Confessed burglar gets suspended sentence
Todman Jr. had pleaded guilty to a number of charges including burglary, obtaining money by deception and forgery.
Magistrate Valerie Stephens told the defendant that he was facing a 3-year custodial sentence but she had taken into consideration a report from the Social Development Department and that it was his first conviction. “You are extremely dishonest and must understand that there are consequences for your actions”.
The defendant was also ordered to seek treatment for drug addiction at the Sandy Lane Centre and was warned that the court would not be lenient on him again if he ever finds himself on the other side of the law.
Fingerprints of Todman Jr. were allegedly found in an office at the Pirates Bight restaurant’s office in Palestina, which had been broken into on August 10, 2011. The court was previously told that Todman Jr. had confessed to police about breaking in to the office. He had reportedly told police he found cash in the office but didn’t take it “because his conscience bothered him”.
It was also alleged that the defendant broke in to Bobby’s Supermarket at Nanny Cay on August 11 and stole $150 from the cash register. His act was, however, caught on camera. “I already see that picture: It is me,” he allegedly told police when shown a clip from the surveillance footage.

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