student?
      • @ middle school economics (14/10/2024, 14:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Your hatred, jealousy, and anger for IGWE shows you the far lesser man- quit being a perennial idiot
  • RA (12/10/2024, 08:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Free the drew
    • @RA (12/10/2024, 13:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @RA, plan a drew to go visit the Drew, for you not going to be seeing him in the VI , for a minute. The Drew let himself, his family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, the territory, etc down. Greed and opportunity kill his dream. His situation is a situation from which all of us should learn a valuable lesson. Doing the right things, at the right tone for the right reason, ie, twine is longer than time. As the Dominicans 6 days for the thieves and 1 day for the police.
  • Stealth (12/10/2024, 09:26) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The US economy is the number 1 economy in the world and the dollar is the world reserve currency. Investors flock to invest in the US,ie,,stock market, fed instruments, etc. But the dollar is a fiat currency, toxic, debt,etc. Taxpayers support the Federal Reserve printing press. The Fed Reserve was created in 1913 the same year the IRS , the income tax system was created. The dollar is no longer backed by gold, so Fed has no restriction to printing money. Government(s) prints money to keep their economies from collapsing. As noted earlier, taxpayers are vital and critical to the Fed printing money. The Fed could not print money without taxpayers.
    • RealPol (12/10/2024, 14:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Stealth, real talk. The Fed is printing money like there is no tomorrow. Under the gold standard, which went a in 1971, the Fed was limited to printing consistent with the quantity of gold.Now, every President increase the national debt; the national debt is a mind numbing, boggling $35T. $35 T…… and counting. As another blogger noted last week, oil was propping up the dollar after it went off the gold standard. But Saudi Arabia just recently decline to sign a petrodollar agreement. Under the petrodollar agreement, oil had to be traded in US dollars. Secondly, there is a movement afoot among the BRICS and others to replace the US dollar as the world reserve currency. However, the US is going to put up a fight. .
  • @ STEALTH (12/10/2024, 14:25) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    • UPPER CASE BANDIT TROLL (12/10/2024, 18:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      If Dickson cannot stand different point of views to his writing, perhaps, he may leave writing alone. Dickson has broad shoulders so it is not him; it is a nuisance troll seemed to want to fight Dickson’s battles. What a ting to tell the King. This troll is an expert criticizer but lacks courage to write anything of his own. Wah happened yu fraud. He is a fraud, for where in Stealth’s was any thing racial mention. E. Leonard like you get a break for he has a hard on for some one else. Boi go way nah!!
  • @Stealth (12/10/2024, 22:51) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
  • @ UPPER CASE BANDIT TROLL (13/10/2024, 12:35) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    seems like you got touched , but ( if you got a hard off or ON for ( mr E )the fake historian , thats between both of you ) birds of the same feather / but please don't share your dirty laundry with us . both of you have a lot to be desired and have a lot in common , it's called - BORING
  • x (13/10/2024, 20:51) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Very few people in the BVI take Igwe seriously. He’s a buffoon.
    • @x (14/10/2024, 14:47) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      your insults show your utter lack of intelligence- but then that is a common VI malady

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