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Clive Petrovic In again! @ HLSCC; Locals pushed out!

- Back at the state-owned Higher Education Institution as the Workforce Training Head, Marine Studies/Principal Lecturer
Mr Clive Petrovic has been given the job to head the Marine Studies at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. Photo: Facebook
The HLSCC has now re-established the Marine Studies programme and will be offering classing this Spring 2017, according to their website. Photo:
The HLSCC has now re-established the Marine Studies programme and will be offering classing this Spring 2017, according to their website. Photo:
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), left, has reportedly narrowed down a list for a possible new President of HLSCC to three candidates. The interim president is Dr Janet B. Smith (right). Photo: VINO/Facebook
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), left, has reportedly narrowed down a list for a possible new President of HLSCC to three candidates. The interim president is Dr Janet B. Smith (right). Photo: VINO/Facebook
PARAQUITA BAY, Tortola, VI- It was around the first term of the National Democratic Party Government [2003-2007] when they made an attempt to restructure the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC).

One of the casualties was in reassigning the Marine Studies Division at the college and placing the programme and its lecturers under the Natural Sciences Department with just small technical porgammes remaining as the Marine Studies.

Mr Clive Petrovic, an American living in the Virgin Islands for over 25 years, was head of the department at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) and his job was made redundant with a strategic goal to train Virgin Islanders and Belongers to head the Department.

No locals please, He is back!

Some ten years later, with Virgin Islanders trained at the college and others working in the Conservation and Fisheries Department, the HLSCC has now re-established the programme and is expected to be offering classes shortly.

However, there is controversy brewing as all the Virgin Islanders and Belongers were allegedly overlooked to head the Marine Studies at the college.

It is reported that the former Head Clive Petrovic, whose academic training is in Zoology and Ecology has been given the job.

It is also our understanding that the job was not advertised to give others  an equal opportunity to apply and is therefore a violation of the Virgin Islands  Labour Code as the College is a statutory Body and has to comply with the Labour Code, unlike the central Government. 

It is unclear what Mr Petrovic’s salary is, if he has a contract and its duration, and if someone is assigned to understudy him, now that he is the new head of Workforce Training and Marine Studies.

Mr Petrovic also owns an environmental consulting firm, Econcerns Ltd. Last year our newsroom reported that locals Dr Cassander P. Titley-O’Neal, a Collage Dean and former President Karl Dawson were forced out of the college.

College scandal  

In addition, the college has been rocked by scandal for not being able to pay its employees on time because of central government’s financial troubles. The HLSCC depend on Central Government for a subvention but was left broke by the ruling National Democratic Party as alleged by the Opposition, and civil society.

The College is also recruiting a new President and Dr Janet B. Smith, a former consultant to the institution who is over 70 years of age, is interim President.

It is our understanding also that the Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), whose portfolio includes the college, has narrowed down a list for a possible new President to three candidates. We will withhold the shortlist at this time.

Dr Janet B. Smith could not be reached for a comment up to the time of publication.

