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Circular accuses UK of wanting to take over HM Customs

- asks if UK is creating a smokescreen to avoid making amends for slavery/colonialism
Allegations have surfaced that the United Kingdom, which already has control of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force-through the Governor's Office-wants to take over responsibility for Her Majesty's Customs. Photo: Facebook
As Caribbean nations continue to call for reparations, there is a brewing conspiracy over the recent UK Royal visit of Prince William and Duchess Kate as a smokescreen of the United Kingdom's and its role in the region. Photo: Internet Source
As Caribbean nations continue to call for reparations, there is a brewing conspiracy over the recent UK Royal visit of Prince William and Duchess Kate as a smokescreen of the United Kingdom's and its role in the region. Photo: Internet Source
In mid-march 2022, several Jamaican activists, as well as prominent professors, politicians and other leaders, had rejected a visit by the duke and duchess, calling on the UK to apologize and pay reparations for the British’s role in the slave trade. Photo: Internet Source
In mid-march 2022, several Jamaican activists, as well as prominent professors, politicians and other leaders, had rejected a visit by the duke and duchess, calling on the UK to apologize and pay reparations for the British’s role in the slave trade. Photo: Internet Source
Virgin Islander E. Benito Wheatley in a July 4, 2021 article on the same topic has pointed out that as the United Kingdom (UK) confronts the issue of racism in British society and the country's longstanding problem of injustice toward people of African descent, it should not be forgotten that the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) are also victims of Britain’s dark legacy of slavery and colonialism. Photo: VINO/File
Virgin Islander E. Benito Wheatley in a July 4, 2021 article on the same topic has pointed out that as the United Kingdom (UK) confronts the issue of racism in British society and the country's longstanding problem of injustice toward people of African descent, it should not be forgotten that the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) are also victims of Britain’s dark legacy of slavery and colonialism. Photo: VINO/File
The Virgin Islands has been facing its own neo-colonial conflict with the VI, as the Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration was ambushed into a Commission of Inquiry with open terms of reference, one that the Government has complained was broad and had ulterior motives. Photo: GIS/Facebook
The Virgin Islands has been facing its own neo-colonial conflict with the VI, as the Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration was ambushed into a Commission of Inquiry with open terms of reference, one that the Government has complained was broad and had ulterior motives. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – As Caribbean nations continue to call for reparations, there is a brewing conspiracy over the recent UK Royal visit of Prince William and Duchess Kate as a smokescreen of the United Kingdom's and its role in the region.

In mid-march 2022, several Jamaican activists, as well as prominent professors, politicians and other leaders, had rejected a visit by the duke and duchess, calling on the UK to apologise and pay reparations for the British’s role in the slave trade.

C'bean calling for reparations 

The call has been similar in Belize, Jamaica, and Barbados, and the [British] Virgin Islands for the UK to pay reparations to the ancestors of slavery who now live in the Caribbean region.

A circular on the region’s stance against the UK’s actions in the region, has pointed out that in a recent news conference, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Dr Keith C. Rowley called on Britain's Prince William to do more than just offer words of acknowledgment that his country played a significant role in the slave trade. 

Rowley said he was pleased to have heard Prince William acknowledge that slavery was wrong during his visit to the Caribbean last week.

“Recently I was very pleased to hear Prince William say that he acknowledged that slavery was wrong and that the British government, the British people have some responsibility in that piece of unforgettable history," he said. "But tonight, I want to say to Prince William, having said that, I believe you. But I will believe you more if you do what you must now do, which is the offer of some reparation to the people who were wronged in the way that you have acknowledged."

Jamaica calls out British Colonial rule 

In Jamaica, the royal couple’s trip has coincided with the 60th anniversary of Jamaica’s independence and the 70th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

It also came at a time of growing scrutiny of colonial-era British conduct in the Caribbean and elsewhere leading to an open letter published, where 100 Jamaican leaders said they saw “no reason to celebrate” the Queen’s coronation “because her leadership, and that of her predecessors, have perpetuated the greatest human rights tragedy in the history of humankind”.

