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CoI was public & report should be public in its entirety– Hon Penn

- Opposition Leader says Premier should have already had an advance copy
Opposition Leader in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA) Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) has called out the Governor John J. Rankin’s hoarding of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) report while underscoring that the CoI was public and so should be its report. Photo: Facebook
Opposition Leader, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) made the comments during an Opposition press conference this afternoon, April 12, 2022, alongside senior Opposition Member, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2). Photo: Facebook
Opposition Leader, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) made the comments during an Opposition press conference this afternoon, April 12, 2022, alongside senior Opposition Member, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2). Photo: Facebook
Speaking directly on the unreleased report now with Governor John J. Rankin, Hon Marlon A. Penn said the completed CoI report ought to have been public already. Photo: Internet Source
Speaking directly on the unreleased report now with Governor John J. Rankin, Hon Marlon A. Penn said the completed CoI report ought to have been public already. Photo: Internet Source
Hon Fraser said given the previous public disagreements with Ex-Governor Augustus J.U. Jasper and Premier Andrew A. Fahie, Governor John J. Rankin may be withholding the report out of fear that the Premier may release it. Photo: GIS/File
Hon Fraser said given the previous public disagreements with Ex-Governor Augustus J.U. Jasper and Premier Andrew A. Fahie, Governor John J. Rankin may be withholding the report out of fear that the Premier may release it. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Opposition Leader in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA) Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) has called out the Governor John J. Rankin’s withholding of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report while underscoring that the CoI was public and so should be its report.

The Opposition Leader made the comments during an Opposition press conference on April 12, 2022, alongside senior Opposition Member, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2).

His comments also come on the heels of reports that Cabinet of the Virgin Islands made a request to the Governor for a copy of the Report but was denied.

Make report public - Hon Penn 

Speaking directly on the unreleased Report now with Governor Rankin, Hon Penn said the completed CoI report ought to have been public already.

“I believe the people need to see that Report, it needs to be forthcoming to the people of this territory and as well as the leaders of this country,” he said.

Hon Penn, in a message to the Premier and Governor John J. Rankin, further said if there are any advance discussions on the CoI report, the Opposition expects to be meaningfully engaged and to be a part of the process. 

“At least the Leader of Government business should have had an advance report because he is the one that has to bear the brunt of the burden in terms of the discussions, but as Leader of the Opposition we are entitled to be around the table with those discussions,” he said.

Opposition must be consulted on deliberation - Hon Penn 

Hon Penn reminded that the three Oppositions members present for the press conference represent three of the biggest districts and the entire territory.

“The people are asking, the people need access to that information just like they had access to all the deliberations that happened over a 15-month period with this particular investigation of the CoI,” he said. 

Meanwhile, Hon Fraser said the VI has placed itself in that position regarding the unreleased CoI Report given the constitution has empowered the Governor like a ‘King’ to determine when and how the information will be released.

Governor may be withholding report from Premier - Hon Fraser 

Hon Fraser said given the previous public disagreements with Ex-Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert and Premier Fahie, Governor Rankin may be withholding the Report out of fear that the Premier may release it.

“The Premier might hold it against but I don’t know… so I don’t know who to blame,” Hon Fraser added. He said, however, that the VI needs to blame itself for having a Governor in the territory in the first place.

“So let him [Governor] do what he wants to do… it’s been on your foot, but you will be talking about it because it’s a CoI Report,” Hon Fraser said.

“We need to be talking about the Governor for everything, not just that and from a long time ago,” he said while underscoring that he is ready to move on together with the people.

13 Responses to “CoI was public & report should be public in its entirety– Hon Penn”

  • asura (13/04/2022, 08:48) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    this is one time i agree with smurf
    • Motion (14/04/2022, 21:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lol dwl what u call the man fuss i hear that name but i do agree with him too
  • COI REPORT (13/04/2022, 08:57) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Hey Penn (13/04/2022, 09:23) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
    The only advise to you is keep Myron off your ticket. Myron on your ticket, you are going to lose big time.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Viigin Islands (13/04/2022, 09:37) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    Many sane head citizens of the BVI, and others, too, see it very disrespectful for our government leaders frail tactical effort to try to pressure our Honourable Governor, John J. Rankin to release the CoI recommdations report before he has fully examine, and digest its contents.
    What instead should be quickly released is transparent information about how our finances were managed over the last twenty or so years to the public speedily.
    Good governance is vital to all our people 365 days of each year in the BVI.
    Stay wise, Governor John J. Rankin. Dear not.
    • VIslander (13/04/2022, 10:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What is disrespectful is withholding the report. The interviews/interrogations were public. So why the secrecy now?? The report should be made public asap. That is only fair. What is being hidden? Why??
  • Guest (13/04/2022, 10:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You really believe that the entire CoI was public?? The public hearings were but one segment of the CoI.
  • musa (13/04/2022, 13:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Way forward brother
  • IMO (13/04/2022, 16:42) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Penn sounds very confused about this whole matter.
  • THE WIG ONE (13/04/2022, 17:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Noise (13/04/2022, 23:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    hon Penn. pls stop making noise for making noise sake.
    governor must review this report before it is released.
    there is a process...and that is the process.
    he has already said that once it has been reviewed he will then discuss it in detail with the government.
    end of
    you hoping for a silver bullet to oust the vip government ?? not going to happen..lets not forget where 90% of fiscal mismanagement was created.....the NDP.....hopefully the COI sheds light on bvi airways, the wall, TPP missing 40 mil. !!!

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