43 Responses to “Clive Petrovic In again! @ HLSCC; Locals pushed out!”

  • Yes (05/01/2017, 17:39) Like (11) Dislike (25) Reply
    Headline needed to be locals out white in lol
    • oh (05/01/2017, 19:35) Like (16) Dislike (10) Reply
      Did the qualified locals apply for the job?
      • @ oh (05/01/2017, 23:10) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        If everything isn't disclosed how are we to come up with a decision of what exactly is going on?
      • Inez (07/01/2017, 11:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The job was not advertised anywhere, so apply for what? The school heads went on to hire someone without giving others a chance and who are qualified to do the same job. Same old same old recklessness by the ones in charge.
      • PLEASE READ (08/01/2017, 00:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        "It is also our understanding that the job was not advertised to give others an equal opportunity to apply and is therefore a violation of the Virgin Islands Labour Code as the College is a statutory Body and has to comply with the Labour Code, unlike the central Government."
    • Music (05/01/2017, 20:19) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
      Well its not locals out, is it? Its a new post. You dont know how many locals may have been approached and either turned it down, or did not meet the requirements.
      • ... (05/01/2017, 20:49) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
        It is NOT a new post. Clearly you have difficulty with the command of the English language. Its the same post he was in before. Since you have so much info maybe you can shed some light on which locals were approached and the requirements you seem to think they don't have.
        • Music (05/01/2017, 22:29) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
          Why so rude? What has command of the English language got to do with it? He was head of the Marine Studies Department. He is now the workforce training head, marine studies/principal lecturer, according to the headline of this article. I just said none of us know how many were considered. I know no more than you do.
          It was outside political interference that caused Laurens Bloc to resign.
          Have a nice 2017.
          • .... (06/01/2017, 07:40) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
            Seems like you catching feelings. To early in the year for that boo. You have a even better 2017
  • facts man (05/01/2017, 17:53) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    Every government stat body in a mess except FSC and SS
  • Yes (05/01/2017, 18:01) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    NDP victimization continues
  • switch (05/01/2017, 18:25) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Time to Switch Myron ,
  • bvi 1st (05/01/2017, 18:58) Like (34) Dislike (10) Reply
    Congratulations on choosing the most knowledgeable person with the greatest experienced to lead and pass on his highly qualified scientific, academic, and administrative skills.
    • BVIslander Student (06/01/2017, 19:23) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      He taught me BIO in college and because of him going to college in US was easy. Best man for the job
  • chad (05/01/2017, 19:52) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
    is he one of the rich friends?
    • MulticulturalBVI (09/01/2017, 13:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Look around you - we are a melting pot. Clive like many others who have lived here for many years but are not from here have made the BVI their home. Many young locals are also leaving to pursue other adventures, to learn and experience new cultures and environments and hopefully will succeed in their journeys. If you don't know all the facts and the qualifications of the person selected don't criticize simply because you know the person wasn't born in the BVI. That's just so shortsighted and you would hope that you or your family members would not be treated that way if they tried to make their lives elsewhere.
  • The Watcher (05/01/2017, 19:59) Like (23) Dislike (8) Reply
    Clive is great! Well done.
  • Keep it up! (05/01/2017, 20:03) Like (15) Dislike (18) Reply
    This is the best of the BVI. Tear down their own and fight tooth and nail to push a non-BVIslander in our top jobs. Good going BVI. Excellent work!!!!
  • musa (05/01/2017, 21:18) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    when our youth will have a chance may b when they get old sad sad sad sad-----------------
  • teacher john (05/01/2017, 21:19) Like (16) Dislike (12) Reply
    came in 30 years ago on a boat ended up in St. Thomas then came here as a charter boat captian and today he is the boss of the college ONY IN THE BVI
  • student (05/01/2017, 22:22) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Somebody going drop down the old lady at the college with all these leak
  • Observing (05/01/2017, 22:32) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    "Only in the BVI" should be our tourism slogan
  • Barry (05/01/2017, 22:49) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    School children say the TT Minister wife has been promised the position of President of the college. She busy trying to get her PhD
  • west (05/01/2017, 23:16) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is this going to be another saga like what happen at the BVIHSA?
  • John (06/01/2017, 00:47) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The NDP is being advised to sabotage education in the Virgin Islands. These ideas are not coming from these guys, they are just dancing to the music of their accepted handlers.
  • True (06/01/2017, 01:06) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    wait......after 25 years is he not a Belonger?
  • MeHHHH (06/01/2017, 07:22) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    I think he has paid his dues, so no complaints from me!
  • PL (06/01/2017, 08:02) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply

    I heard the old lady is a bully but she going meet her match soon!