Virgin Islander E. Benito Wheatley in a July 4, 2021 article on the same topic has pointed out that as the United Kingdom (UK) confronts the issue of racism in British society and the country's longstanding problem of injustice toward people of African descent, it should not be forgotten that the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) are also victims of Britain’s dark legacy of slavery and colonialism. 

No amends made by UK - E. Benito Wheatley 

“The local population is primarily descended from the enslaved Africans brought to the colony to work on plantations by the British via the slave trade. The VI also remains tied to the UK under the political designation of British Overseas Territory that is a modification of its earlier colonial status.” 

He continued, “The UK has not made amends for its longstanding wrongs toward the people of the VI. When slavery legally ended in 1834, the UK compensated British slave owners on the mainland and throughout the British Empire for the cost of each person of African descent they owned as a slave. However, no compensation or reparations were paid to the newly freed people or their descendants who were left poor and to fend for themselves.”

Elected VI Gov't ambushed by UK-sponsored CoI

The Virgin Islands has been facing its own neo-colonial conflict with the VI, as the Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration was ambushed into a Commission of Inquiry with open terms of reference, one that the Government has complained was broad and had ulterior motives. 

With the final report now completed and in the hands of the UK appointed Governor for review, it is being alleged that the BVIslanders now fear direct rule from Britain, with the governor causing a great deal of uneasiness among the populace.

UK wants to snatch HM Customs from VI Gov't?

There is also a fear that the UK wants to control VI waters and borders, using a number of successful drug busts in the territory as justification, according to the circular.

"In all its Overseas Territories, national security, which includes the police force is placed under the governor, which represents the Crown. However, in the British Virgin Islands, the UK wants to snatch the customs department from under government's watch. The move by the UK to take over that department is being attempted under the guise of the Crown wanting to tackle drug trafficking," the circular from an unknown source stated.

Up to publication time, Governor John J. Rankin CMG had not responded to inquiries from our newsroom over the allegations. The entire circular was sent to the Governor's Office for a response.

After a 2008 CoI, The Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory suffered a faith of direct rule, after its Commission of Inquiry recommended that the elected Michael E. Misick government be booted from office, and an interim administration set up by the British, took over the reins of the country.

During the period, a new constitution was established that gave the governor reserve powers he could use to override any decision taken by the Cabinet if he deemed that the government’s decision was not in the best interest of the country.

41 Responses to “Circular accuses UK of wanting to take over HM Customs”

  • The Reaper (08/04/2022, 11:44) Like (24) Dislike (7) Reply
    Stop you’ll nonsense ……..
    • @ The Reaper (08/04/2022, 12:29) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      No they should not keep speaking truth to justice
      • WAITTTTT (08/04/2022, 13:27) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
        So, how about the other race that were slaves too???? Funny how yall look down on the asians, but they also suffered because of slavery LOL LOL YALL FUNNY AF
        • UK Government is .... (08/04/2022, 18:01) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
          .... looking at allowing persons who descended from slavery to be permitted to go back to the country of their origin, and to be paid reparations from the descendants of persons in those countries that captured and sold their families in the first place!
          • Uk Gov't is racist (09/04/2022, 21:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

            This is not entirely true, just like they like to say the Arawaks on the islands were wiped out by disease or killed off by Caribs when it fact they massacred them. The UK always twists the truth but times have changed and it is not only them now who have a keyboard and a voice. But let's say this was true, how much you paid for the slaves? what did you use as payment? Does that justify enslaving a human being for centuries and subjecting them to all sort of horrors. The fact that you all can try to shake off the blame just tells me that you have not changed. The evil is strong as ever. Racism is strong as ever. Leave the BVI alone. Before you hit dislike think about the suffering and death you caused to humans for generations. Ask yourself if you were in the footwear of the slave descendants how you would feel? Still no empathy or need to feel sorry? Hmm

        • They have a mouth (08/04/2022, 19:34) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
          Wait so it’s a problem to fight for justice for ourselves??? I smell a racist
    • Huu (08/04/2022, 22:04) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      The white man is not as resist as the BVI is to the caribbean people. BVislanders are black and are the most selfish people to their own caribbean black people i have met
  • Hmm (08/04/2022, 12:00) Like (47) Dislike (12) Reply
    we honestly should thank those people for bringing our fore parents over this side of the shore. please remember it was our own people who sold our fore parents as slaves etc. please read history payment was made to people of our same color. our own kind sold us to the merchants.
    • to the dislikers (09/04/2022, 11:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      its the truth. according to google African leaders were the ones selling slaves.
      • hmm (09/04/2022, 16:08) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
        Google?! That's where you seek knowledge.

