‘Come prepared to engage’ in consultations on recovery plans- Premier Smith

The “special meetings” with stakeholders began this morning, January 10, 2018 with Environmentalists, Fishermen, Farmers, Agriculturalists, Horticulturalist and Landscapers at the Department of Youth Affairs Conference Room.
From 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. it will be time for Public Officers to give their input, with the venue being Breezeway, Central Administration Complex. From 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. Non-Profit Organisations, Service Clubs and the Clergy will meet at the Department of Youth of Affairs and Sports Conference Room for consultations.
Other stakeholders will be consulted on Thursday and Friday, according to a schedule released by the Department of Information on Tuesday January 9, 2018.
Days uncertain
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL), in a statement today, Wednesday January 10, 2018, encouraged the various stakeholders to actively participate in the public consultations “planned for us to discuss how as a Territory, we rebuild following the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria last September.”
According to Dr Smith, the next few weeks and months will be the most critical time in the Territory’s modern history.
“As I have said before, the days ahead are uncertain. I expect that we will make mistakes. We will not agree on all matters, and I imagine, that we will have spirited discussions about how we move ahead. Undoubtedly, this is the most significant exercise that we will undergo in a generation. What is certain however, is that we must go through this exercise and we must look at the opportunity before us to reshape the Virgin Islands, together.”
Come prepared
Premier Smith; however, encouraged the public to come to the consultations prepared to make meaningful contributions.
“I encourage you to read through the draft consultation document and come prepared to engage with me, my Government, and with senior members of the public service to discuss your points and ideas. Let us come together with one mission, to rebuild and restore the Virgin Islands, together.”
Premier Smith made it clear; however, that every single idea offered will not be included in the final document. “But I also want to be clear to you the public, as well as the able members of the public service that created this document so that we have a starting point for our discussions – the document is not perfect. But, at the end of this consultation, I intend that the document that Government approves to guide our rebuilding will be a better document because it includes your ideas, your suggestions and your understanding of how we should rebuild our Territory, together.”
See below the schedule for consultative meetings:
For Virgin Islanders living abroad, they can take part in the shaping of the rebuilding plan by downloading a copy of the public consultation document at www.bvirecovery.vg and by providing feedback and suggestions via email to feedback@bvirecovery.vg.
Government had previously not mentioned anything about public consultations via meetings but had only provided an email for persons to make their suggestions and also encouraged the public to take in a hard copy of their feedback to them.
This promoted much criticism, especially from various talk show hosts and their guests.
Opposition Leader Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) had previously said Government had “put the cart before the horse” in leaving out the public when formulating the draft recovery plan and development document post hurricanes Irma and Maria.

10 Responses to “‘Come prepared to engage’ in consultations on recovery plans- Premier Smith”
And when you look at the regular men who are always on FB talking or on the radio shouting, look at their own lives! Their businesses are sh*t, their lives are sh*t but somehow we should let them dictate what happens in the country. You elect leaders to LEAD and if you don't like it you vote them out, simple. The Government cannot stop to ask everyone their opinion on every single thing they want to do for the country, that's counterproductive! They're elected go govern and lead, let them! If you don't like it then go to the polls and make that clear.