    • @PL (06/01/2017, 13:24) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Any sensible practical forward thinking person, given theoupportunity, would be grateful for the opportunity to work and learn under her leadership. Unless they are waiting for the dissappointing gravy train of entitlement, a recommendation from her would be valuable here and internationally. The skills which can be learned from her tenure and experience in the college community would be invaluable.
      Seize the moment. Seize the opportunity.Consider her contact list of possibilities to which one can be introduced.
  • Overseas local (06/01/2017, 08:12) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
    Locals don't want to work unless they are in charge!!! . Most of our fore fathers started at the very bottom and with dedication work their way to the top through hard work. Our people want the opposite, start at the top fail and drop to the bottom. Talk to the older folks and they will tell you what they went through to get where they are. If the money does not come easy and fast without sweat our people don't want it. When locals are in charge they fight each other while the outsiders laugh and get the job. We talk about expat this and expat that there are departments where everyone I know is from here and there is still fighting and pulling down. Go to school overseas it is a rude awakening saying you are a B.V.I islanders or you are from any place else don't carry any weight it is what you have in your head..What you can do. My people wake up and educate yourself we can no longer get things or position solely because we were "born here
  • Well now (06/01/2017, 10:11) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Read the article - the position was never advertised so no locals were able to apply. Are there BVIslanders who are better-qualified than Mr. Petrovic? Sure! I know of at least 2 (and I'm sure there are more) who have PhDs in Marine Science (which Mr. Petrovic does NOT), but they were not approached, and since there was no job advert they didn't know that the opportunity was open. Typical.
  • Wendy (06/01/2017, 10:45) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
    I cannot fathom a more qualified leader than BVIslander Janet D Smith as interim college president. Her qualifications and experience is unmatched by any BVIslander. Not to mention that she is one of the founding fathers of the college and has been contributing to its deveopment behind the scenes. "Yet and still" the arm chair critiques are there with the criticisms and tearing downand disrespect so typical of BVIslanders.
    Bring in the best qualified from any part of the world is my opinion. The characteristics of the average BVIslanders makes them unqualified for any type of human contact much less management. They should be relegated to being bystanders,
    and onlookers. Clueless set of stuck in the mud wannabees with their hurry up overnight degrees and doctorates from downunder the radar educational feces. Bring in the Chinese and the Caucasians and let the BVI move forward . Sick ah dees varmints schuuup!!! Cant even walk properly in heels and talking the most asinine bs for the world to hear.
  • Past Student (06/01/2017, 12:03) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr. Petrovic was my professor years ago and can speak to the level of professionalism and thorough information that he brings to the class room. Sometimes we get so taken up with the who from here and not from here that we miss the point of what is best for us at this time. I highly support his return back to the college.
  • Overseas local (06/01/2017, 12:46) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hey!!! Pls do not get me wrong. I do believe that our people should be given first choice in our land but it should not be done solely because you are from here. Having a PHD does not say "deal done" Can that person apply it to advance the expectations of your company? or meet the needs of your clients. Sometimes a person with Less qualifications may be the better choice he/she meets theses simply requirements. The thing is we are living in a globalised world. We have to be competitive. Ask the students who come to college. Having a certain name or coming from a certain place don't work!, name brand clothes and shoes with natural human hair is cool but they do not improve your GPA. You have to learn to compete and sometimes you have to do so from scratch!!!!
  • Dulcina (06/01/2017, 12:56) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The locals having the pinnacle of education and experience in marine science and college teaching would be tarred and feathered because in this litty bitty place, that local would be a relative of the Smiths. Boo Hoo because we will hear all about nepotism.
  • dog (07/01/2017, 00:54) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Clive is a knowledgeable guy who helped set up the Marine studies dept. He has been a steady force in educating people about the environment etc. I have one beef with him, however. When he is hired to do an EIA for a large project, he is so careful not to offend anyone that he doesn't tell the whole truth about environmental impact. He "suggests" something will happen with coral for example if this or that happens. But when specifically asked in a public forum, he agrees that there WILL be an impact. But he doesn't write that in his report straight out. Cassander, on the other hand, is more forthcoming with information and tells it like it is. Too bad Minister from the 4th and port authority didn't take her report seriously for the cruise ship park infill. There was coral and other live things that got dumped on. So much for environmental studies that aren't read. AND too bad conservation and fisheries have no teeth when it comes to implementation. They had big issues with Nanny Cay but was over-ridden by higher ups as usual. All that landfill has consequences.
  • remove funny man (07/01/2017, 00:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Education gone to the dogs under ndp
  • Education next (07/01/2017, 09:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now needs a new head of department for education. One of the best has left and now our teachers are being trained by snm.
  • dolphin (12/01/2017, 12:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Clive has the experience, knowledge, vision, is hard working and has the desire to do a good job.

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