        Yall crazy to let the white man tell you what the black man did. Their stories are such bullshit. They literally took the noses of all egyptian statues just so we wouldn't see the resemblance.

        White man cannot tell me shit about slavery much less who sold who for what.
  • rubber duck (08/04/2022, 12:29) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    But the article is correct its one of the recommendations in the coi
  • Windy (08/04/2022, 12:30) Like (7) Dislike (34) Reply
    Yes the racist mob trying to take over the bvi via the back door of a coi
  • W*F (08/04/2022, 12:31) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    Perhaps Prince William will be willing to do more than make an acknowledgement about the long passed slave trade when Caribbean Governments actually acknowledge their current participation in the drug trade, which is still killing people and destroying families at this moment.
  • hmmm (08/04/2022, 12:35) Like (9) Dislike (26) Reply
    The UK better stop their modern slavery conduct.
  • ???? (08/04/2022, 13:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply

  • blood (08/04/2022, 13:48) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    We ready to fight for we country
  • UKM (08/04/2022, 13:57) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Andrew Fahie administration was not ambushed by the UK Andrew Fahie was the one called for the Commission of Inquiry, the motives was to investigate both governments on corruption and what it did is open our eyes to a lot of wrong both governments were and still doing. Slavery legally ended in 1834 “why you all are still looking compensation not one of you were born? Do you hear the African American asking for compensation? Do you hear any other countries asking for compensation other than the Caribbean all of you are sick it’s a part of history but the Caribbean can’t let go because it has to do with the UK. No country doesn’t owe ancestors of slavery anything people move on. After all what been going on it will be a good idea if the UK were to take over Customs after what has been going on. I hope the UK take over the running of the BVI and shut up all of these Caribbean Islands who don’t know $hit about the BVI and want to stick their nose in our business because our government keep running to them for protection thinking that they have a say in what the UK has planned for us.
    • No Imperialism & Racism (08/04/2022, 16:09) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
      The UK's PR and spin doctors are out in force. This alone tells you the level of UK interest in these Virgin Islands. And no, it is not in the best interest of us locals, who are descendants of slaves. Never has and never will. Check history...Hell, check modern day. The Fahie Administration NEVER asked for a COI on the entire Virgin Islands. NEVER!! It was for the Tortola Pier Park and BVI Airways. The UK was never interested! But Fahie comes chanting independence and letting the governor know his place, the UK has resorted to its age old tactic of trying to get the upstart out, with support from some of us foolish people...I don't vex that the Caucasians who have made the BVI their home are supporting a UK takeover. It will be all in their favour for that to happen. But us locals are who will be picking up the scraps and begging for bread when the die is cast. Doesn't history teach us anything? Or are we just so stupid that we want to march right back into more suppression and oppression? I ask this of the minority who have been brainwashed because I know Jah gave the Black man a strong head on his shoulders and great courage to see through the deception and fight the power. Most locals are the latter. There is hope!
      • Time and twine (08/04/2022, 20:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        'Descendants of slaves.' You are still slaves, enslaved by your own mentality. The rest of the world has moved on.
  • Reality check (08/04/2022, 14:23) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    How can the elected officials be ambushed when it was the Premier who asked for the COI?

