Coincidence? CoI report & Fahie arrest came almost simultaneously -Angelle A. Cameron

Cameron was at the time speaking alongside Bishop John I. Cline during the May 30, 2022, edition of the My BVI show streamed on Facebook.
Were events coincidental? - Cameron questioned
“This is as much sarcasm as I can muster to say these words, that these events have happened almost simultaneously, and it builds on the negative narrative of the territory of the Virgin Islands,” she added.
While Direct Rule as a CoI recommendation came out of the report, Ms Cameron added “it is the best set of evidence for a case of takeover that I have ever seen. But… it's important for us to look at that coincidence and say, really? What is the likelihood of this truly being coincidental?”
She also questioned whether there were other factors at play so that the narrative could build against the BVI and called on persons to be honest about the reality of the whole situation, and how the events played out regarding the way forward.
“But it also is important for us, those of us knowledgeable, those of us who live in the Virgin Islands, those of us are associated with the Virgin Islands to separate the narratives because they are two separate events, irrespective of how they were crafted. They are two different things, and one has nothing to do with the other.”
CoI concluded before arrest of Premier - Mrs Cameron
To build on her point, Ms Cameron detailed that the CoI had already concluded and the recommendations were already on hand way before the Premier was arrested.
“And because they have nothing to do with the other, it doesn't build a case. The unfortunate incident with the former Premier had absolutely nothing to do with the way we should govern moving forward.”
Mrs Cameron; however, admitted that no jurisdiction is immune from the need to have processes and systems reviewed, audited and upgraded and that the CoI helped in that aspect for the VIrign Islands.
“Yes, there are quite a number of considerations that we need to make based on the recommendations, a lot of them have good merit, a lot of them need proper consideration and there's some of them that we categorically will not accept because it is not conducive to us being a better nation for us in the future and one of those is the direct rule and the suspension of our Constitution,” she said
No to UK direct rule
Ms Cameron maintained; however, that the people of the VI will not accept direct rule as an option to move forward from the CoI and the arrest of the former Premier, “We will not accept that as a people and I think the virgin has wholistically agreed with that,” she added.

46 Responses to “Coincidence? CoI report & Fahie arrest came almost simultaneously -Angelle A. Cameron”
You have someone who was Premier ABUSING HIS POSITION with other public officers and whilst others may not have known about the drugs, guns, and money laundering, other Ministers of Government sat by while unethical contracts were issued and corrupted Boards formed left right and center.
No more free hand out. We welcome the change. Whp feels it knows it,
without first hearing from us giving us information. How would anyone know what the "people" want?
We need change but we need the current ministers out. They all knew what was going on and worse, which we are yet to hear.
Go rest yourself, Shania #2.
Sick and tired these people who say they speak for us.
The man also deals in witchcraft so try go and read God’s Word.
People seem to think they could twist the Word of God to suit themselves.
Matthew 7:21-23
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
especially, seeing who the target of the operation was….
it was a coordinated effort CoI; DEA; governor & commissioner
We the people of the BVI all for that!!!
If someone was stealing from your property you’d be smart to set a trap to catch their behinds.
No UK Direct Rule?
An excerpt of the preamble to the BVI Constitution expressed: "Noting that the UK is the administering power for the time being".
So what would be an example of UK Direct Rule?
Look!!!!!.we know that sh**……What is your point!!!!!!
of course it was a set up. That is why the delay in the release of the report. Credit is due to the Unity Government move. The crabs who have instantly started to attack the new premier need to realize that they are doing serious damage to a wounded BVI. Sit y'all stupid @##@$ down and stop being circus clowns. Some just want to be heard and seen no matter the consequences of their ignorant and foolish words and actions. The first new industry needs to be a Bull Pissle factory.