    Easy to see this train well off the tracks and running scared, as they should be!!
  • good (08/04/2022, 15:07) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    UK has centuries of experience operating HMS Customs protecting all the islands of the UK. Therefore the arrival of the UK's HMS Customs to the BVI is a welcome change for the harassed residents of the BVI from the current crop of swat team customs officers and agents.
    • @ good (08/04/2022, 16:53) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
      so think the white boys and girl not into using white powder…..understood its no longer sugar-cane it is co-cane…..when one lights up the joint your neighbor will know however when you using the white power it a private thing
    • laughable (08/04/2022, 17:02) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
      The UK has centuries experience of pillaging, bullying, raping, colonalising,deception, racism....and it can go on and on...No dear. We do not need the UK Customs here. Bye
  • Keeping ducking for dirt.. (08/04/2022, 15:39) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Strange how they keep digging up dirt to bury Britain. They might end up in the same Pit...
  • Puzzled (08/04/2022, 16:25) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    how can someone take over what lawfully belongs to them because at the end of the day this is British overseas territory

    our own people keep running down to the governor’s residence rather sittings among themselves to hash out differences

    what you buy is what you wear look at us in 2022 from 1834 we sitting in limo for a report from the queen representative

    we have become a people of all talk and no action
    let reflect on glenny fonsica , noel lyod, lindy decastro, and the our forefathers from anegada

    try wake up and live
  • from buckingham palace (08/04/2022, 19:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    But the territorial waters of the BVI is part of the internal area of the BVI,
    Customs is not responsible for the waters or borders of the BVI.
    Immigration is the first authority,that a visitor will come into contact with.
    Then it is customs and out in public the visitor goes.
    Customs is under the Ministry of finanace.
    Customs officers and Immigration officers are not law enforcement officers.
    Police officers,under National Security Council are law enforcement officers,and further under the Governor's Special Responsibilities..
    So what does the waters of the BVI have to do with Customs under Internal Security.
    Can Customs decide if a British Naval Vessel enter BVI waters?'s the Governor to decide that.
  • first hand (08/04/2022, 20:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    Customs is very c****p I I see it everyday first hand. I've written to the complaints commission numerous times on the matter of officers taking the bread out of my mouth. There is a group of young ladies that terrorize my Business but no worries God don't sleep and every dog has it days. The t*****a in there condone all the bad behavior of these individuals. How can anyone feel safe with a compromised police and Customs Department. Lord help us.

  • Secret Bear (08/04/2022, 21:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Make no mistake: When governments call for “slavery reparations” what they mean is they want millions of dollars handed over to them with no strings attached and no accountability for whether it reaches the people who actually need it. It’s little wonder that the U.K. won’t agree to it.
  • Hmm (09/04/2022, 06:36) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Google and see who was selling the slaves
  • hmmm (09/04/2022, 07:43) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    On the one hand, I seriously doubt the UK has any long term interest in managing the BVIs affairs. It has no political value back there. On the other hand, it does look a bit reckless when a metric tonne of cocaine is found in a container in a policeman’s backyard after decades of similar skulduggery in increasing quantity. And then when you look around, every govt project is over budget, politicians are wealthy, yet the infrastructure is crumbling, gun crime is up, and the country is broke despite decades of a $ 1 billion+ GDP. No one can explain where all that money went to. Imagine you inherited a bountiful beautiful farm some where far away that seemed to take care of itself. You shrugged off the rumours over the years that it was running because nobody from there was bothering you. Years later you decide to check in on it and find the place run down, place overgrown, broken down equipment, the original tenants gone, with interlopped on the property engaged in criminality. What would you do?
  • UK (09/04/2022, 10:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No Imperialism & Racism, You are $tupid.
    • No Imperialism & Racism (09/04/2022, 21:44) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Ohh my comment hurt you?! Aww...well The Truth Hurts! Now like my comment and behave yourself in my country.
  • WOW (09/04/2022, 12:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    These are topics that bring the white that live amongst us in the spotlight which their deliberating efforts to change the narrative. Black people stay woke.
  • Honest Work (09/04/2022, 13:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    3 cheers if the UK does take over Customs! High time for the admins over there to be made to find honest work!
  • Well yes (09/04/2022, 15:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Like y’all forget the H M stands for “Her Majesty” and this island belongs to the UK
    you don’t even hear this type of nonsense in the USVI
  • pat (09/04/2022, 18:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We not going to let the UK mob enslave us even again Never
  • Stop crying (10/04/2022, 12:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    About time
  • T (10/04/2022, 21:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    STOP TEARING ONE ANOTHER. The masters will always use that technique to divide us and we like it. The police force is a primary example.

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